Just enough information to program a Blackfin 90% of this course can be done knowing less than 10% of the Blackfin Instructions Familiarization assignment for the
BTC uses shared registers that both the host and target application have read ... BTC is designed for use over a JTAG connection through an emulator ...
Background Telemetry Channel (BTC) on the BlackFin Presented by Alan Martin Winter 2004 - ENCM 515 What is it? BTC is a method of communication between an embedded ...
Editors and IDEs. Editors. vi (vim) emacs. gedit basic wysiwyg. IDEs. anjuta. KDevelop. None. 11 cjb, pg. C compiler. The OS has been compiled with gcc 3.4 ...
Work out what is needed. Generate the design in C or in pseudo code ... The Rosetta Stone 'Question' You understand columns 1 and 2. 4. C code. NEW C keyword ...
Technological interest in software radio. Cheaper, quicker development cycle. ... CA code takes 1 ms for full PRN transmission at 1MHz chip (bit) rate. ...
Work out what is needed. Generate the design in C or in pseudo code ... The Rosetta Stone. Engineering version. 68K code .section code; .global _Return1; _Return1: ...
High performance, 128-bit successor to the ADSP-2106x SHARC family ... Trellis decoding (8 Trellis butterflies per cycle) 11. Data Address Generation. ADSP-21061 ...
The World Leader in High Performance Signal Processing Solutions ... PGA (amp switched resistors) Allows 16 bits of dynamic range with 12-bit ADC. 1 ...
TigerSHARC processor and evaluation board Different capabilities Different functionality Concepts tackled Differences between processor and evaluation board ...
Hardware and Software Tracing David Kaeli Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Northeastern University Boston, MA kaeli@ece.neu.edu Trace Collection ...
There will be a 20 min prelab quiz (based on Assignment 1 and 2) at the start of ... Task 4 Read the switches on the front pannel. Final laboratory requirements ...
Unionics is a new architecture for on-board avionics systems - scalable, ... Unionics domain and internally reconfigure whilst maintaining nominal operations. ...