Title: Heavy flavor measurements at RHIC
1Heavy flavor measurements at RHIC
- Alexandre Suaide
- University of São Paulo Brazil
2Motivation the original thoughts
- Heavy quarks are ideal probes for medium created
at RHIC - Two ways of doing that
- Quarkonium investigation
- Deconfinement
- Medium thermometer
- Open heavy flavor
- Production mechanisms
- thermalization
- Interaction with the medium
- tomography
B. Mueller, nucl-th/0404015
D mesons
, Y, c
3Production mechanisms
- Charm quarks are believed to be produced at early
stage by initial gluon fusions. - (M. Gyulassy Z. Lin, PRC 51 (1995) 2177)
- Sensitive to initial gluon distribution
- Nuclear and medium effects in the initial state
4Baseline production in pp collisions
- Heavy Quark production is a hard process pQCD
Calculations on NLO - depend on
- Quark mass mc, mb
- Factorization scale mF (typically mF mT or 2mT)
- Renormalization scale mR (typically mR mF)
- Parton density functions (PDF)
- Fragmentation functions (FF) plays important
role - Fixed-Order plus Next-to-Leading-Log (FONLL)
- designed to cure large logs for pT gtgt mq where
mass is not relevant
M. Cacciari et al., PRL 95122001,2005
5Open heavy flavors
- Useful tool to probe the medium
- Yield, spectra, correlations, jets
- How do we do it?
- Hadronic reconstruction
- Clean probe but difficult in high multiplicity
environments - Semi-leptonic decays
- Easier but depends on magic to disentangle
6Energy loss in the medium
- Light quarks
- High pT suppression / quenching of away-side jet
for light quark hadrons - What happens to heavy quarks?
7Open Heavy Flavors Energy Loss in Medium
- In vacuum, gluon radiation suppressed at q lt
mQ/EQ - dead cone effect implies lower energy loss
(Dokshitzer-Kharzeev, 01) - energy distribution w dI/dw of radiated gluons
suppressed by angle-dependent factor - Collisional E-loss qg ? qg, qq ? qq
- dE/dx ? ln p - small?
- Various models in the market
8 Open Heavy Flavors Elliptic Flow
- Observed large elliptic flow of light/s quark
mesons at RHIC - Strong evidence for thermalization
- What about charm?
- Naïve kinematical argument need mq/T 7 times
more collisions to thermalize - v2 of charm closely related to RAA
9Melting quarkonia statesCharmonia J/y, Y, cc
Bottomonia ?(1S), ?(2S), ?(3S)
- Original idea by Matsui and Satz
- Color screening
- Suppression depends on T/Tc and binding energy
- Tdiss(Y) lt Tdiss(?(3S)) lt Tdiss(J/Y) ?
Tdiss(?(2S)) lt Tdiss(?(1S)) - But life is not that simple
- Need to understand many different aspects
10Quarkonia in pp and pA
- Baseline
- p p ? production baseline
- d A ? cold matter effects (absorption,
shadowing) - p p
- Color Evaporation Model (CEM)
- Quarkonium production treated as fraction of
all?QQ pairs below?HH threshold - CEM taken to NLO (Gavai et al., G. Schuler and
R.Vogt) - Parameters adjusted to existing data
? ? ?
11Quarkonia in pA
- Nuclear Absorption
- Breakup of quarkonia in the final state
- Depends if produced as color singlet or octet
- Shadowing
- Modification of PDFs in the nucleus w.r.t. free
nucleon - y distributions are more sensitive
R. Vogt, RHIC-II Science Workshop
12Quarkonia Effects in A A
- Feed down
- Large from cc states (30-40 ?)
- Not well measured in hadronic collisions
- Unknown at RHIC energies
- Other sources of quarkonia production
- Statistical coalescense (thermal production)
- too small at RHIC larger at LHC ?
- Dynamic coalescence
- coalescence?cc ?? J/y
- recombination J/y??cc ? J/y
- narrower y and softer pT distributions
- Quenching at high-pT
- Comover absorption
- J/y p (r) ??DD (negligible for ?)
13How do we measure it?
- Large acceptance and efficiency
- Good particle identification
- de/dx, EMC and ToF
- Open heavy flavors
- hadronic reconstruction, muons and electrons
- Quarkonia states depend on special triggers
- Designed for leptonic measurements
- Low radiation lenght
- Open heavy flavors
- Electron measurements
- Quarkonia states
14RHIC results charm cross section
- Use all possible signals
- D mesons
- Electrons
- Muons
- Charm cross section is well constrained
- A factor of 5 higher than FONLL calculations
- Follow a Nbin scale from pp to AA collisions
- Produced in the initial stages
- No room for thermal production
Y. Zhang (STAR), Hard Probes 2006
15Heavy flavor energy loss at RHIC
- Use of non-photonic electron spectra as proxy for
energy loss study - Shapes at high-pT agree with FONLL but need to
scale up - RAA plots show increasing suppression from
peripheral to central AuAu - First evidence of heavy quark EL
- Seems to suggest elastic EL
- Do not favor the relative charm and bottom from
FONLL calculations
16Large suppression requires extreme conditions
- In order to get close to the observed RAA we need
extreme conditions - dNg/dy 3500 (Gyulassy et al)
- qhat 14 GeV/fm (Armesto et al)
17But charm looses much more energy than bottom
- In both radioactive and collisional mechanisms
- Maybe we are overestimating bottom?
18The RAA puzzle (?)
- NPE are highly suppressed in central AuAu
collisions - Charm alone seems to explain
- Where is bottom?
- Need direct measurement of Ds via hadronic
decays and Bs via J/y or displaced vertex! - Other creative methods?
19Do heavy quarks flow?
- Study of non-photonic single electrons (from
semileptonic D decays) - First hint of strong charm elliptic flow for pTlt2
GeV/c - Seems to decrease at higher-pT
- Does the suppression of charm makes bottom
evident in this region in AuAu? - Many issues
- Statistics limited
- Uncertainties due to photonic background
- Large sys errors
- Cannot deconvolute contributions from charm and
bottom - Need direct measurement of D mesons (via K p) v2
20How to disentangle charm and bottom?
- Understand charm and bottom production is a key
point to understand suppression and flow - Direct measurement is very complicated
- Displaced vertex reconstruction
- Need very precise vertex detector
- One possible idea electron-hadron correlations
- We can study suppression if we look at the away
side distribution, just like light hadron
correlations - But the near side peak may have different
structure if the electron comes from charm or
bottom decays.
21Electron-hadron correlations in pp
Data suggest that D mesons dominate Non-photonic
electrons up, at least, pT 5-6 GeV/c
X. Lin (STAR), Hard Probes 2006
22RHIC Results J/y Suppression
- Study of J/y ? ee and mm in AuAu and CuCu
- Yield is suppressed compared to that in pp
collisions - Suppression is larger for more central
collisions. - Suppression beyond that of cold nuclear matter
for most central collisions even if sabs 3 mb. - Cold matter effects under predict the suppression
V. Ciancolo, PANIC05
- Issues
- Lack of statistics
- Only J/y measurement so far
- Need more statistics and data on Y, cc, and ?
23RHIC Results J/y Suppression
- Recombination predicts narrow pT and rapidity
distribution - ?pT2? vs. Ncollisions
- Predictions of recombination model match better.
- RAA vs. Rapidity
- No significant change in rapidity shape compared
to pp result. - Recombination compensates suppression?
- Issues
- Charm rapidity distributions at RHIC are open
questions - Require more data on vs, A dependence
A. Bickley, HP06
24RHIC results other quarkonia states
- J/y is not the only state but may be the easiest
one ? - PHENIX Upsilon signal
- Hungry for statistics!
25Quarkonium at STAR the first steps
- Large acceptance at mid-rapidity
- Electron ID-capabilities
- Triggering on Barrel EMC
- Suitable for electrons
- Suitable for di-electrons?
- J/y, ? are rare,
- triggering where possible
- STAR developed a special trigger, using topology
and mass reconstruction in real time to enhance
the number of events with quarkonium decays.
26What we have so far
- J/y in AuAu collisions
- Trigger is not possible due to the high rate of
combinatorial events - Need to rely on large datasets and time consuming
analysis - J/y in pp collisions
- Trigger is available
- Low statistics in 2004/2005
- 10x more data in 2006
27Final comments
- Heavy flavor physics is an important tool to
understand HI physics at RHIC - Heavy Flavor Physics at RHIC is just at the
beginning - First RHIC results are interesting and
challenging - Why x-section is too high, compared to FONLL?
- Charm and bottom relative production. Where
bottom starts dominating? - Why so much suppression at high-pT?
- Do heavy flavors flow?
- Quarkonia is in the first steps
- Suppression vs. recombination? Feed down issues