Title: Object Relational Mappers: Friend or Foe
1Object Relational Mappers Friend or Foe?
- Glenn Paulley, Director, Engineering
- Sybase iAnywhere
- http//iablog.sybase.com/paulley
2What is object-relational mapping?
- Object-oriented programming technologies are
typically used to implement business applications
today - Relational databases are the predominant
persistent data storage solution - Impedance mismatch between the two paradigms
objects vs. relations - Estimated that 30-40 of a JDBC application
involves coercing data from tuples to object
instances and back again - ORM toolkits are designed to address this
impedance mismatch - 61 different ORM toolkits are listed in Wikipedia
for Java, C, Delphi, Ruby, .NET, PHP, Python,
3The promise Part 1
- Developers spend far too much time worrying about
their backend database, its tables and their
relationships, the names and parameters of stored
procedures and views, as well as the schema of
the data that they return. Microsofts new Entity
Framework changes the game for .NET developers so
that we no longer have to be concerned with the
details of the data store as we write our
applications. We can focus on the task of writing
our applications, rather than accessing the data. - -- Julie Lerman, Programming Entity Framework,
pp. 1
4What is object-relational mapping?
- To exploit object behaviour fully, data-access
from within an object-oriented programming
language should offer - Separation of concerns
- Information hiding
- Inheritance
- Change detection
- Uniqueness capability
- Database independence
5Change detection
- ORM toolkits require mechanisms to track changes
to objects made by the application - When a transaction is complete, write the changes
to the database within an atomic transaction - Need appropriate guarantees to prevent lost
updates either - Pessimistic locking using the database servers
locking implementation - Optimistic locking using timestamps or version
numbers, handled by the ORM layer but supported
by the underlying relational schema
- Mappings are usually a correspondence between a
row in a normalized table and a class instance - Specified using metadata Hibernate (NHibernate)
and Entity Framework utilize XML - For example, a row of the Employee table will
correspond to an instance of the Employee object
within the application - Mappings are often not isomorphic
- Sophisticated ORMs such as Hibernate and LINQ
permit object models that differ substantially
from the underlying relational store - Object-oriented language features offer greater
semantic flexibility in application design than
1NF values from a relational database - Need to establish a correspondence between an
in-memory object and a database row - Must be independent of how the object was
acquired a database query, or navigating a
reference to another object - Predicated on the existence of primary keys in
the database
7Database independence
- Many ORM toolkits attempt to offer database
independence, so that applications can be ported
from one DBMS to another - Create common APIs and models to interact with a
variety of DBMS platforms - Useful with mobilized applications where the
consolidated database is one DBMS, and local
databases are different - APIs tend to be modeled on SQL-92!
- Hibernates HQL
- Entity Frameworks LINQ
8The promise Part 2
- ORM Toolkits can
- Eliminate tedious, repetitive code that
instantiates object instances from tuples using a
SELECT statement and a CURSOR - Insulate, to some extent, the application
developer from vendor-specific SQL extensions - Permit the application developer to exploit
object-orientation and model and manipulate the
application view differently from the relational
model - Allow data manipulation to be done at the
object level, rather than (only) at a SQL
statement level
9NHibernate HelloNHibernate example
- static void CreateEmployeeAndSaveToDatabase()
- Employee tobin new Employee()
- tobin.name "Tobin Harris"
- using (ISession session
OpenSession()) -
- using (ITransaction transaction
session.BeginTransaction()) -
- session.Save(tobin) //
generates appropriate SQL INSERT statement - transaction.Commit()
- Console.WriteLine("Saved Tobin to
the database") -
- Look Mom no SQL!
10NHibernate HelloNHibernate example
- static void LoadEmployeesFromDatabase()
- using (ISession session
OpenSession()) -
- IQuery query session.CreateQuery
( - "from Employee as emp order
by emp.name asc") - IListltEmployeegt foundEmployees
query.ListltEmployeegt() - Console.WriteLine("\n0
employees found", - foundEmployees.Count)
- foreach (Employee employee in
foundEmployees) - Console.WriteLine(employee.Say
Hello()) -
11The Challenge Part 1
- ORM toolkits introduce an additional level of
complexity to the application - Example Java Hibernate 3.2.6 is
- 266 packages, 1938 classes, 18,680 functions,
over 118K LOC - Can be difficult to debug, perform performance
analysis - Most frameworks suffer from a lack of appropriate
tools - Ayende Rahien has developed an NHibernate
Profiler that provides sophisticated debugging
and performance analysis for NHibernate
12The Challenge Part 2
- Performance analysis is problematic because the
applications behaviour is not tied directly to
specific interactions with the database - ORM tools obfuscate the difference between
expensive and inexpensive database interactions - Complex object-relational mappings may cause very
complex SQL queries to be generated - Generated SQL requests may not reach the database
server in the same order due to ORM write-behind
policies - Can be difficult for the application developer to
understand what caused the construction of a
specific SQL request
13Complex SQL (LINQ generated)
- Project9.ContactID AS ContactID,Project9.
C1 AS C1,Project9.C2 AS C2,Project9.Co
ntactID1 AS ContactID1,Project9.SalesOrderID
AS SalesOrderID, - Project9.TotalDue AS TotalDue
- FROM ( SELECT Distinct1.ContactID AS
ContactID, 1 AS C1,
Project8.ContactID AS ContactID1,
Project8.SalesOrderID AS SalesOrderID, - Project8.TotalDue AS
TotalDue, Project8.C1 AS C2 - FROM
ContactID - FROM DBA.Contact AS Extent1
DBA.SalesOrderHeader AS Extent2 - ON EXISTS (SELECT cast(1 as bit) AS C1
- FROM ( SELECT cast(1
as bit) AS X ) AS SingleRowTable1 - LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT
Extent3.ContactID AS ContactID - FROM
DBA.Contact AS Extent3 WHERE
Extent2.ContactID Extent3.ContactID )AS
Project1 ON cast(1 as bit) cast(1 as bit) - LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT
Extent4.ContactID AS ContactID - FROM
DBA.Contact AS Extent4 WHERE
Extent2.ContactID Extent4.ContactID )
AS Project2 ON cast(1 as bit) cast(1 as bit) - WHERE (Extent1.ContactI
D Project1.ContactID) OR
((Extent1.ContactID IS NULL) AND
(Project2.ContactID IS NULL)) ) - ) AS Distinct1
- (SELECT Extent5.ContactID AS ContactID,
Extent6.SalesOrderID AS SalesOrderID,
Extent6.TotalDue AS TotalDue, 1 AS C1
14Equivalent SQL query
- select Extent6.ContactID,
- 1 as C1,
- 1 as C2,
- Extent6.ContactID as ContactID1,
- Extent6.SalesOrderID as SalesOrderID,
- Extent6.TotalDue as TotalDue
- from DBA.SalesOrderHeader as Extent6
- order by Extent6.ContactID asc
- Can your query optimizer get there?
- And what program construction caused the original
statement to be formed in the first place?
15The Challenge Part 3
- Abstraction is great, but.
- The application programmer now relies on the ORM
toolkit for concurrency control and the
generation of database requests, the two most
important performance factors of a database
application - In practice, ease of development is traded-off
for poorer run-time performance due to additional
code complexity - Julie Lerman 220 increase in query execution
cost between using a DataReader directly and
using Microsofts LINQ to Entities (pp. 503) - Jeff Atwood (http//www.codinghorror.com/blog/arc
hives/001281.html) A simple example shows a
factor of two difference between using a
DataReader and LINQ to SQL.
16The Challenge Part 4
- Object-instance-at-a-time navigation through the
object model can result in multiple, separate
interactions to the database server to retrieve
the rows to create the objects - Termed the N1 Selects problem
- Application developer must tradeoff prefetching
applicability in various scenarios these are
documented in the various toolkits - Objects are not partially instantiated all
object attributes are required for the
constructor - Transactional semantics are complex once caching
is introduced - Transactional semantics often differ across
DBMSs, even with the identical isolation level - Developers must (still) be aware of the potential
for lost updates
17The Challenge Part 5
- The SQL dialect supported by ORM toolkits is
typically a very restricted subset of ANSI SQL - Hibernates HQL supports inner and outer join,
simple GROUP BY and HAVING, quantified subqueries - Workarounds are to perform the computation on the
client (within the application), or work outside
of the ORM toolkit using a direct database
connection through a native API - ORM toolkits often support only limited,
straightforward DDL for schema creation/modificati
on - Not supported in current versions of Entity
Framework - Hibernate-generated schemas are not recommended
for production applications - Deployment of the application should involve
separate DDL scripts
18Important aspects of ORM toolkits
- Mapping specification
- Query language
- Persistence
- Class inheritance
- Fetch strategies
- Caching
- We look and see how these are implemented in
NHibernate, a popular open-source ORM toolkit for
C applications
19NHibernate as an example of an ORM
20Brief introduction to NHibernate
- Open-source, LGPL C ORM toolkit
- Forked from the original Java implementation
called Hibernate - Support for similar, but not identical, metadata
XML - Similar architecture, but significant differences
in methods and support - Hibernate was originally developed by Christian
Bauer, Gavin King, and a worldwide team of
developers - NHibernate now maintained by another group
worldwide - Current distribution is 2.1 (released in July
2009) - http//hibernate.org
21NHibernate application architecture
22NHibernate mapping specification
- CREATE TABLE "GROUPO"."SalesOrders" (
- "ID" integer NOT
NULL DEFAULT autoincrement - ,"CustomerID" integer NOT
NULL - ,"OrderDate" date NOT
NULL - ,"FinancialCode" char(2) NULL
- ,"Region" char(7) NULL
- ,"SalesRepresentative" integer NOT
("ID") - )
- ADD FOREIGN KEY "FK_SalesRepresentative_Employ
eeID" ("SalesRepresentative) REFERENCES
"GROUPO"."Employees" ("EmployeeID") - ALTER TABLE "GROUPO"."SalesOrders
- ADD FOREIGN KEY "FK_FinancialCode_Code"
("FinancialCode") - REFERENCES "GROUPO"."FinancialCodes" ("Code)
("CustomerID") - REFERENCES "GROUPO"."Customers" ("ID)
23NHibernate mapping specification
- NHibernate mapping file SalesOrders.hbm.xml
- lt?xml version"1.0"?gt
- lt!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN" - "http//hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mappin
g-3.0.dtd"gt - lt!-- Generated Mar 3, 2009 115955 AM by
Hibernate Tools 3.2.2.GA --gt - lthibernate-mappinggt
- ltclass name"SalesOrders" table"SalesOrders"gt
- ltcommentgtsales orders that customers have
submitted to the sporting goods companylt/commentgt - ltid name"id" type"int"gt
- ltcolumn name"ID" /gt
- ltgenerator class"assigned" /gt
- lt/idgt
- ltmany-to-one name"employees"
class"Employees" fetch"select"gt - ltcolumn name"SalesRepresentative"
not-null"true" /gt - lt/many-to-onegt
- ltmany-to-one name"financialCodes"
class"FinancialCodes" fetch"select"gt - ltcolumn name"FinancialCode"
length"2" /gt - lt/many-to-onegt
- ltmany-to-one name"customers"
class"Customers" fetch"select"gt
24C class implementation
- using System
- using System.Collections.Generic
- using NHibernate
- namespace HelloNHibernate
- class SalesOrder
- public Int32 id
- public Employees employees
- public FinancialCodes financialCodes
- public Customers customers
- public DateTime orderDate
- public String region
- public Set salesOrderItemses new
HashSet(0) - public SalesOrders()
- public SalesOrders(Int32 id, Employees
employees, Customers customers, DateTime
25HQL Hibernate Query Language
- Subset of ANSI query specification with support
- GROUP BY, simple aggregation
- Quantified subqueries
- Supports object-oriented dot-notation for
many-to-one, one-to-one associations, for
select s.id, s.orderDate, s.region,
s.customers.givenName, s.customers.surname from
SalesOrders s where s.orderDate between
'2001-03-16' and '2001-03-26' and s.region ltgt
'Central' order by s.orderDate
26HQL Hibernate Query Language
- NHibernates HQL supports SELECT, inner and outer
ORDER BY, self-joins with different correlation
names - HQL does not support recursion, common table
expressions, window functions, derived tables,
other set operators, table functions, array or
structured types, APPLY/OUTER APPLY, CROSS JOIN,
select distinct c.givenName from Customers c
left join c.salesOrderses where c.city in
(select c2.city from Customers c2 where
c2.companyName like 'Power')
27HQL Hibernate Query Language
- HQL is augmented by dialects that implement
specific methods to modify the SQL generated by
NHibernate before execution on the server - HQL has optional support for (implemented by a
specific dialect) - UNION ALL (for entity-type hierarchies)
- Syntax to declare an updateable cursor and
locking mode - Case-insensitive string comparisons
28Object persistence in NHibernate
- Saving objects
- Once an object is created or modified, it must be
saved explicitly and then the transaction must be
committed - session.Save(ltobject namegt)
- tx.Commit()
- Loading objects
- The NHibernate session interface offers several
load() methods for loading objects into memory
from database tuples - Cat fritz (Cat) session.Load(typeof(Cat),
generatedId) - Cat cat (Cat) session.Get(typeof(Cat), id,
LockMode.Upgrade) // OR this - session.Save(cat)
- session.Flush() //force the SQL INSERT
- session.Refresh(cat) //re-read the state (after
the trigger executes)
29Object persistence in NHibernate
- A refresh() method is implemented to reload
objects from the database - Useful for when attributes are modified by
database triggers upon INSERT or UPDATE - Highly error-prone
- Updating objects
- NHibernate manages changes to persistent objects
transparently and automatically - If an attribute is altered, the appropriate
NHibernate session will queue the change for
writing to the database using SQL - One can force changes to be written at a certain
point using the flush() method, controlled by
isDirty() and setFlushMode()
30Class inheritance
- Hibernate and NHibernate offer a variety of
built-in techniques to handle different
normalizations of entity-type hierarchies - Single table with discriminator value
- Multiple tables fully normalized into BCNF
- A hybrid model consisting of a mixture of the two
- If represented as different objects in a mapping,
an ETH requires careful construction and
different equals() and hashcode() implementations
31FETCH strategies
- A major pain point is the N1 SELECTs problem
- Navigation through the object model iteratively
causes additional rows to be retrieved from the
database, using independent SQL requests - client-side join performance tends to be
extremely poor due to the additional latency - Need careful construction of HQL queries to
minimize client-server latency - Alternatively, in the mapping one may specify the
selection method either lazy or eager - One must tradeoff this method will global
application behaviour, or override it on a
case-by-case basis using HQL-specific syntax
32Concurrency control
- NHibernate relies on the databases locking
scheme for concurrency control - ANSI isolation levels 0-3 are supported directly
1 or 2 is recommended (READ COMMITTED and
REPEATABLE READ) - DBMS that support snapshot isolation require
tweaks to their NHibernate dialect implementation - Lock mode for individual HQL statements or
instantiations of objects can be specified
directly, ie - Customer c (Customer) session.Get(Customer.class
, 101, LockMode.Upgrade) - NHibernate has builtin support for optimistic
concurrency control - Can use either version numbers (added to the
schema of the table), or base change control on
all of the values in the row
33Caching and concurrency control
- Like many runtime environments, NHibernate
supports built-in caching controls to speed-up
database interaction - Two levels of caching are supported
- Level 1 Persistence context cache
- Lifespan is a transaction or a conversation
without sharing. - Guarantees scope of the object and object
identity. Mandatory. - Level 2 Pluggable, scope is process or cluster
(shared) - Configurable on a class-by-class basis
- Selectable concurrency control strategies
Transactional, Read-write, non-strict read-write,
read-only - ASP.NET Cache, PrevalenceCache are
- Are ORM toolkits a failed abstraction?
- Similar arguments to compiler technology in the
1970s - There are productivity gains with such tools, but
there are tradeoffs with additional run-time
costs - Jeff Atwood programmers must still understand
the entire program stack from end to end - Application complexity is increased
- However - for open source toolkits, documentation
and support is what one would expect with free
software - Developer productivity gains are real
- Permits specialization of development teams
database expertise is still necessary
35Research and development opportunities
- Robust, industrial-strength debugging frameworks
- Identify how a particular database interaction
was caused by what specific application program
behaviour - Analysis of concurrency control behaviour to
determine application correctness, for example
with respect to lost updates - Query processing optimizations specific for ORM
application toolkits - Identifying common classes of SQL queries for
specific sets of optimizations - Place in the dialect layer, in the DBMS itself,
or in a separate tool that can support the
optimization of multiple inter-related statements - Mechanisms to support additional types of
mappings and more complex schemas - Support for recursion in toolkit languages
- Watch my blog for continuing articles on
supporting ORM toolkits with SQL Anywhere
http//iablog.sybase.com/paulley - References
- Christian Bauer and Gavin King (November 2007).
Java Persistence with Hibernate (revised edition
of Hibernate in Action). Manning Publications,
Greenwich, CT. ISBN 1-932394-88-5. Seventh
printing. - Dave Minter and Jeff Linwood (2005) Pro Hibernate
3. Apress Books, Berkeley, CA. - Julia Lerman ( February 2009). Programming Entity
Framework. OReilly Media, Inc., Sebastopol,
California. ISBN 978-0-596-52028-1. - Roger Jennings (2009). Professional ADO.NET 3.5
with LINQ and the Entity Framework. Wiley
Publishing, Indianapolis, Indiana.
978-0-470-18261-1. - Joseph C. Rattz, Jr. (2007). Pro LINQ Language
Integrated Query in C 2008. Apress Books,
Berkeley, CA. 978-1-59059-789-7. - Pierre Henri Kuate, Tobin Harris, Christian Bauer
and Gavin King (2009). NHibernate in Action.
Manning Publications, Greenwich, CT. ISBN
978-1-932394-92-4. - ACM Queue 6(3), May/June 2008, Bridging the
Object-Relational Divide.