Institute for Science Networking Oldenburg GmbH. SINN03, 17-19 September 2003 ... datatypes (closely leaned upon XML-Schema) (but Schema is buggy, so what to do? ...
Early (1991) visionary of free online scholarship. Creator of ... need to federate archive. need to interoperate with other scholarly communication components ...
Science Networking. Physics Portals based on Distributed Databases ... Science Networking. Portals. Portal Expectations: 'Single Point of Information Access' ...
Conceptual International students' enlistment in higher education in the US has extended significantly in the most recent decades. Right now, students' encounters were inspected in scholarly and sociocultural settings. Through subjective meetings, the discoveries uncovered that international students manage scholastic difficulties, social seclusion, and social modification. In particular, scholarly difficulties included correspondence with teachers, cohorts, and staff. Thus, they need to manage
El mayor inter s que el sexo femenino dirige hacia las actividades f sicas donde ... El circo. 2 . 9. Actividades acu ticas. 2 . 9. La expresi n corporal. 3 . 8 ...
instant (Web, no delay) information of all relevant new results ... 2. Concept (free access, a multitude of data providers and service providers but ...
SINN - Search-Engine-Network in the International Naturalscience ... lists of links to physics departments, institutions and ... Gesellschaft (DPG) ...