the cord blood collection will help in the extraction of the stem cells and with different advancements, in the transplantation of the cord blood, many of the patients are nowadays able to find the donor whose HLA is matched.
In case of an emergency care must be given to the mother and the baby rather than collecting blood from the newborn for cord blood banking. The reason behind is the motto of the doctors is first to take care about the health of the mother and the baby and reduce the risk of their life.
The nuchal cord is when the baby inside you wraps the umbilical cord around the neck completely. Get to know more about it. Visit to read more pregnancy articles.
All to be mothers should learn about the structure and function of the umbilical cord. This is the part which will be your baby’s life support system. Let’s read on to learn more.
Both cord blood and cord lining stem cells can maximize your family’s future health options and also secure your child’s health. We'll help you understand the difference. To know more, visit
Here’s all you need to know about how umbilical cord blood stem cells are revolutionising the way cancer treatment. Also visit to get the overall idea about stem cells.
Know different scenario of umbilical cord complications. Preserve your baby's umbilical cord blood to protect your family from future diseases. Visit
Cord blood is the blood, which is found in the umbilical cord as well as the placenta after a baby is born. When the umbilical cord is clamped and cut, it leaves with approximately two ounces of blood. Medical practitioners collect this blood with a surgical needle. These blood cells are full of adult stem cells, which form our immune and blood system.
The umbilical cord blood contains the baby's blood and other elements that are necessary for life. It also has stem cells which can be used in transplantation therapy
The effectiveness of obtaining cells from the thawed tissues of the umbilical cord is mainly affected by the cryoprotectant medium, protocol for isolation of cells and the mode of freezing.
Hence, the umbilical cord which according to few was considered to be of no medical use post child birth, has been proved wrong through the successful cord blood transplants. However, the fact that there exist still few disappointments on the subject could be traced to its disadvantages. And one being a minimum quantity of 50 to 200 ml needs to be made ready for collection. Visit,
This report studies Umbilical Cord Blood Banking in Global market, especially in North America, China, Europe, Southeast Asia, Japan and India, with production, revenue, consumption, import and export in these regions, from 2012 to 2016, and forecast to 2022.
Rope blood (umbilical line blood) will be blood that remaining parts in the placenta and in the connected umbilical string after labor. String blood is gathered in light of the fact that it contains immature microorganisms, which can be utilized to treat hematopoietic and hereditary disorders.Preserve Your Baby's Umbilical Cord Stem Cells At Birth With CryoCord.
Umbilical Cord is the lifeline of the growing foetus, it provides oxygen, essential nutrients and removes waste. While stem cells are extracted from umbilical cord blood, stem cells offer a viable source of replacement cells to treat diseases and can potentially reduce the morbidity and mortality for transplants.
Once the umbilical cord has been clamped from the newborn, the cord blood is collected from the umbilical cord vein attached to the placenta. Cord Blood extraction is not only a painless process for both mother and baby unlike bone marrow extraction, but there is a 60% higher chance of matching cord blood unit in the family vis-a-vis bone marrow. visit,
UCB is the blood that remains in the placenta and the attached umbilical cord after childbirth. UCB contains stem cells that are unique, smart, and are capable of treating several life-threatening diseases. Embryonic stem cells consists of cells which are pluripotent- capable of generating any cell/tissue in the body. Latest medical advancements prove that many terminal illness are treatable using embryonic stem cells. This makes embroyonic stem cell banking significant to child well being in the future. CRYOSAVE Arabia introduces mainly two type of banking stem cells from - umbilical cord blood and umbilical cord blood tissue. Secure your child's life with us. Visit us to know more about how we preserve stem cells.
Cord blood is extracted immediately after birth, using a quick and painless procedure. After the umbilical cord is cut, the blood is drawn out from the cord using a needle and a special collection bag. The tissue in the cord lining is also extracted for preservation as an extension of the cord blood collection process. It is done by cutting a segment of the umbilical cord, after which it is stored in a sterile container. visit,
This newly invented scientific process is where the stem cells gathered from the umbilical cord blood are conserved in the cord blood bank for future use. Umbilical cord blood banking has made it possible for the child to fight against quite a few threatening diseases with the help of cord blood. These stem cells require extremely hygienic atmosphere and a specific temperature for their preservation. Hence various precautions are adopted while preserving this blood. visit,
Read on to find out what is nipple confusion and how it occurs. Know more about umbilical cord blood stem cells preservation, visit
The storage of stem cells from the umbilical cord of your newborn is a once-in - a-lifetime opportunity to capture a valuable resource that could turn out to be a life-saver in years to come. A simple, pain-free procedure of stem cell preservation can become be the most intelligent investment you've ever made.
CryoSave is the fastest growing baby stem cell banking facility in the world. Established in the year 2000, CryoSave has stored more 250000+ cells at our various stem cell storage facilities, worldwide. We have three wholly-owned and accredited laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment, staffed by experts with excellent technical know-how. We are also accredited as a Licensed Organ & Tissue Establishment for the collection, analysis, processing and preservation of stem cells from umbilical cord blood and cord tissue. CryoSave is the most trusted umbilical cord blood banking facility in Dubai; you can rest assured that your sample is in safe hands.
What should be done and how to manage the transition for both new mother and newborn just after your baby’s birth called Fourth Trimester. Know more about umbilical cord blood stem cells preservation, visit
Round Ligament Pain occurs mostly due to the increase in the size of your belly. Here are some steps to get relief from this. Know more about umbilical cord blood stem cells preservation, visit
Umbilical Granuloma is a tissue growth in the belly button, looks like a small red bump. Know about it and treatment to cure this. For umbilical cord blood banking, visit
The umbilical cord is connected to mother and baby in the womb before your baby is born. The cord with the cord blood consists of stem cells, used for treating various life-threatening diseases. There are banks who collect and store this cord blood for your baby health and your family’s healthy future. To know more about cord blood banking, visit
Umbilical Granuloma is a tissue growth in the belly button, looks like a small red bump. Know about it and treatment to cure this. For umbilical cord blood banking, visit
Another important thing is that you must opt for your baby’s stem cell preservation. This will help in securing the health of the baby for a lifetime. The stem cells harvested from the umbilical cord blood of the baby and are preserved at -196°C. These stem cells can be retrieved when it is needed for treatment.
If your baby is suffering from umbilical hernia, we’re sure this article is going to be of your help. Bank your baby's umbillical cord blood and protect your family's health. Visit
Accreditations certify that the blood bank has been appraised by authorized bodies for competency, credibility, operational efficiency, and quality management of processing and cryopreservation protocols to ensure the safety of the umbilical cord blood stem cells that are being preserved. To know more about cord blood banking, visit
When it comes to your growing baby, the umbilical cord is their lifeline. It carries everything your baby needs for survival and also disposes of your baby’s waste. Hence, is there is an abnormality in their umbilical cord can put your pregnancy at a greater risk. One such abnormality is a velamentous cord insertion, in which the umbilical cord is abnormally inserted into the placenta, leaving the baby’s blood vessels unprotected. To know more, visit
The process of stem cell transfusion from the cord blood will help to regenerate new blood, organs and immune system. It then provides the patient a good chance of getting recovery from the untreatable disease. visit,
Stem cell transplantation has been considered promising in treating problems related to several life-threatening diseases and disorders. Read this to know how are umbilical cord blood stem cells different. Visit to know more about stem cells.
Banking of your baby’s cord blood is a life-changing decision to safeguard your family's health in future. There must be many confusion regarding Cord Blood Collection. Read this article to know more and visit
There are lots of misconceptions surrounding stem cell banking. Read this to clear all your doubt. To know more about stem cell banking, visit
These are few of the common cord blood myths that are busted above. Cord blood does have many benefits in cases where there is a family history of leukemia or thalassemia. However, it will remain as a personal choice whether or not one should store the cord blood. visit,
The process is so quick that often new mothers remain unaware of the collection. Parents can donate their baby’s cord blood to any cord blood bank, so those who need it, can use it later. New parents can even pay to store their baby’s cord blood to treat any of their family members’ diseases. However, before the delivery, blood samples of the mother are collected and tested for any infection. visit,
Cord Blood Stem Cell Banking has emerged as new opportunity of healthcare services provider in Indian market. The market is still in nascent stage of development and valued around US$ 60 Million in 2013 and further expected to surpass US$ 400 Million by 2018. The current cord blood stem cell preservation level for new born baby is below 1% and hence there exists immense opportunity for cord blood stem cell preservation service providers to grow exponentially in coming years.
HylaJel and HylaPure are minimally manipulated, DMSO- free, cryogenically preserved human birth tissue allografts derived from the umbilical cord. Learn more!
Is it accurate to say that you will be another parent? Have you contemplated cord blood banking? then get all details visit,
Scientists and researchers claim that stem cell therapy is continuously moving forward, building hope for a promising future. Stem cells banks in India are reliable and use only cutting edge technology to ensure the best preservation of your cord blood. So, if you have a family history of terminal illness, it is a good idea to use such a facility at the earliest. Visit,
Although not standard of care, guided cord blood banking should be encouraged when there is knowledge of a full sibling in the family with a medical condition (malignant or genetic) that might benefit from cord blood transplantation. visit,
Stem cells banking can help save vital cells that are present in our own body, which can then be used to treat terminal or chronic illnesses, with the potential of saving a person’s life. visit,
Several researchers are currently conducting trials on the utility of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) in understanding the origins of disease and also for formulating stem cell-based treatments.
Preserve your love The life saving Cord Blood Banking Welcome to The most beautiful phase of life! Motherhood! Your baby brings with it abundant Dreams, Hopes ...
Getting ready to have twins? It’s going to be double the joy and also double the work. You might have already spoken to your doctor about the various complications you may encounter in your pregnancy. You may have also discussed the care you need to take. However, have you asked your doctor about cord blood banking? Visit,
While choosing the best cord blood bank, the parents-to-be would have to consider many things like being accredited, technology, processing, retrieval etc. Read this article to know in details. Visit
Considering the expense that one has to incur, often parents-to be are caught into endless thought loops on what could be the best choice of cord blood banking. According to the, American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP), a family must consider private cord blood banking as the baby’s cord blood stem cell might turn out to be a better match for any sick member of the family, as compared to a non-family donor.
Since going for cord blood blanking is an important decision and something that concerns your baby’s future and wellbeing, it is natural to have many questions. As parents before you zero down on the cord blood banking company whom you will entrust to secure your babies precious stem cells for more than two decades of his life. visit,
Baby’s cord blood banking is one of the most important decisions for every parents to safeguard the family's future health. This article will help you to decide the best cord blood bank with the advanced technology. For more details visit,
Stem cells of a newborn can be used to overcome common medical conditions. Cord blood banking for pre-term birth gives them the greatest chance of resolving any significant health issues if they arrive prematurely. Read this article to know how stem cell banking can benefit them. Visit
Give your baby the protection they deserve by storing stem cell. MiracleCord ( leads the industry in providing families with affordable, superior quality cord blood banking.