Title: TBGenotyping Information Management System TBGIMS
1TB-Genotyping Information Management System
Smita G. Chatterjee Research Epidemiologist Divi
sion of Tuberculosis Elimination National Center
for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB
Prevention April 30, 2009
The findings and conclusions in this presentation
have not been formally disseminated by CDC and
should not be construed to represent any agency
determination or policy
- Genotype updates
- TB-GIMS updates
- Aberration detection system
3Genotyping Updates
4National TB Genotyping Service (1)
- Over 43, 542 isolates genotyped as of February
09 - Universal genotyping coverage nationally 86
(2007) - Renewed 5 year contracts with California and
Michigan genotype laboratories
5National TB Genotyping Service (2)
- Launch of expanded genotype testing (MIRU2)
- Additional 12 loci MIRU
- Will add discriminatory power
- Some large clusters will be divided into smaller
components, each of which may represent true
clusters -
- Additional MIRU2 requests for historical
isolates, as is now done for RFLP
7New Cluster Naming Conventions
8TB Genotyping Information Management System
(TB-GIMS) Updates
9Goals of TB-GIMS
- Improve access and dissemination of genotyping
information - Create a standard database that local programs
can use to track isolates, receive and update
genotyping information, manage and use
surveillance-linked genotype information - Design of TB-GIMS
- 1. role-based access
- 2. role-based features
10Access to Data
Super User
Potential TB-GIMS Users
Standard User
Restricted User
11Role Based Access
12Role Based Features
13TB-GIMS Home Page
Under Development
14Search Genotyping Results
Under Development
15Genotype Results
Under Development
16Search Surveillance Records
17Surveillance Records
18Laboratory Role Edit isolates
19Laboratory Role Edit isolates
20TB-GIMS Generate Reports
Under Development
21National Distribution Report
22Surveillance Report
23Epidemiologic Curve Report
24County Distribution Report
25Video Clip
- Our very own Martin participating in TB-GIMS
pilot usability testing in January 2009
26TB-GIMS Timeline
- Usability testing completed
- TB-GIMS user group conference calls
- began February 2009
- Pilot testing begins June 2009
- Roll out begins Winter 2009 2010
27Pilot TestingJune - August 2009
- Simulation exercise with super users from 5 east
coast and 5 west coast state programs and labs,
genotyping labs and CDC - Additional pilot testing of 20 standard and 20
restricted access users - Analyses and user input on prioritizing decisions
for incorporation in revision and roll out in
winter 2009-2010
28Next Steps
- Mapping
- Dynamic queries/reports
- Field tests
- Usability tests and feedback
- Training
- Aberration Detection
29Aberration Detection
30How do you define an outbreak?
- . . . the occurrence, in a community or
region, of cases of an illness clearly in excess
of normal expectancy . . . -
- . . . number of cases needed varies according
to agent, size and type of population exposed,
time, and place of occurrence. -
- - JM Last (1988). Dictionary of Epidemiology
Log Likelihood Ratio (LLR)
31Measures of Geospatial Concentration
- Log-Likelihood Ratio (LLR) measures the
difference between the observed and the expected
geospatial concentration - Weighted by case count
- Log transformed
- Widely studied in statistics
- Used by SaTScan software system
32Log-Likelihood Ratio Derivation
N abcd
LLR alog(Obs_in/Exp) clog(Obs_out/Exp)
33Assessing the Sensitivity of LLR to determine a
threshold for alerts
- By expert opinion
- By known outbreak
34By Expert OpinionState Cluster Prioritization
35By Known OutbreakDistribution of PCR06800
(CA_384) in U.S.
Spoligotype 777737774020771 MIRU 225326153323
Total isolates 39 CA isolates 36 (92) as
of Feb 2009
36By Radius of Outbreak
LLR 32.6
37Potential Aberration Detection Alert
N 17
38Distribution of PCR01328 (CA_089) in U.S.
Spoligotype 776377777760751 MIRU 333325153222
Total isolates 126 CA isolates 57 (45) as
of Feb 2009
39By Radius of Outbreak
LLR 17.8
40Potential Aberration Detection Alert
N 21
41Ongoing Developments
- Time Indicators
- Risk factors for increased transmission
- Incarceration drug use homelessness
- Severity of disease
- Age lt 5 years HIV infection drug resistance
- Decreased risk of recent transmission
- Immigration to U.S. lt2 years before diagnosis
- TBESCs Task Order 26 Improving the utilization
and integration of TB genotyping into routine TB
program practice
42Contact Information
Smita Chatterjee 404 639 2135
Schatterjee_at_cdc.gov Lauren Cowan 404 639
1481 Lcowan_at_cdc.gov Thomas Navin 404 639
5300 Tnavin_at_cdc.gov
43 Relative Risk as a Measure of Geospatial
Relative Risk (a/ab) / (c/cd)
44Relationship of LLR and RR
LLR alog(RR) (ac)log(Obs_out/Exp)