Title: Folkert Boersma
1Folkert Boersma
Reducing errors in using tropospheric NO2 columns
observed from space
Main use of satellite observations estimating
emissions of NOx
- What is so uncertain about emissions?
- quantities
- locations
- times
- trends
But we can see the NOx sources from space
?chem 4-24 hrs
3Satellite observations
- Pros
- sensitivity to lower troposphere
- improving horizontal resolution
- global coverage
- Cons
- daytime only
- column only
- clouds
- sensitivity to forward model parameters
4Retrieval method
5Retrieval method
- 3-step procedure
- obtain slant column along average light path
- separate stratospheric and tropospheric
contributions - convert tropospheric slant column in vertical
In equation
Ns, Ns,st, Mtr are all error sources
6Retrieval method
surface pressure
van Noije et al., ACP, 6, 2943-2979, 2006
8Systematic differences
van Noije et al., ACP, 6, 2943-2979, 2006
9Stratospheric column
Accounting for zonal variability or not?
E. J. Bucsela NASA GSFC
Model information Reference Sector
10Stratospheric column
Without correction errors up to 1?1015 molec.cm-2
March 1997
11Stratospheric column
- Alternative limb-nadir matching
- Limb observes zonal variability
- Stratospheric column estimate may introduce
offsets from limb-technique
Courtesy of E. J. Bucsela NASA GSFC
A. Richter et al. IUP Bremen
12Stratospheric column
- In summary
- Reference sector method questionable
- Assimilation nadir-limb correct known
systematic errors - Assimilation self-consistent uncertainty
0.21015 - Validation needed
- - SAOZ network (sunrise, sunset)
- Brewer direct sun (Cede et al.) in unpolluted
13Air mass factor
Retrieval method
Tropospheric air mass factor Mtr - Computed with
radiative transfer model and stored in tables Mtr
f(xa,b) xa a priori tropospheric NO2 prf b
forward model parameters - cloud fraction -
cloud pressure - surface albedo - aerosols ( -
viewing geometry)
14Air mass factor errors
A priori profile
- Large range in sensitivities between 200 1000
hPa, especially in the BL - Low sensitivity in lower troposphere for dark
- Clear pixel, albedo 0.02
- Clear pixel, albedo 0.15
- Cloudy pixel with fcl 1.0, pcl 800 hPa
Eskes and Boersma, ACP, 3, 1285-1291, 2003
15Air mass factor errors
A priori profile from CTMs
- Shapes reasonably captured by CTMs
- Effect of model assumptions on BL mixing lead to
errors lt10-15 - Models are coarse relative to latest retrievals
Martin et al., JGR, 109, D24307, 2004
16Air mass factor errors
Effect of choice of CTM on retrieval
MOZART-2 (2?2) vs. WRF-CHEM (0.2?0.2)
A. Heckel et al. (IUP Bremen)
17Air mass factor errors
Effect of choice of CTM on retrieval
Effect 10
A. Heckel et al. (IUP Bremen)
18Air mass factor sensitivities
M w?Mcl (1-w)?Mcr
Cloud fraction
Boersma et al., JGR, 109, D04311, 2004
Cloud pressure
19AMF errors surface albedo
?M ?M/?asf ?asf ?asf ?0.02 (GOME-TOMS)
20AMF errors cloud fraction
?M ?M/?fcl ?fcl ?fcl ?0.05 (FRESCO)
21AMF errors cloud pressure
?M ?M/?pcl ?pcl ?pcl ?50.0 (FRESCO)
22Air mass factor errors - aerosols
- If NO2 present, then also aerosol
- Aerosols affect radiative transfer dep. on
particle type
23Air mass factor errors - aerosols
- Aerosols affect radiative transfer
- Cloud fraction sensitive to aerosols (?? 1.0
? ?fcl 0.01)
24Air mass factor errors surface pressure
- Surface pressure from CTMs (2 3)
- Strong differences with hi-res surface pressures
Schaub et al., ACPD, 2007
25Error top-10
- Cloud fraction errors 30
- Surface albedo 15 resolution effect?
- Vertical profile 10 resolution effect?
- Aerosols 10? More research needed
- Cloud pressure 5
- Surface pressure depends on orography
26Is there a recipe for reducing all these errors?
1. Better estimates of forward model parameters A
good example surface pressures (Schaub et
al.) What should be done - a validation/improvem
ent of surface albedo databases - a
validation/improvement of cloud retrievals -
investigate effects aerosols on (cloud)
retrievals - validation vertical profiles -
higher spatial resolution (sfc. albedo, pressure,
27Is there a recipe for reducing all these errors?
2. How do we know if better forward model
parameters improve retrievals? We need an
extensive, unambiguous and well-accessible
validation database Testbed for retrieval
improvements - in situ aircraft NO2 (Heland,
ICARTT, INTEX) - surface columns (SAOZ, Brewer,
(MAX)DOAS) - in situ profiles (Schaub/Brunner) -
surface NO2 (regionally)
28Is there a recipe for reducing all these errors?
- 3. Towards a common algorithm/reduced errors?
- Difficult!
- Without testbed, verification of improvements is
hard - Improvements for one algorithm may deteriorate
other algorithms, depending on retrieval
assumptions - Improved model parameters may work for some
regions and some seasons, but not for others
29Is there a recipe for reducing all these errors?
- 3. Towards a common algorithm/reduced errors?
- Worth the try!
- Systematic differences can be reduced (emission
estimates) - Requires scientific will enormous task
- Collection of validation set
- Flexible algorithms digesting various model
parameters - Intercomparison leading to recommendations
- Fits purpose ACCENT/TROPOSAT