Title: Cherenkov Detector
1Cherenkov Detector for Fusion Power Monitoring
Yury Verzilov and Takeo Nishitani Moscow
Engineering Physics Institute, Russia FNS,
Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan
Neutron WG Meeting, 10 ITPA, April 11, 2006,
Moscow, RUSSIA
2Research Motivation
- Development of a Neutron Monitoring System
- Providing an alternative method compare to
Systems based on a Fission Chamber - Sensitive to Virgin D-T Neutrons
- Combining NAM advantages with Temporal
Resolution Ability - Basing on a Light Processing Technology.
- Progress in Fiber Optic Development
- Two fusion power monitor approaches based on
activation of flowing water - Proof-of-approach experiment
- Designing a water Cherenkov radiator with fiber
readout systems - Testing detectors inside and outside the D-T
neutron source limits - Evaluating temporal parameters
- Concept of the Cherenkov Monitor for ITER
4Water Activation in a Fusion Environment Two
Approaches for Registration
16O(n,p)16N - Dominant activation reaction Major
b-decay branches of 16N (T1/2 7.13 s)
Registration by Cherenkov detector
10.4 MeV
7.1 MeV
6.1 MeV
Registration by Scintillator
0 MeV
5Fusion Power Monitor Based on Activation of
Flowing Water
Water transfers the Neutron Pulse Information to
the remote Detector
- Disadvantages
- Insufficient time resolution
- Time delay
- Location of the remote detector is limited
Registration of g-rays (Eg 6.1 and 7.1 MeV)
Present Technique
BGO g-Detector e 10
D-T Plasma Pulse
- Advantages
- Good time resolution
- Absence of Time delay
- The remote detector may be located anywhere
Optical Fiber
Cherenkov Detector emax 90
Cherenkov Light by b-rays from 16N (Emax10.4
Proposed Technique
Light transfers the Neutron pulse Information to
the remote Detector
6Theoretical Aspects of the Cherenkov Detector
(non-focusing type)
PMT response Cherenkov spectrum Quantum
efficiency of the PMT
Intensity (relative value)
Wavelength (nm)
Photon yield of electrons in water for region of
300-600 nm
Electron energy (MeV)
7PMT Response to Cherenkov Photons from b-rays of
16N and 32P in water
100 Light collection
16N 4290 keV / 66.2 10420 keV / 28.0
2 Light collection
Intensity (relative value)
32P 1709 keV / 100 Ebmax / Ib
8Water Cherenkov Detector with Wavelength-Shifting
(WLS) Fiber Readout
WLS fiber
Quartz tube
Water flow
WLS fiber twined round the quartz tube
Clear fiber bundle
to PMT
9Experimental Setup for Measurement of Detector
D-T Neutron Source
Detector position A
3.5 m
Target room
Measurement room
8.9 m
Detector position B
Flow meter
Water reservoir
10Water Cherenkov Detector with WLS Fiber Readout
(Outside the D-T Source Limits)
V H2O flow 2 cm/sec
Neutron Pulse / Detector response
- Tests with pulsed and direct D-T neutron modes
were completed - Detector has demonstrated reasonable
characteristics of - light collection efficiency
- temporal resolution.
- Temporal resolution of the detector can be
improved by increasing water flow velocity - Detector can not be used around the D-T source,
due to high g-sensitivity of WLS fiber - New Design of the detector with quartz fiber is
Intensity (relative value)
V H2O flow 10 cm/sec
Time (s)
11Water Cherenkov Detector with a Quartz Fiber
SS tube
Water flow
Quartz Fiber bundles
to PMT
12Water Cherenkov Detector with Quartz Fiber Readout
Water Flow
Quartz Fiber Bundle
- Designs and the experimental setup are not
optimized for best performance - Main objective
- Gain experimental data that will serve as a basic
guideline for further elaboration upon detector
13Detector Response to the Pulsed Neutron Flux
(Outside the D-T source limits)
Detector Position B (8.9 m) Pulsed Mode step -
20 sec duty 50 V H2O flow 1.67 m/sec
Neutron Pulse Ideal Response Detector Response
14Detector Response to the Pulsed Neutron Flux
Experiment Calculation (Based on the laminar flow
15Time Spectrum for the Detector located inside the
D-T Source Limits
H2O flow 4 L/min
H2O flow 0 L/min
A and B - the chance coincidence rate of
uncorrelated events, when fiber bundles were
connected and then disconnected from the
radiator. C - the coincidence rate of correlated
events from the 16N decay.
16Detector Response to the Pulsed Neutron Flux
(Inside the D-T source limits)
V H2O flow 0.08 m/s
Neutron Pulse Detector Response
V H2O flow 0.26 m/s
Intensity (relative value)
Response components A - Prompt source gamma B
- Prompt source gamma 16N C - 16N
Time (s)
17Concept of the Neutron Monitor based on Cherenkov
Light for ITER
Vacuum Vessel 75cm
First Wall Blanket 40cm
Parameters Delay 0 sec Resolution 10 ms
D-T Plasma
H2O Radiator (D-2.5cm, L-5cm) VH2O flow 5 m/s
Quartz Fiber Bundle
- Cherenkov Detector has demonstrated the ability
to work properly in a radiation environment - Temporal detector parameters can be improved by
optimizing the Cherenkov detector design - The present study elaborates upon the
feasibility and effectiveness of utilizing the
Cherenkov Detector as a Fusion Power Monitor with
activation of flowing water.