Varied or no methods of central co-ordination (2 sites or campuses) ... Harder to co-ordinate, easier to resource? More often out of date? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
.the value of using metadata as a aid to reliable retrieval both within individual Web sites and across distributed sites
.what the barriers to effective use of metadata are and how they can be overcome
.Who should be responsible for creating and maintaining metadata - resource creators web-masters librarians?
4 Theme Examine, Discuss
.Whether embedding and harvesting or a central database is the best approach.
plus (if time allows)
A step beyond, the value of Content Management Systems
Focus General
My background...
5 Responsibility to...
Thought Discussion Debate
Draw out the important points
Impart ability to apply what weve discovered
Ensure participation
6 Individual needs and circumstances? 7 Effective Retrieval
What is it?
Balance of precision and recall best suited to a given problem
High precision and low recall usually preferred but in some cases (e.g. patents) there may be an advantage in lowering precision to boost recall
Level of precision and recall should be under the users control not a side effect of poor metadata
8 Effective Retrieval
Why does it matter?
Costs University, public purse to create the material - a waste if the people it is aimed at cant find it
Strategic/PR considerations - If they cant find your courses or expertise registers or digital images for sale if and when you want or need them to they wont use you or talk or write about you
9 Effective Retrieval
When does it matter?
Only if it is stuff you want found
The bigger they come, the sooner they fail
The more stuff you have, the more campuses, or organisations in a collaboration,the harder it is to ensure effective retrieval
Especially with no or poor metadata
10 What is metadata?
Metadata is data about data
Consists of things like
Author Title Subject Description Level Language Viewer
Appropriate to function
The route to effective retrieval
11 What can go wrong?
Limited penetration (i.e. only some available documents covered)
Misleading results for users
Different metadata record formats
Can the software cope? Is there a cross-walk?
Incompatible core field sets
Cross-walk not possible
12 What can go wrong?
Different field sub-sets used (Both use DC but different field set)
Full service limited to common fields
Different fields used for same data element (I put subject headings in subject field and free form keywords in the keyword field but you put subject headings in the keyword field)
Misleading results
13 What can go wrong?
Different or no standards applied in creating data element content (e.g. Darwin, C. or Charles Darwin)
Reduced retrieval varied results
Different or no subject schemes and/or category lists (Educational levels, LCSH v. UNESCO v. made up)
Reduced retrieval varied results
Insufficient granularity (If everything physical is physics)
Poor precision, high recall
14 What can go wrong?
Varied or no methods of central co-ordination (2 sites or campuses)
Can cause some of the other problems listed above and below
Different sites index different fields (One has subjects, keywords in one index, another in separate indices)
Misleading for users
15 What can go wrong?
Missing indices (Nothing on the subject in the index or no subject index? (2 sites))
Misleading retrieval
Humans can cope but machines cant (A machine finds it harder to spot different usages of the same word or alternative words for the same thing than a human does)
Semantic web wont work
16 Safeguards against
Limited penetration
Policy? Training? DC Dot? Human monitor?
Different formats
Discover need, agree policy, set standards, ensure software can cope with formats
Incompatible core field sets
Identify formats (DC, IMS, MARC?) then agree core set of fields (e.g. 15 in DC base)
17 Safeguards against
Different field sub-sets used
Agree, monitor, one core set
Different fields used for same data element
Templates and examples, Central co-ordination, Guidelines, Training
18 Safeguards against
Different or no standards applied in creating data element content
Template with examples
Different or no subject schemes and/or category lists
Agree single schemes or lists, have drop down lists, upgrade centrally
19 Safeguards against
Insufficient granularity
Agree usable level, training, examples
Varied or no methods of central co-ordination (2 sites or campuses)
Make sure it doesnt happen!
Different sites index different fields
Agree approach, implement and monitor standards
20 Safeguards against
Missing indices
Agree not to do this, and warn users if you cant agree
Humans can cope but machines cant (semantic web)
Use standard schemes, ontologies in standard ways and map between different ones in a way that your software can process
21 Where to keep it?
Pros and Cons of
Embedding and harvesting
Metadata creation more likely? Harder to co-ordinate, easier to resource? More often out of date? Harder to ensure standardised metadata?
A central database
Easier to co-ordinate, more expensive to resource? Easier to maintain standards? How to ensure new stuff notified?
22 Where to keep it?
Pros and Cons of
A mix of the two?
Worst of both worlds? Or best? How to ensure the latter? Optimise author input of embedded metadata but allow central upgrades by metatada experts? I this feasible? Is it cost-effective?
Depends on other factors?
A question of designing to be fit for purpose?
23 Whose Responsibility?
Candidates Their pros and cons
Resource creators?
Au fait with the resource Labour saving
Au fait with the technical landscape
Au fait with knowledge and metadata domains
Public Relations?
Au fait with the needs of the University
Anybody else?
All of the above? Co-ordinated by?
24 Other Related Issues
A CMS would ensure
Currency Accuracy Legality Authority of Content retrieved by metadata
Not to mention
Uniform look and feel control easy total redesign and global changes all content tracked joint authorship across departments, units, different institutions easy repurposing
All who have some responsibility can be involved in controlled way?
25 Facilities
It would provide
Content authoring collaborative authoring editing and workflow preventing unauthorised editing or creation scheduling publication tracking changes personalising repurposing metadata creation knowledge management through semantic control
26 Closing Discussion
Who has/plans to have a CMS?
What does it/will it cost?
Are they
Essential? Optional? Impractical? A threat to academic freedom?
Do they help solve the metadata problem?
27 Useful URLs
http// (Why should we care?)