Title: N.L.Kalinin
- Serum-ALFA Inc,
- Russian Federation, Moscow. e-mail
2 Investigation of protein-carbohydrate
interactions based on thermodynamic constants of
association and dissociation.
- It is well known that protein-carbohydrate
interaction is fundamental basement for a
numerous of diagnostic and biotechnological
methods in clinical medicine and molecular
biology. Almost of them are considering only
structural properties (epitop) of carbohydrates
as part of glycoproteins and glycoconjugates and
targets for binding.. - In our presentation we would like to suggest
another possible way to characterize this
phenomenon. To answer the always main question
it is specific or nonspecific interaction? - Our approach is to investigate of thermodynamics
of the binding . This is discussing in our
presentation. - It was shown that each special type of protein-
carbohydrate interaction may be characterized by
his own thermodynamic constants of association
and dissociation. - Using Biacore technique for studying of
interactions Mannan binding protein with mannose
and Con A with glucose the 6 (3 for each pair)
different constants were calculated. Preliminary
it may be concluded that these constants are
markers for recognition step - primary
interaction, binding step and reception. - For example Carbohydrates on outer cell membrane
are carriers of recognition information during
ontogenesis and cell interaction. Our approach
may be useful to study in vivo such model
biological systems as selectin, integrin and
adhesion processes during cell differentiation
and proliferation (immune response and tumor
growth) as well as antigen-antibody binding,
receptor-ligand and enzyme-substrate
interactions by in vitro diagnostics.
3Optiko-biophysical essence of method and typical
experimental curves.
4Dependence of change of sensogrammy and constants
of association (Kacc) on a temperature.
5Constants of association (K-ass) and dissociation
(K-diss) of complexes of mannans binding protein
(MBP) and agglyutinin of soy (AS)
6Suppression of specific relating activity of
immobilization MBP mono- and disaccharide.
7- FIG. 1. First-order plots of the kinetics of (a)
association and (b) dissociation for the
interaction of concanavalin A with the
carboxy-methyldextran coating on the biosensor
chip. results from experiments with injected
lectin concentrations of 1.3 and 0.04 mg/ml,
respectively. Error bars are included to indicate
the extent to which the curvilinearity could be a
consequence of experimental uncertainty.
8- FIG. 2. First-order plots of the kinetics of (a)
association and (b) dissociation for the
interaction of human interleukin-6 with
biospecific receptor covalently attached to the
biosensor chip. , - results from experiments
with 10 and 40 ?? interleukin, respectively. The
broken line in b denotes the theoretical
dependence (Eq. 4) based on analysis of a in
terms of pseudo-first-order kinetics (Eq. f3J).
9Evaluation of the Effective Total Concentration
of Conca-navalin ? (?d) from the Injected
Concentration (CA) and the Equilibrium BIAcore
Response (Re)
10- FIG. 3. Thermodynamic characterization of the
interaction between concanavalin A and
immobilized carboxymethyldextran on the basis of
the equilibrium surface plasmon resonance
responses, (a) Evaluation of the results (Table
1) by nonlinear regression analysis in terms of
the rectangular hyperbolic relationship for a
bivalent solute (Eq. 8 with / 2). (b)
Corresponding analysis by means of Eq. 12, a
simplified form of Eq. 8 that applies when (CA
CA) CA. Dotted lines denote the envelope of
uncertainty associated with each characterization.