Title: taniwha
by Ben,Ian,Allen.
2the problem
The enviro group wanted a seat to fit 30
children.In summer there was no problem to sit in
the grass but in winter the grass is wet
and there is nowhere to sit and talk.
Our class decided that a Taniwha seat would be
OK for us to make. So we thought what shape the
taniwha is going to be. We made some different
shapes in the garden.
4Final choice
We chose the best design . Each group made a
clay model. One had wings, one had a hole for
water to come out and one had a nice curving tail
with spikes.We put all the best things into just
one Taniwha.
Mr Marino showed us how to make ferro cement. We
tested to see if the concrete would work.We made
a whale one metre long.
6Our design
First we put concrete blocks onto the shape
painted on the ground where we wanted the
Taniwha.Then some dirt goes on,to make the right
shape,then black plastic,blue bottle tops and
wirenetting. We all designed this Taniwha to make
in the garden.
And then we made the taniwhas body, feet and
toes. The wings are made out of strong metal pipe
covered with wood, then we will put the wire
netting on and the cement. We are still making
our seat but people already like to sit on it.