Title: Phase Diagrams and Diffusion in Multicomponent Oxides from FirstPrinciples
1Phase Diagrams and Diffusion in Multi-component
Oxides from First-Principles
Anton Van der Ven working in Prof. Ceders
group Department of Materials Science and
2Oxide Phase Diagrams
Yttria Stabilized ZrO2
- Optimization of materials properties often done
by doping - Phase diagram maps stable phases versus
temperature and concentration
C. Pascual, P. Duran, J Am Cer Soc 66 1 (1983)
V. Stubican, et. al. J Am Cer Soc 61 1-2 17-21
3(No Transcript)
4Phase Stability as Function of Temperature and
Requires free energy instead of energy
5Thermodynamics of Multi-component Solids
ES energy of microstate S
6Microscopic Excitations
7Configurational Disorder
Cu-Au Cu and Au on fcc lattice
LiCoO2 Li and vacancies
CaO-MgO cations in octahedral sites
8Configurational Variables
- Binary system alloy (A, B atoms)
- Assign occupation variables to each position in
if atom A occupies site i
if atom B occupies site i
Total of 2N configurations
9Coarse Graining to a lattice model
phase space
Each box a configuration
often we set
10Polynomials of occupation variables form a basis
in configuration space
11Cluster Expansion
Configurational energy E(s) (or free energy F(s))
can be expanded in terms of polynomials of
occupation variables
Vijk Effective Cluster Interactions (ECI)
12Determination of ECI
Calculate energies of 30-100 configurations usin
g accurate first principles method (LDA,GGA)
Fit the ECI such that the cluster expansion
reproduces the energies calculated from first
principles (with least squares or linear
13First-principles energies of a few ordered
Fit cluster expansion
Monte Carlo simulations
Thermodynamic properties
14Intercalation Oxide as Cathode in Rechargeable
Lithium Battery
16First principles energies (LDA)of different
lithium-vacancy configurations
17Cluster expansion for O3 host
18Calculated LixCoO2 phase diagram
19Calculated lattice parameter
20Calculated phase diagram
Experimental phase diagram
Reimers, Dahn, J.Electrochem. Soc,
(1992) Amatucci et al, J. Electrochem. Soc.
(1996) Z. Chen, et al, J. Electrochem. Soc
(2002) Y. Shoa-Horn, (2003).
21Calculated lattice parameter
Experimental lattice parameter
22Calculated LixNiO2 phase diagram
23Interstitial diffusion in systems with
configurational disorder
Kubo-Green relations
Thermodynamic factor
Self diffusion coefficient
24Transition state theory
25Migration barrier as a function of configuration
Local cluster expansion
Conventional cluster expansion
Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations
A. Van der Ven et al, PRB 64, 184307 (2001)
26Migration mechanism in LixCoO2
Divacancy hop Mechanism (DVH)
Single vacancy hop mechanism (SVH)
Divacancy hop
Single vacancy hop
28Many types of hop possibilities in the lithium
29Migration barriers depend configuration and
Single-vacancy mechanism
Divacancy mechanism
30Barrier dependence on concentration
Co3 Co4 as lithium is
removed increased electrostatic repulsion
for Li in the activated state
31Local Cluster expansion for divacancy migration
32Calculated diffusion coefficient
Diffusion coefficient at 300 K
Thermodynamic factor Q
33Strong concentration dependenceof diffusion
Diffusion Coefficient
Average activation barrier
34Divacancy cartwheel motion
- Inclusion of configurational degrees of freedom
are essential in first principles studies of
thermodynamic properties of alloys and
multi-component oxides - The cluster expansion is a powerful tool to model
the configurational energy of alloys
multi-component oxides and inclusion of
vibrational and electronic degrees of freedom can
be done naturally through coarse graining - The cluster expansion can also be extended to
study diffusion in multi-component systems. - A study of diffusion in LixCoO2 has shown that
local environment and concentration have a large
influence on the diffusion coefficient