Respiration is through tubes called tracheae. All appendages are uniramous. Mostly terrestrial or aerial- some aquatic forms. Chitinous exoskeleton with waxy cuticle. ...
Cabeza con antenas cortas y ojos simples. Cuerpo con n mero ... El vuelo en los insectos. Alas formadas por la pared del cuerpo del mesot rax y metat rax ...
Terrestrial Mandibulates Chapter 20 Uniramia Uniramians are mostly terrestrial arthropods. A few live in freshwater. Only one pair of antennae. Appendages uniramous ...
Data embriologeni Takson Annelida Uniramia Crustacea Yolk Tidak banyak Sangat banyak Banyak Ektoderm 2d Sel asal tidak terlacak 3d dan 4d Endoderm 3A, 3B, ...
Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum 4 Uniramia DIC or CID Class Chilopoda Class Diplopoda Class Insecta Which one has most legs per segment? Subphylum 4 Uniramia ...
How could you tell a spider apart from a crayfish? What is the difference between these mouthparts: chelicerae, pedipalps, mandibles? Can you name these Famous ...
Title: ARTHROPODA Author: Unknown Last modified by: viviani Created Date: 6/28/2005 12:29:44 PM Document presentation format: Apresenta o na tela (4:3)
ARTR PODES FILO ARTHROPODA Arthros: articula o Podos: p s Caracteriza o geral: Baratas, caranguejos, aranhas, siris, camar es, moscas... Grupo mais ...
AN INTRODUCTION TO ANIMAL EVOLUTION ECDYSOZOA Bilateral animals are divided into two clades Protostomes Deuterostomes Protostomes are themselves divided into two ...
Title: Characteristics ~ Author: Dennis Passovoy Last modified by: GPISD Created Date: 4/20/2003 3:44:56 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
Arthropods General Characteristics: Jointed appendages Segmented bodies Exoskeleton (made of chitin that must molt to grow) Classified by number of legs and body ...
Animals, Part I Invertebrates Introduction to Animals (Chapter 34) Sponges and Jellyfish (Chapter 35) Simple Worms (Chapter 36) Mollusks and Annelids (Chapter 37)
BSC 2010L. INVERTEBRATES II. Principal Biological Concepts to Emphasize: ... you view '33A Characteristics of Invertebrates' on Student Media CD-ROM for review. ...
earth centipedes- elongate, eyeless burrowers, with 191-310 pairs of legs ... House centipede Scutigera coleaptrata. Introduced into North America from Europe ...
Arthropods Phylum Arthropoda Greek for jointed feet Crabs, shrimp, barnacles, Insects, spiders etc. Largest phylum of animals with ~ 1 million known species Of all ...
ARTHROPODA & ECHINODERMATA. The answers will be ... madreporite. A. B. Label. Ambulacral. ridge. ampullae. gonads. Digestive gland. What is this structure? ...
Blue Crab Mandibles. Subphylum Crustacea. 10 legs. Two pair of antennae ... Anemone Shrimp. Anemone Shrimp. Peterson's Shrimp. Shrimp. Red Night Shrimp. Spider Crab ...
Geological Range of Plants Archaeopteris fossil plant- Sphenophyta Progymnosperm Devonian through Mississippian Archeapteris stump Calamites - plant Geological range ...
PHYLUM ARTHROPOD Jointed foot Arthropod 3/4 of all animal species belong to Phylum Arthropoda examples include: insects, spiders, lobsters, and centipedes Basic ...
* Camouflage allows an insect to hide by blending in ... (sternum) laterally membranous (pleuron) --Genitalia located on 8-9 segment Digestive system Mouth ...
Filo Moluscos N mero de especies Caracteres Generales del Filo Moluscos Caracteres Generales del Filo Moluscos Clasificaci n del Filo Moluscos Clase Caudofoveados.
Phylum Arthropoda. Name Means: 'Jointed-Foot' Trilobita. Examples: trilobites, now ... Jointed Appendages: Legs, antennae, etc. Exoskeleton: Outer shell for ...
quill & hair. bat wing & hand. 2 individuals. structures have same developmental ... These fossilized tracks may push the date of land arthropods back into the ...
Phylum Arthropoda Arthropod Diversity Subphylum Trilobita A group of extinct marine arthropods. Ranged in size from a few millimeters up to 75 centimeters.
Communication Pheromones - chemicals released by an animal that affects the behavior or development of other animals of the same species Sounds Tapping, rubbing, or ...
Most successful animal group. Arthropods are the most diverse. Group of ... Metamorphosis. There are 2 kinds of metamorphosis, Complete and incomplete. Complete ...
H. Order Diptera: true flies; holometabolous. 2. Sand flies: Phlebotomus; Lutzomyia; vector for ... (Sherman et al. 2000 Annual Review of Entomology 45: 55-81) ...
Title: Arthropods Author: Nancy Wheat Last modified by-- Created Date: 3/15/2006 12:08:54 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Other titles
Abandoned hydrostatic system of annelid-like ancestor) Coelom reduced to pericardial cavity ... system resembles that of annelid. Dorsal brain with nerves ...
Instituto Superior de Profesorado N 7 Profesorado en Biolog a Sistem tica Animal Docente Prof. Fabi n Daix Grupo Ecdysozoos s/Berkeley Ecdisozoos s/Curtis ...
ANIMAL KINGDOM College Biology Bill Palmer * Figure: 21-19c Title: Big numbers, much diversity. Caption: The arthropods represent the largest animal phylum, in sheer ...