Representation and Reality. James Henare M ori Research Centre. University of Auckland ... External sources of support and advice. 11/19/09. Sustainable M ori ...
University of Auckland. Sustainable M ori Tourism in Tai Tokerau. 5-xii- 2002 ... Structure and Activity of the Research Done in Each Area ...
OVERVIEW OF NATURAL RESOURCE INVENTORY FOR TAI TOKERAU. Coral Grant and Brenda Hay, ... Dr. Coral Grant & Brenda Hay. Whangaroa region. Sustainable M ori ...
Be proud to be Maori while being successful in ... George Konia. 4. 2. 1.8. 0. Liz Brown. 0. 5. 1. 80h. Tracey Wairau. 0. 8. 2. 0.5. 41. Waikato. Martin Te Moni ...
'This is the first time for me being in here. We need to install it into our young. ... all the fullas I used to be a little kid with, well their headstones are there. ...
Results Based Accountability Basics An Introduction to RBA Standard Training Slides Sponsored by the Ministry of Social Development MANDATORY SLIDE There are 7 ...
UNDERSTANDING PSYCHOSIS Cultural Paradigms Mason Durie Massey University Perspectives PERSPECTIVES ON PSYCHOSIS Cannot assume that all cultures or populations will ...
... strong motivator & source of holiday satisfaction for target international ... in the global market place. Mission. To provide a mutually supportive network ...
Standard Training Slides Sponsored by the Ministry of ... have on call as they can help ... in the history of the universe involve answering two sets of ...
Short distance causative relationships. whanau and family. Long distance causative relationships. iwi - iwi. Undoing' necessary for healing. world views ...
Auckland University of Technology. Sustainable M ori Tourism in Tai Tokerau. 5-xii- 2002 ... Identify potential resources that could be developed. Identify ...