(1888 PressRelease) January is National Radon Action Month. Approximately 21,000 Americans lives are claimed each year from lung cancer due to radon. One in 15 homes contains high levels of radon. The American Lung Association, Centers for Disease Control and National Cancer Institute are in agreement that radon is a worldwide health problem and encourage radon testing during the "National Radon Action Month".
1888PressRelease - Call your radon specialist about national radon awareness month, and become informed about the radon gas threat, or visit www.radonmonth.org. Radon Gas is the second leading cause to lung cancer in the world. Ignoring this hazardous gas could be a potential risk to your life.
Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, causing an estimated 21,000 deaths in the United States annually. Unfortunately, Tennessee is a hotbed for radon.
(1888PressRelease) SWAT Radon Mitigation is America's Premiere radon gas remediation, abatement, testing, and radon removal contractor. The World Health Organization has reserved January 2012 as "National Radon Action Month." According to Ross Aton, Environmental Specialist with SWAT Radon Mitigation, "Radon gas is one of the leading causes of death in America when it comes to air pollution."
Radon being soluble in water enters the underground water supply easily. All ground water has radon and some have very high concentrations. Radon that enters a home through the water supply escapes from the water when flushed, heated or sprayed in showers, dishwashers and clothes washers @aquascience.net
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Tips for Managing Your Water Quality and Private Water System YOUR NAME HERE, Volunteer Virginia Master Well Owner Network Lab listing at department of consolidated ...
1888PressRelease - National Radon Awareness Month informs people about the dangers of radon gas. Learn about what you can do about the radon gas threat, don't ignore the dangers of radon gas.
1888 Press Release - Radon Awareness Month in January is a month dedicated to informing people about the dangers of radon gas. 20,000 people die a year because of radon gas and several people aren't even aware it exist. So Radon Awareness Month was created to inform people about this serious threat.
1888 Press Release - The event is scheduled for October 20-26, and offers homeowners the opportunity to see up close the dangers of radioactive radon gas in the home.
Most of the cancer risk resulting from radon in the household water supply is due to inhalation of the radioactive by-products that are produced from radon that has been released from the water into the air, rather than from drinking water.
This article researches top 10 myths and facts about radon, from examining the claims of scientists who say radon is not dangerous to the question of whether short-term tests are enough to take action against radon.
Radon is the # 1 cause of lung cancer among non- smokers in America killing 21,000 ... Please Contact us @ 335-7429 or 335-7441 for your free test kit today! ...
Everyone is at risk because the primary site of Radon 222 is the home. ... New York 4.1 pCi/l. Maine 7.1 pCi/l. Pennsylvania 10.2 pCi/l. Texas 1.6 pCi/l ...
water pollution laws of 1970s greatly increased number & quality of wastewater ... severely degraded by water pollution from 6 states = 17 million people ...
Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer after cigarette smoking. If you smoke and live in a home with high radon levels, you increase your risk of developing lung cancer. Having your home tested is the only effective way to determine whether you and your family are at risk of high radon exposure.
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas. It is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. Formed from the decay of uranium in the ground. Can seep into homes through cracks and gaps. The second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking.
Radon gas is commonly checked for before you purchase a house. In fact, it can be tested for at any time. The test is simple; it involves analyzing the air quantity and deciding...
The Leech Lake Air Program provides these test kits for free and are very happy to serve the Leech Lake Tribal members and employees with this simple test at no ...
Groundwater provides a large portion of our drinking water. Fifteen percent of Americans have their own sources of drinking water. ... Drinking Water Quality ...
In 1972 a $20 billion dollar control program was carried out. What needs to happen: ... Water is run through sand filters and activated charcoal. Can use UV light ...
coliform bacteria. Forested Location. How close must activities be to my well to cause a problem? ... coliform bacteria only. certified commercial labs. list at ...
Often found in groundwater naturally, may be due to man's ... Chalky white. Iron. Iron bacteria. Manganese. Copper. Hardness. Off-color water. Cloudy. Black ...
... Geological Survey of MOEA, along with many other research institutions has ... and new monitoring technologies that combines the metrological information for ...
A water softener is used to remove calcium and magnesium from water, making it soft. A few of the benefits of a water softener are: Reduction of the amount of detergent used in washing machines and dishwashers, hair, and skin will feel smoother. Get one from Aqua Science! Visit https://www.aquascience.net/products/filtration-treatment-systems/water-softeners
Threshold Odor Number (TON) The highest dilution that is still detectable. 17. Turbidity ... Taste and odor. Some algae cold be harmful to animals. fish. birds ...
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... or other means to achieve compliance with a maximum contaminant level or treatment technique requirement for a microbial ... Water Adequate corrosion ...
Never less stringent than the USEPA's National Primary Drinking Water Standards. ... consideration of health effects only for setting of drinking water standards, ...
Bottled water (a large business) Sept. 2006. DHS-Public Health Division ... bottled water! Sept. 2006. DHS-Public Health Division. How Does Oregon Compare? Sept. 2006 ...
Well maintenance and care. Drinking water regulations knowing how ... Often found in groundwater naturally, may be due to man's activities on or below ground: ...
POE/POU/Bottled Water ... POE/POU/Bottled Water. POU devices are listed as compliance technologies for: ... POE/POU/Bottled Water. Other POE requirements under ...
(1888 PressRelease) A new study indicates a higher risk associated with radon in Portland Oregon. It shows one in four Portland homes have radon levels above the recommended EPA action level.
Licking is the only county with GM of radon concentration greater than 8 pCi/l. 4.02 ... Zip code Statistics Table - Licking. SCHOOL DATABASE. SHORT-Term and ...
Development: homes, ski areas, erosion. Air pollution (long and short range) Leaky sewer lines ... In China, areas of low Se correlate well with cancer and ...
CENTER FOR WATERSHED SCIENCE AND EDUCATION UW-STEVENS POINT UW-EXTENSION ... Coliform bacteria. Indicator of unsanitary conditions within the water supply. ...
Estuary pollution in NC eats skin off fish from algal toxin stimulated by high N ... radiation in the form of neutrons alpha (He), beta (electron) and gamma (x-ray) ...