Particle Acceleration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Particle Acceleration


Well established facts for the Shock Acceleration theory: ... ECR ~ Egas ~ EB ~ ECMBR ~ 10-12 erg/cm3. dynamically important in the ISM of galaxies ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Particle Acceleration

Particle Acceleration at Cosmic Shocks
Hyesung Kang Pusan National University, Korea
  • Basics of Diffusive Shock Acceleration
  • CR Acceleration at Supernova Remnants
  • CR Acceleration at Cosmic Shocks on LSS

The origin of Cosmic Rays
astrophysical problem - acceleration
mechanisms bottom-up models
physical problem - decays of heavy particles
top-down models
  • Well established facts for the Shock Acceleration
  • Collisionless shocks form via EM viscosities in
    tenuous magnetized
  • astrophysical plasmas.
  • - CRs turbulent B fields are key elements of
    collisionless shocks.
  • Diffusive shock acceleration provides a natural
    explanation for CRs. - CRs turbulent B fields
    are ubiquitous in astrophysical plasmas.

CRs, B fields, shocks are ubiquitous in
astrophysical plasmas.
-Heliosphere solar wind, interplanetary
shocks -ISM of our Galaxy - ECR Egas EB
ECMBR 10-12 erg/cm3 dynamically
important in the ISM of galaxies - sources
SNRs, stellar winds (OB stars), pulsars -ICM
inside Clusters of Galaxies radio, EUV, HXR
observations - ECR,p 0.2 Egas , EB
(0.1-1) Egas , ECR,e 0.01 Egas - sources
AGN, galactic winds, structure shocks, turbulence
Field configuration Parallel (QBn0) vs.
Perpendicular (QBn90) shock
Slide from Jokipii (2004) KAW3
energy gain at each crossing
Fermi first order process
Injection is less efficient at perpendicular
shocks, compared to parallel shocks
  • Three Shock Acceleration mechanisms work
  • First-order Fermi mechanism scattering across
    the shock, dominant at quasi-parallel shocks
    (QBnlt 45)
  • Shock Drift Acceleration drift along the shock
    surface, dominant at quasi-perpendicular shocks
    (QBngt 45)
  • Second-order Fermi mechanism Stochastic process,
    turbulent acceleration
  • ? add momentum diffusion term

Diffusive Shock Acceleration in quasi-parallel
shocks Alfven waves in a converging flow act
as converging mirrors ? particles are scattered
by waves ? cross the shock many times Fermi
first order process
Shock front
mean field
energy gain at each crossing
shock rest frame
Converging mirrors
Drift Acceleration in perpendicular shocks with
weak turbulences
Particle trajectory in weakly turbulent fields
  • Energy gain comes mainly from drifting in the
    convection electric field along the shock surface
    (Jokipii, 1982), i.e. De q E L,
  • Drift acceleration

  • CRs observed at Earth
  • N(E) power-law spectrum
  • universal acceleration
  • mechanism working on
  • a wide range of scales
  • DSA in the test particle limit predicts a
    universal power-law

This explains the universal power-law,
independent of shock parameters ! Propagation,
loss, Nonlinear CR feedback
f(p) p-q N(E) E-q2 q
3r/(r-1) 2 r r2/r1u1/u2 4 for strong
DSA beyond the test particle limit Recent (
old) Developments in DSA model 1. Amplification
of B field in the precursor due to CR streaming
? higher B gt BISM 3 mG 2. Efficient CR
injections at perpendicular shocks 3. Reduction
of CR acceleration efficiency due to wave drift
  • streaming CRs upstream of the shock
  • - drive large-amplitude Alfven waves
  • - amplify B field (Lucek Bell 2000)

Voelk Berezhko, 2003 CR streaming in CR
dominated shocks? Higher B ? higher Emax
beyond the Knee ?
Synchrotron emission in radio
X-ray Determination of B amplification factor,
ion injection rate, proton-to-electron number
ratio with SNR observations
Slide from Voelk (2006)
CR injection at perpendicular shock Giacalone
  • - acceleration of thermal protons by
    perpendicular shocks (hybrid simulations)
  • - Field line meandering due to large scale
    turbulent B fields ? increased cross-field
    transport ? efficient injection at shock
  • thermal particles can be efficiently accelerated
    to high energies by a perpendicular shock
  • Acceleration efficiency does not depend strongly
    on QBn (comparable of 10-20 of the efficiency
    at parallel shocks)
  • injection problem for perpendicular shocks
    solved !

Particles are injected where field lines cross
the shock surface ? efficient injection
density of particles with energies E gt 10Ep
dotted lines field lines
Parallel vs. Perpendicular Shocks for Type Ia
SNRs ion injection
SNR expanding into uniform BISM
  • Recent Observations of SNRs in X-ray and radio
  • Cas A, SN 1006, Tyco, RCW86, Kepler,
  • B field amplification through streaming of CR
    nuclear component into upstream plasma is
    required to fit observations
  • - thin shell of X-ray emission (strong
    synchrotron cooling)
  • - amplification factors of B O(10) (Voelk
  • - Observational proof for dominance of
    hadronic CRs at SNRs
  • ?Dipolar radiation consistent with uniform ISM B
    field configuration
  • Ion injection rate at shocks x10-4
  • Proton/electron ratio Kp/e 50-100
  • 50 of SN explosion energy is transferred to
    CRs at parallel shocks. Considering the fraction
    of parallel portion of remnants (20), so about
    10 of SN explosion energy becomes CR energy.

Alfven wave drift heating in the precursor due
to Streaming CRs
  • - Streaming CRs generate waves upstream
  • - Waves drift upstream with
  • Waves dissipate energy and heat the gas.
  • CRs are scattered and isotropized in the wave
    frame rather than the fluid frame
  • ? u u w instead of u
  • ? smaller velocity jump and less efficient

streaming CRs
moderate nonlinear modification precursor
CR spectrum at the shock
Kang Jones 2006
Evolution of CR modified SNR (Sedov Solution)
Volume Integrated CR spectrum for SNR
N p power-law like G p non-linear concave
curvature q 2.2 near pinj q 1.6 near pmax
CR acceleration efficiency F vs. Ms for
plane-parallel shocks
  • - The CR acceleration efficiency
  • is determined mainly by Ms
  • - It increases with Ms
  • but it asymptotes to a limiting
  • value of F 0.5 for Ms gt 30.
  • - Weak dependence on the
  • injection, wave dissipation model
  • at high Mach numbers.
  • - pre-existing CRs help for low
  • Mach number shocks.

Kang Jones 2006
DSA Numerical Simulation Results
E max highest energy ? Hillas Plot for
astrophysical accelerators (after Hillas 1984)
Emax Z ba B R
Emax highest possible energy (ZeV 1021
eV) Z charge of the CR particle Va/c ba
speed of accelerator B magnetic field strength
(Gauss) R size of accelerator (pc)
slide from T.W. Jones
X-ray emissivity
Shocks on LSS Mach Number
rich, complex shock morphology Shocks reveal
filaments and sheets
(100 Mpc/h)2 2D slice
LCDM simulation with 10243 cells, computational
box (100h-1 Mpc)3 , TVD grid-based Eulerian
hydro code (Ryu et al 2003)
Cosmic shocks in ICM
velocity field in x-y plane
external shocks high Mach no. outer surfaces of
nonlinear structure internal shocks low Mach
no. inside nonlinear structure
(25Mpc/h)2 slice
Highest Energy accelerated at cluster accretion
  • acc (p) 8 k(p)/Vs2 mean acceleration time
  • loss e. loss time scale due to CBR
  • tacc tloss ? Emax 1018.5 eV for Bohm
  • Emax 1019.7 eV for Jokipii
  • (Kang, Rachen, Biermann 1997)
  • Bohm diffusion in parallel shocks
  • ? kB rg v / 3
  • Jokipii diff. in perpendicular shocks
  • kJ rg Vs 3(Vs /c) kB 0.01 kB

Vs 1000 km/s, B1 mG
  • Ostrowski Siemieniec-Ozieblo 2002
  • diffusion along field lines and drift across
    field are limited by the finite size
  • E max Z ba BR return back to Hillas
  • so E lt1019 eV cluster accretion shocks

  • - CRs turbulent B fields are natural byproducts
    of the collisionless shock formation process
    they are ubiquitous in cosmic plasmas .
  • - DSA produces a nearly universal power-law
    spectrum with the correct slopes.
  • - With turbulent fields, thermal leakage
    injection works well even at perpendicular shocks
    as well as parallel shocks.
  • a fraction of x 10-4 - 10-3 of the incoming
    particles become CRs.
  • - About 50 of shock kinetic E can be
    transferred to CRs for strong shocks with Ms gt
  • - At low Mach numbers 10-20 with
    pre-existing CRs
  • - Cosmological shocks on LSS can accelerate CR
    protons up to 1019eV, providing that 1mG field is

Thank you !
Magnetic field is important in acceleration and
confinement of CRs
- in the ISM of our Galaxy mean field 5-8 mG -
Observed Cluster magnetic fields Faraday
Rotation Measures thru the ICM? 1-40 mG
Synchrotron radio halos of clusters ? 0.4-1 mG
Inverse Compton of CMBR in the ICM? 0.2-1 mG
(Carilli Taylor 2002, Clark et al. 2001)

ECR,p 0.2 Egas , EB (0.1-1) Egas ,
ECR,p (10-100) ECR,e CRs and mag. fields could
be dynamically important in the ICM, as in the
ISM of our Galaxy. ( ECR E gas EB 10-12
  • CR modified shocks
  • presusor subshock
  • (just like MHD J-shock)
  • - reduced Pg
  • enhanced compression

-1D Plane Shock simulations DSA acceleration
Time evolution of the M0 5 shock structure. At
t0, pure gasdynamic shock with Pc0.
  • No simple shock jump condition
  • Need numerical simulations to calculate the CR
    acceleration efficiency

Kang, Jones Gieseler 2002
Evolution of CR distribution function in DSA
simulation f(p) number of particles in the
momentum bin p, pdp, g(p) p4 f(p)
  • CR feedback effects
  • gas cooling (Pg decrease)
  • thermal leakage
  • power-law tail
  • concave curve at high E

initial Maxwellian
power-law tail (CRs)
f(p) p-q
Particles diffuse on different ld(p) and feel
different Du, so the slope depends on p.
g(p) f(p)p4
Concave curve
injection momenta
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