Title: Climate Change Economic Modelling Massimo Tavoni, FEEM, Milano
1Climate Change Economic ModellingMassimo Tavoni,
FEEM, Milano
Univ. Cattolica, Piacenza, 30 Novembre 2005
- The Climate Change problem
- Introduction to models coupling Economy and
Climate - Technological Change
- Modeling Framework WITCH
- Open points/enhancement
3CO2, energy and income
4IPCC Third report (2001) Earth temperature
- Most of the earths warming over the last 50
years (0.6 degrees Celsius) can be attributed to
human activities - Global temperature is expected to increase by 1.4
- 5.8 degrees Celsius over the next century
- Unique and threatened systems (extinction of
species, loss of unique habitats, bleaching and
death of coral) - Extreme climate events (health, property and
environmental impacts from increased frequency
and intensity of some climate extremes) - Distribution of impacts (cereal crop yield
changes, decreases in water availability, greater
risks to health, net market sector losses) - Global aggregate impacts (globally aggregated net
market sector losses, more people adversely
affected than beneficially affected) - Large scale, high impact events (significant
slowing of thermohaline circulation melting and
collapse of ice sheets)
6Climate cycle
7Climate change and policy
- Climate change one of most significant
environmental problems, though one of the most
controversial. - Global, different geographical and sectoral
effect - Free-riding
- Long-run phenomenon, intergenerational
- Uncertain, difficult political support
- Costly
- Economic growth, developing countries
8Costs of Kyoto
9Economic-Climate Models
10Modeling variety
- Economic Module
- Static (and dynamic ?) CGE Models (e.g. EPPA,
MIT) - Optimal Growth Models (e.g. RICE, Nordhaus
MERGE, Stanford MIND, Pik) - Bottom Up Models of the Energy System (e.g.
MARKAL) - (Econometric Models (e.g. E3, University of
Cambridge)) - Coupled with
- Climate Module (e.g. IPCC models at DEA-CCAT,
Climate Change Advisory Team of the Danish Energy
11Results variety ..
12BU vs TD divide
- Climate change technologically complex
- technology detail
- technical change
- Climate change a global long-run phenomenon
- long-term model
- feedback within the model
- welfare maximization
- strategic interaction
13Endogenous Technical Change
14Technical Change/1
- Changes in technology believed to bring about the
de-coupling of economic growth from the
generation of polluting emissions. - Economic analysis offers justification for public
policies to induce ETC. Two market failures - Climate related externalities not accounted for
in the market prices of carbon fuels gt direct
emission policies (taxes, caps, EU) - Spillover benefits to society gt technology
incentives (subsidies, US)
15Technical Change/2
- Investment in energy RD declined by
approximately 50 worldwide between 1980 and
1999, Richels et al. (2004). - BUT - oil price increase
- - energy security issues
- - ratification of the Kyoto Protocol
- - incentives from many governments (e.g. US)
- ?Imply a growing interest for the issue of energy
technological change and its driving forces
16Technical Change/3
- Two main driving forces of energy technological
evolution - Investment in Research and Development (RD), or
disembodied technological change typically
modelled in a TOP DOWN framework. - Accumulation of experience deriving by change in
hardware and actual implementation, the so called
learning by doing (LbD) or embodied technological
change typically modelled in a BOTTOM UP
framework. - The two forces interplay.
17Main Results in Literature - ETC
- The effect of embodying endogenous technical
changes (ETC) in an economic climate model is
ambiguous - The presence of ETC could favor postponing
emission reductions, as in Wigley, Richels and
Edmonds (1996) - (RD channel)
- The presence of ETC could represent an incentive
to undertake at least some immediate abatement
action in order to increase the stock of
experience and to decrease abatement costs, as
for example in Grubb (1996) - (LbD channel)
18WITCH World Induced Technical Change model
19General structure
Emissions CO2, other GHGs
Optimal Growth Model
Climate Model
Output reduction
20Main features
- Top-down neo-classical optimal growth (dynamic,
perfect foresight) - Detailed energy input specification (BU)
- Hard-link (stand-alone optimization) hybrid
- Endogenous Technical Change
- World, 12 regions, interacting strategically
(open-loop Nash) - Solved numerically
21The objective function
- Where R(t) the pure time preference discount
factor - and c(n,t) is per capita consumption. Each model
period accounts for 5 years. - Subject to budget constraint
- Kc capital in final good production
- L labour (full employment)
- ES energy services
- Xj,z is the total consumption of fossil fuel j
- Pi is the price of fossil fuel j
(endogenous) - Pccs is the cost of CCS
23Energy representation
Electricity production via fixed proportions
prod. Function. Parameters represent
technological features of power production.
Capital accumulation through technology-specific
investment cost.
Energy is but capital cumulated over time in
power plants and capital invested for fuels and
OM, which fully depreciates every period.
25Endogenous Technical Change
1. Learning by Doing (global) in plants
investment cost
2. Energy RD for energy efficiency
Positive externality of knowledge creation but
physical capital crowding out
26Regional disaggregation
27Channels of interaction
- CO2 emissions
- Prices of fossil fuels
- Technology spillover (LbD and RD)
- Non-cooperative game solved recursively
- - at each iteration each region optimal choice
given all other regions (previous iteration) - - Till convergence, ie best response to all other
region best responses
- Solved with GAMS (NLP, solver CONOPT)
- 13 choice variables, 30 time steps, 12 regions
(over 4500 variables) - Solution time 30 mins to 1 hour on Pentium M, 2
Ghz - Potential non-convexities due to LbD. Tests on
objective function, possibly resort to heuristic
algorithms - Non-cooperative game robust to regions
ordering, different starting values
29A piece of baseline results
- The structure of the models allows to run
different scenarios/ evaluate several policies - CO2 emissions stabilization (450,500,550 ppm)
- emissions caps vs taxes
- permit trading -banking
- RD subsidies vs direct policies
- technology options (CCS, nuclear, renewables)
- region coalitions
- Non-electric energy
- Lbd increasing returns
- Trade
- Uncertainty stochastic version
- Better climate module/feedback