Title: Synthesizing Articles for a Review
1Synthesizing Articles for a Review
- Plus Discussion of Experimental Design and
Manipulating a Variable
2Variable a property that can differentiate a
group or set a concept or factor that can have
more than 1 value and can vary
3More on Variables
- Independent variable a condition, intervention,
or characteristic that will predict or cause a
given outcome (also called predictor variable) - Dependent variable a response or effect that is
presumed to vary or change with presence or
absence of the independent variable (also called
the outcome variable)
4still more on variables.
- Attribute variables inherent physical,
psychological or personal characteristics that
cannot be assigned by the researcher - Active variables factors that can be
manipulated by the researcher so that subjects
can be assigned to different levels of occurrence
5Variables in Descriptive/Correlational Research
- Relationships between variables is explored
- Existence of variables in specified situations is
described - Characteristics of variables (values and
interrelationships) are studied one at a time - Independent and dependent variables not specified
6Variables in Experimental Studies
- Relationships between 2 or more variables to
predict outcomes and establish influence of one
variable upon another - Variables are classified as independent and
7Experimental Design
- Provides a basis for comparing effects of 2 or
more variables - Allows assessment of cause and effect between
independent and dependent variable - Allows researcher to manipulate a variable
- Allows researcher to control or account for
effects of extraneous variables
8Experimental Design
- Control group
- Random assignment
- Manipulate a variable
- Subjects can be assigned to groups having
different levels of IV - Researcher controls when the IV is introduced
9Types of Experimental Studies
- RCT controlled comparison of intervention and
placebo - Single subject designs small samples with
subject as his/her own control - Crossover designs studies where the order of
treatment interventions is randomized - Randomized block designs groups are divided
into levels of an attribute variable prior to
receiving the intervention
10Quasi-experimental Designs
- Designs where
- There is no control group
- Assignment to a group is not random (Holms Level
3) - Both of the above are absent
11 Experimental Quasi-experimental
Single subject design Cohort
Case-control Descriptive (survey,
normative, correlational, methodological,
qualitative) Case study
12View Changed Article Critique Format
13Assessment of Validity
- Check validity box ONLY when components of
validity are mentioned in the article!! - Face validity, concurrent validity
- This will almost always be in the form of a
specific validity study OR a statistical value
14Evidence-based Review Paper
15Include brief summary of your case description
16Specifically state your clinical question
17Search Strategy
- Describe how you did your search
- Include names of all databases, websites, text
books viewed, even if you didnt use citations
from them
18Include a list of article author and year of
article used to provide evidence for your
clinical question and Holms level of evidence
for each (separate from reference list)
19Brief summary of each article
- Strengths of the article
- Research design, intervention, descriptions,
conclusions - Limits of the article
- Research design, sample selection
- Why you chose to include it
20A copy of each article and a critique of it using
revised Law format (available on the OT 653
website) EXCEPT meta-analyses, and systematic
21Synthesis and Discussion Across Articles
- Results relating to your question from the
various articles, for example, pain management
strategies that worked, efficacy of such
strategies, which ones worked best, etc. - Review the levels of evidence of the articles
that related to your question and comment on this
22For exampleWe used 6 articles to answer the
clinical question. Four of these were ranked at
Holms level 5 and two were ranked as level 4.
This indicates that no experimental studies were
carried out relating to certain variables and is
a weakness in the literature.
23Summary and Discussion Across Articles
- Specific aspects of your question that were NOT
answered by your review - Be detailed discuss missing information, dont
just list it
24Discuss potential applications of your findings
to your clinical question how would you use the
information in treatment??
25Discuss what aspects of your clinical question
were left unanswered and how you would manage
this limitation in your treatment of the client
26If applicable, discuss other ways you might use
the information discussion with physicians,
reimbursement, client education
27Briefly discuss what the experience of doing the
review was like for you and problems you might
see attempting such a review in a clinical setting
28APA!Title page (to include all group
members)Double spaced, 12 point font, page
numbersCitations in textDirect quotes
citedcorrectlyReference list in appropriate
format at the end