Maailman sosiaalifoorumi WSF: Avoin tila vai liikkeiden liike - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Maailman sosiaalifoorumi WSF: Avoin tila vai liikkeiden liike


... from which global parties could emerge and influence on world politics.'[3] ... iii Labour and World of Work in Production and Social Reproduction ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Maailman sosiaalifoorumi WSF: Avoin tila vai liikkeiden liike

Maailman sosiaalifoorumi WSF Avoin tila vai
liikkeiden liike?
  • Politiikka uusiksi! luentosarja
  • http//
  • 14.11.2007
  • Mikael Rönkkö

Charter of Principles (9.4.2004)
  • WSF is an open meeting place for reflective
    thinking, democratic debate of ideas, formulation
    of proposals, free exchange of experiences and
    interlinking for effective action, by groups and
    movements of civil society that are opposed to
    neo-liberalism and to domination of the world by
    capital and any form of imperialism, and are
    committed to building a planetary society
    directed towards fruitful relationships among
    Mankind and between it and the Earth.

  • foundation for a more democratic global polity,
    since it enables citizens of many countries to
    develop shared values and preferences, to refine
    their analyses and strategies, and to improve
    their skills at transnational dialogue.1
  • the Forums informal organizational frameworks
    and decentralized forms of authority serve to
    make it one of the most promising civil society
    processes that may both contribute significantly
    to global democratization initiatives and work to
    constitute such an initiative in itself.2
  • forms a loosely defined party of opinion from
    which global parties could emerge and influence
    on world politics.3
  • 1 Smith, Patty The World Social Forum and the
    challenges of global democracy. Global Networks 4
    (4), 413-421. pp. 420
  • 2 Scott, Byrd C (2005)The Porto Alegre
    Consensus Theorizing the Forum Movement.
    Globalizations 2 (1), 151-163. pp. 158
  • 3 Patomaki, Heikki Teivainen, Teivo (2004)
    The World Social Forum an open space or a
    movement of movements. Theory, Culture and
    Society 21 (6), 145-154. pp. 151

(No Transcript)
Table 2 demonstrate relative size distribution of
the indications by respondents of movements in
which they are actively involved ( in terms of
number of participants who say they are actively
involved). (Riverside survey 2005)
Thematic Areas and Sub-Areas Mumbai 2004
  • 1. Militarism, War and Peace2. Media,
    Information, Knowledge and Culture3. Democracy,
    Ecological and Economic Security i Debt, finance
    and tradeii Land, Water and Food Sovereigntyiii
    Labour and World of Work in Production and Social
    Reproductioniv Social sectors -- food, health,
    education -- and social security4. Exclusions,
    Discrimination, Dignity, Rights and Equalityi
    Nation, State, citizenship, law and justiceii
    Caste, race and other forms of descent/work based
    exclusions iii Religion, culture and
    identitiesiv Patriarchy, Gender and Sexuality

Methodology of WSF 2005 Porto Alegre
  • 01. Assuring and defending Earth and peoples
    common goods as alternative to commodification
    and transnational control 02. Sovereign
    economies for and of people against neoliberal
    capitalism03. Peace, demilitarisation and
    struggle against war, free trade and debt04.
    Autonomous thought, reappropriation and
    socialisation of knowledge and technologies05.
    Defending diversity, plurality and identities06.
    Social struggles and democratic alternatives
    against neoliberal domination07. Ethics,
    cosmovisions and spiritualities resistances and
    challenges for a new world08. Communication
    counter-hegemonic practices, rights and
    alternatives09. Arts and creation weaving and
    building peoples resistance culture10. Human
    rights and dignity for a just and egalitarian
    world 11. Towards construction of international
    democratic order and peoples integrationThree
    transversal axles were also identified01.
    Social emancipation and political dimensions of
    struggles02. Struggle against patriarchal
    capitalism 03. Struggle against racism

Selityksiä ja syitä
Model of explanation of global justice movements
democracy view (Donatella della Porta
POs Political Opportunities SOs Social
Opportunities COs Cultural Opportunities
Moninaisten kansalaisliikkeiden aktivismi WSFn
  • Rauhanliike ja ympäristöliike 80-luvulta
  • Globaalin Etelän protestiliikkeet
  • Zapatistat - taitava informaatiostrategia
  • NAFTA ja MAI
  • Poikkikansallinen demokratialiikkeiden verkosto,
    battle of Seattle
  • Demokratiakritiikkiä kaikilla tasoilla WTOn ja
    kansainvälisten rahoituslaitosten (IMF ja
    Maailmanpankki) politiikan sekä WSF ja G8
    kokouksien kritiikkiä
  • Pariisi, Seattle, Washington, Praha, Melbourbe,
    Davos, Quebeck, Nizza, Birghminham, Köln
  • Göteborgin ja Genovan väkivaltaisuudet
  • WEF Davos
  • Attac verkosto
  • Globaali naisliike ja feminismi ja
  • Mielenosoitusten väkivalta ja reaktiivisuus
  • gtproaktiivinen vaihtoehtofoorumi WSFille Etelässä

Kansallisia poliittisia mahdollisuusrakenteita
  • Brasilian ja Ranskan erityissuhde, Attac-yhteys
  • Työväenpuolue PTn keskeinen asema
  • Rikas kansalaisyhteiskunta diktatuurin jälkeen
  • Brasilian kansallinen WSF-komitea ainutlaatuinen
    vahva järjestöjen allianssi vahva ay-liike
    (CUT), laajapohjainen radikaali kansanliike
    (MST), poikkikansallinen verkosto Attac, NGOt
    (Abong), tutkimusjärjestö Ibase, vapautuksen
    teologi Chico Whitaker ja reilu liikemies Oded
  • Porto Alegre, Rio Grande de Sul ja osallistava
  • Latinalaisen Amerikan vasemmiston uusi nousu
    kuten bolivaarinen vallankumous ja zapatistat
  • Argentiinan talouskriisi
  • Latinalaisen Amerikan ulkopuolelta useimmat
    järjestöt Ranskasta ja Italiasta mitä niiden
    mahdollisuusrakenteet selittää?

Ylikansallinen mahdollisuusrakenne (supranational)
  • Globaalin kansalaisyhteiskunnan ja
    poikkikansallisten yhteiskunnallisten liikkeiden
  • Charles Tilly Sidney Tarrow 1
  • Globalisaatio luo uhkia ja mahdollisuuksia mutta
    ei riittävän selittävä mekanismi tai prosessi
  • Internationalisaatiosta syntyy monimutkaistuva
    suprakansallinen mahdollisuusrakenne
  • Eräänlainen koralliriutta, jossa hallitukset,
    yhtiöt ja kansalaisyhteiskunnan toimijat uivat
  • Maailman pieneneminen, kommunikaatioteknologia

1 Contentious Politics, Paradigm 2007
Global Democracy Deficit
Monarchization of democracy
Teivo Teivainen Enter Economism, Exit
Politics Experts, Economic Policy and the Damage
to Democracy.. London Zed Press, 2002
Avoin tilavai liikkeiden liike
open space"
  • The World Social Forum is an open meeting place
    for reflective thinking, democratic debate of
    ideas, formulation of proposals, free exchange of
    experiences and interlinking for effective
    action. Methodology of the open space of WSF can
    be seen as a deliberative space of democracy.1

  • Avoimen tilan metodologiasta
  • WSF ei ole pelkästään reaktiivinen ilmiö vaan
    (deliberatiivisen) demokratian laboratorio,
    vaihtoehtoisten demokratiakäsitysten koekenttä ja
    yhteiskunnallisten liikkeiden moninaisuuden
    hybridi ?
  • Donatella della Porta what become interesting
    is how democracy is conceptualised in WSF arena
    and how it is implemented inside WSF. In WSF
    proposals are developed ranging from limited
    reforms to ambitious utopias for alternative
    democratic practices.
  • WSF could be seen as an experimental arena of
    new models of democracy both in the internal
    structure and in the way WSF participants
    interact with political institutions.
  • Recent research confirmed the high degree of
    critical debate on democracy presents in social
    movements and social forums internal democracy
    emerges as an important topic of discussion for
    the activists Past experiences are reflected
    upon, showing important learning processes,
    although no satisfactory solution seemed ready
    yet to address the main organizational dilemma
    (between e.g. participation versus efficacy,
    equality versus specialization, etc.).
  • In other word, one could look at WSF as space
    for the elaboration of conceptions of democracy
    and first experimentation with them.

  • "deliberative democracy, which emphasizes
    participation and the quality of communication,
    is particularly relevant for a multifaceted,
    heterogeneous movement that incorporates many
    social, generational, and ideological groups as
    well as movement organizations from different
  • 1 della Porta, Donatella (2005b) Making The
    Polis Social Forums and Democracy in The Global
    Justice Movement, Mobilization. An International
    Quarterly 10 (1)

WSF eräänlainen paikallisten, kansallisten ja
poikkikansallisten yhteiskunnallisten liikkeiden
hybridi, monimuotoisen globaalin
kansalaisyhteiskunnan muotoutuva tila, josta voi
erottaa monia eritasoisia vastakkainasetteluja,
joista monet palautuvat eri kansalaisliikkeiden
traditioihin ja erilaisiin demokratiakäsityksiin
  • Avoin tila vs liike
  • horisontaalit vs vertikaalit
  • puolue vs verkosto
  • Kansallinen vs poikkikansallinen
  • paikallinen vs globaali
  • etelä vs pohjoinen
  • nuoret vs vanhat, nais-mies
  • NGOt vs kansanliikkeet
  • vallankumous vs reformi
  • Tavoittena valtaanpääsy vai deliberatiivinen
  • Edustuksellinen vs osallistavat
  • Partisipatiivinen vs deliberatiivinen demokratia
  • Deliberatiivinen vs konstruktiivinen
  • Esimerkkinä kiista foorumin luonteesta avoin
    tila vai liike

  • Forum was becoming "an institution unanchored in
    actual global political struggles, and this is
    turning it into an annual festival with limited
    social impact", that the WSF is under an
    illusion that it can stand above the fray, and
    this will lead to its becoming some sort of
    neutral forum, where discussion will increasingly
    be isolated from action. ."The WSF is at a
    crossroads. ... We must have a strategy of
    counter-power. 1
  • 1 Bello, Walden (2007) The WSF is at a
    crossroads. Foreign Policy In Focus (FPIF),
    International Relations Center, May 4, 2007,

  • Chico Whitaker defends the concept of the open
    space in a open letter to the WSF International
    Council in march 2003
  • At this stage of the evolution of the Forum, the
    question of whether the Forum is a space or a
    movement has become a fundamental question and
    choice For me, there is no doubt that it is
    fundamental to ensure at all costs the continuity
    of the Forum as a space and to not yield to the
    temptation of transforming it now or even later,
    into a movement. As an open space, the Forum
    has the possibility of ensuring respect for
    diversity, unlike if it were a movement. The
    principle of respecting diversity, adopted by the
    WSF Charter, is grounded on the conviction that
    one of the fundamental characteristics of the
    other world we intend to build must be respect
    for diversity. ...
  • Chico Whitaker The WSF as Open Space, in Sen wt
    al 2004. Look also Chico Whitaker 2007, and
    Whitaker, Chico (2005) Desafio do Fórum Social
    Mundial, O Um modo de ver, Fundação Perseu
    Abramo Edições Loyola

  • Samir Amin presented his criticism of WSF in his
    letter to WSF International Council IC before
    Porto Alegre WSF 2005 2
  • the "movement" is being seriously threatened of
    having reached a dead end and some people are
    trying to legitimate this option in principle....
    I am suggesting here the definition of common
    platforms, articulated around the double
    rejection of both neo-liberalism and militarized
    globalization under US control. To me, it is
    obvious that this alliance is excluding
    reactionary social movements, which calls for
    putting an end to ambiguous attitudes of
    important segment of the Left towards those
    movements. Failing that, social forums will
    become jumbles from which nothing can be
    expected. Of course, the dominant system is
    encouraging this option which enables it to let
    it known that it is "playing the game of
    democracy", actually a powerless democracy which
    is unable to produce consistent and efficient
    alternative political strategies, and in this way
    it strengthens its power.
  • Samir Amins message to WSF International Council
    list. Subject Some toughts and proposal about
    World Social Forum, December 2005. Samir AMIN's
    letter to the WSF. http//

  • Theory types Criteria for a good democratic
    public discourse
  • Who In what sort How ideas Outcome of
  • participates participates of process should
    be relation between
  • presented discourse and
  • decision-making
  • Representa- Elite domi- Free market- Detachment
  • tive liberal nance place of ideas Civility
  • Expertise Transparency
  • Proportionality Samir
  • Participatory Popular Empowerment Range of
    Avoidance Amin
  • liberal inclusion styles of imposed
  • closure
  • Discursive Popular Deliberative Dialogue Avoidan
  • Inclusion Mutual of premature,
  • respect non-consensus-based
  • Civility closure

Competing conceptions of internal democracy in
(No Transcript)
  • (1) Do you think we need to reform capitalism or
    abolish it?
  • Reform it 43.7 Abolish it and replace 56.3
  • (2) In the long run, what do you think should be
    done about the existing international financial
    and trade institutions such as the IMF and the
  • Negotiate with them 13.9 Abolish them 24.5
  • Abolish and replace 58.9
  • (3) Which of the following approaches would best
    solve the problems created by global capitalism?
  • Strengthen local communities 53.4 Strengthen
    nation states 8.6
  • Create democratic global institutions 25.6
  • (4) "Overall the world needs less economic
  • Agree 58.7 Disagree 41.3
  • (5) "The World Social Forum should remain as an
    open space for debate and should not itself take
    public positions on political issues."
  • Agree 49.0 Disagree 51.0
  • Ellen Reese, Mark Herkenrath, Chris Chase-Dunn,
    Rebecca Giem, Erika Gutierrez, Linda Kim, and
    Christine Petit Alliances and Divisions with
    the movement of movements survey findings from
    the 2005 World Social Forum, IROWS Working Paper

  • Lisäinfoa
  • Ephemeran erikoisnumero http//www.ephemeraweb.or
  • NIGD http//
  • Open space forum http//
  • WSF2008 http//
  • Euroopan sosiaalifoorumi http//
  • Suomen sosiaalifoorumi http//www.sosiaalifoorumi
  • International Ciranda of Independent Information
  • http//
  • IPSin Terraviva-lehti http//
  • Kysymyksiä, kommentteja, palautetta
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