Our class decided that a Taniwha seat ... Each group made a clay model. ... on,to make the right shape,then black plastic,blue bottle tops and wirenetting. ...
te raki paewhenua. ki o rahi. Te Marama. Te Ara. Pou (cones or poles) Te Ao Zone. Te Roto Zone ... Score points by touching the pou with the 'ki' and THEN ...
ki o rahi tamaki makaurau Pou (cones or poles) Te Ao Zone Te Roto Zone Pawero Zone 44m Ki-o-rahi Tupu Pou (cones or poles) Te Ao Zone Te Roto Zone Pawero Zone 44m Ki ...
Matariki is the Maori name for the Pleiades constellation which appears above the horizon in early June signifying the start of the Maori New Year. Traditionally this is the time when new crops are planted - and the beginning of a new cycle of growth.
Associate Dean Maori, Senior Lecturer. Faculty of Engineering ... This approach is not consistent with kawa (Maori protocol) Nor is this approach sustainable ...
... through a process called metamorphosis, which means that a ... Did you say that metamorphosis is the process of a. caterpillar changing into a butterfly? ...
Sunday 29 Oct Burleigh Fire Dragons Regatta. Fri/Sat 10/11 Nov Pan Pacifics Hinze Dam ... OFF-WATER. Develop general strength and hypertrophy in the weights room ...