Title: Personal Heart Rate Monitor Device
1Personal Heart Rate Monitor Device
- By
- Anthony Shelton, Quintelle Griggs, Jonathan
Killen, Chan Hauw Ki - Faculty Advisors
- Dr. James Harden
- Dr. Lori Bruce
2- More than 2 million people in the U.S. are at
high risk of having heart attack. - It would be helpful if there was a way for these
people to monitor their heart. - So we have a problem That is the way our
project focuses on how we can utilize this
problem and find a solution.
- We know there is device out there that can
monitor heart rate but - either big, not portable, and expensive.
- So we need to design a device that not only
monitor the heart rate for variations, but also
small, portable, and inexpensive.
- Portability
- To provide a simple device that is easy to carry.
- Weight
- To provide a device that weighs as little as
possible. - Size
- To provide a device that is small enough to carry
without worrying the person that uses the device.
- Cost
- The device will cost less than 150 dollar, as it
is cheap to buy. - Performance
- Is to maximize speed of detecting heart rate the
device have to be high speed.
- 5V
- 10 bits
- 115dB
- 500hrs
- 500
- 3.5 x 5 inches
- lt 150
- 0.18Hz - 160Hz
- Cutoff frequency 0.18Hz
- Cutoff frequency 160Hz
- 500 per second
- 1.39mA _at_ 6 duty cycle
- Input Voltage Range
- Converter Resolutions
- Common Mode Rejection Ratio CMRR
- Battery life
- Amplifier Gain
- Size
- Cost
- Frequency response
- High-Pass Filter
- Low-Pass Filter
- Sampling Rate
- Average Load
6Requirement for our project
- Includes
- To amplify the signal
- To digitize
- To analyze
- Differential amplifier
- Analog/Digital Converter
- Microprocessor
7How to
- From Op-Amp to A/D converter
- A Printed Circuit Board PCBs needed to layout
the chips. - Microprocessor
- Prefabricated bot-board is used rather than start
from scratch.
8Instrumentation Amplifier Stage
Instrumentation Amplifier
A/D Converter
9Where to start?
- What we have for input (ECG signal)
- 0 - 5 mV voltage range
- 0.01 - 200 Hz frequency range
- What we need for the A/D converter
- Voltage range from 0 - 2.5V
- Frequency range from 0.18 Hz - 160 Hz
- Common-mode signals and noise rejected
10Complete Design
- Instrumentation Amplifier
11Instrumentation Amplifier
- Common-mode rejection of 115dB
- Isolates EKG differential signal that we want
- Prevents interference from radiated AC (such as
the lighting in a room) - Gain of 10
12What is Inside the Instrumentation Amplifier?
- Two stages of Op-Amps
- All the same Resistor values
Gain 1
Gain 10
13Complete Design
14Patient Reference
- It is helpful to reference the signal with
respect to the patients potential (less
variation) - Used values recommended for feedback
Creates stability
Forces the signal to centered around patients
Reference point between voltage sources
15Complete Design
- High-Pass Filter
- Cutoff frequency of 0.18 Hz
- Low-Pass Filter
- Cutoff frequency of 160 Hz
17Complete Design
185V Voltage Regulator
- Regulate the voltage needed for the A/D Converter
and the Microprocessor to operate - Also, includes a Low Battery Indicator
19Complete Design
- Second Amplification Stage
20Amplify more for the A/D
- A/D Converter needs the signal to have a voltage
range of 2.5V
- Need another Op-Amp with a gain of 50
- Total gain of 10 X 50 500
21Complete Design
22Finally, Stop Interrupt
- Used to turn on and off A/D and microP
- Creates a digital signal
- Resistors set our SPS to 500
REF from the A/D
2.5 V
Sleep or Stop signal helps conserve power
23Voltage over the Capacitor
- Voltage across the capacitor tries to push all
the way to 5V and down to GND, but gets flipped.
- This creates the digital signal at the output to
turn the A/D and the microP on and off
24Speaking of power
- Power Budget
- microP 15mA 100uA
- A/D 4mA 10uA
- 4 Op-Amps 40uA
- Inst. Amp 93uA
- Voltage Reg. 12uA
Min Load about 255uA
Max Load about 19.1mA
- Average Load about 1.39mA _at_ 6 duty cycle
25Possible Battery to use
- Sonnenschein-Lithium
- SL-750
- Max continuous discharge current 20mA
- Small little weight (9 grams)
- With our average load (1.39mA) ? battery life of
500 hours (just under 21 days)
½ AA Lithium
26PC Board layout
- Because of MicroSim limitation (30 components in
layout), we had to split up our design. - Perfect place to split in the middle.
27Test Plan
- Analog
- Function Generator
- Three types of waveforms (square, saw-tooth,
sine) - MIT wav files
- Now we are ready to create the PC Board layout.
28Requirement for the PCB
- First Follow Rules
- Includes
- Determine the Width of the Traces
- Traces between component (smaller)
- Why??? Low voltage and current.
- Air gap also smaller, 12 mil (1 mil 0.001
inch) - Traces between the power source (larger)
- Why ??? High voltage and current
- Air gap bigger, 25 mil
29Requirement Cont.
- Includes
- Traces that runs through a component.
- Must be 12 mil
- Why
- To avoid high heat under the component that cause
defect. - Next determining Pads
- rnd-070-030 are use
- .070 diameter of the pad, 70 mil
- .030 diameter of the drill size, 30 mil
30- Why use rnd-070-030
- This is confirm to the machine available.
- Drilling machine have 4 bit size available
- 30 mil 40 mil 60 mil 125 mil
- So since all our device are small, it we chose
the smallest available 30 mil - Next determine the footprint
- Differential amplifier and A/D Converter are all
8-pin SO - But since we only had 14 SO pin available, the
14-pin SO are utilize as shortcut only.
31Some tricks to get around MicroSim limitations
- SO8 ? SO14
- Only 2 SO footprints allowed SO14 and SO16
- Assigned pins to use SO14 as SO8
8 7 6 5
1 2 3 4
- Capacitors using Resistor footprint
- Only had surface mount (SMT) footprints for
resisters R2012 and R3216 - Changed all Capacitors to have Resister footprints
32- Next is to determine placement of component
- Since this is important to achieve our
objectives, placement of the component are very
important to - Performance
- Compactness
- Size
33(No Transcript)
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35Creating the layout
- Layout Netlist created from each Schematic
- AutoRoute and Netlist Compare make it easy
Stop signal causes interference
More compact
36As for the Bot-board
- Microprocessor have its own board, so there is no
need to implement one. - We decided to connect a wire from the implemented
PCBs to the Microprocessor board. - This will solve the problem of having two
different boards.
37MicroSim PCB Program
- Netlist will be generated from the drawn
schematic file - Three files will be generated
- Component layer (Red)
- Top layer
- Solder layer (Blue)
- Bottom layer
- Drill layer (Gray)
- Drill size
38Prepare for the Milling Machine
- Export DXF files
- 3 layers (Component, Solder, Drill) 3 files
Connects the pad and the trace
39MicroSim PCB Program
- Why need three file for drilling
- Double-sided PCB
40Test plan
- My test plan mainly concentrate on the defect
related problem to the chips. - Major defect fall into three categories
- Problem that related to soldering processes and
equipment. - Vender-related problem
- Design-related problem
41Test plan
- First test (Soldering and equipment-related
problem) - The supply voltage oscilloscope are tested on
another device. - NOTE It also recommended that when soldering the
chips, 200 C and above will crack the chips if
not careful. - Various device are tested for interferences
- Result
- Device selected base on their low interference.
- Conclude everything is in working condition.
42- Second is to test the chips (Vender-related
problem) - All the maxim chip are tested on a voltage
supplier and the output will be measure. - Result
- All the maxim chips are working correctly. Output
are measured and there is indeed output from the
chip. - Concluded that everything is in working condition.
43- Third test the device (Design-related problem)
- The input of the PCBs are tested with a power
input, and the output will be shown on a voltage
measurement instrument. - Result
- Problem soldering the component to the PC Board.
- Therefore, our test plan could not be carried out.
44The Use of Maxim 1242 A/D Converter
- Low Power
- Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
- CS
45Converter Continued
- 2.7V to 5.25V operation
- Shutdown Mode
- 10-bit output resolution
- Conversion time is 7.5 us
46Code for Converter
- Have offsets for Ports used
- Data Direction Control Register (DDRD) set to 9
- SPI Control Register(SPCR) set to 28
- Status Register set to 29
- Data Shift Register set to 2A
47Code Continued
- Load and Store Accumulators
- Load Double Accumulator to 1050
- Store Accumulator A to Data Direction Control
Register (DDRD) - Store Accumulator B to SPI Control Register
(SPCR) -
48Code Continued
- Subroutine
- Store Accumulator A to Data Shift Register to
start transfer - Test the MSB in Status Register
- Branch to test the bit
- Load Accumulator A to Data Shift Register(SPDR)
- Start second procedure for transfer
- Use Logical Shift Right Double Accumulator(LSRD)
Command 5 times - Return to Subroutine
49Test Plans
- Use function generator to display waveforms
square and saw-tooth waves - Use MIT database to get QRS waveform
505 major waves of heartbeat
51 Purpose of Detection Algorithm
- To detect QRS complexes based
- on variations in the signal
52Requirements for Microcontroller Code
- Averaging technique used for rate computation
- User input minimum and maximum heartbeat within
30 sec. interval - Setting the alarm
53 Requirements Conted.
- Method for setting detection threshold
- - Detection is done on the
- differentiated EKG ( will monitor
- rate of change in each pair of
- samples)
- - Threshold is set dynamically.
- At start up there is a 5 second interval
- which allows for threshold stabilization.
- - The sample to sample difference is used
- for QRS detection, and the absolute
- value of this difference is used to
- guarantee a positive value.
54Requirements Conted.
- Starting and alert sequence
- - Reset button ( initializes the system)
- - Putting the batteries in and putting
- the device on the patient is the
- start up sequence.
55Variables used in Code
- AVGINT avging. interval over which beats are
counted - CLKCNT- count input samples
- CLKST count at beginning of avging. interval
- DATA0 most recent sample
- DATA1 previous data sample
- DEL- difference in successive samples
- STCNT initialization count
- THRESH value of threshold
- QRSCNT- number of qrs complexes
- ALARM set if qrs count is out of range
- QRSMSK count used to mask qrs detection
- AVGDEL- interval delay 15,000
- INTDEL initialization delay 2500
- MINTHR- minimum threshold
- MINCNT minimum heart rate
- MAXCNT maximum heart rate
56Detection Psuedocode
- Initialize MC68HC811 ports
- getdat STOP
- Get NEW SAMPLE FROM A/D converter
- Increment CLKCNT
- If STCNT ! 0, THEN decrement STCNT
- If DATA1 lt DATA0
57Psuedocode Conted.
- THEN decay THRESH every 64th sample
- If QRSMSK gt 0
- THEN decrement QRSMSK and go to getdat
- THEN increment QRSCNT and initialize QRSMSK
to MSKDEL - .25500 125
- Goto getdat
- clear QRSCNT
58(No Transcript)
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60Calculation of a typical DEL caused by a
- QRS is 5-30mm high
- Duration 0.06 to .10sec
- 5mm 0.5mV
- 1mm 0.1mV
- ½ of the QRS amplitude 13mm(1.3mV)
- ½ of the QRS duration 25ms
- 1.3mV500 650mV
- 1.3/2.5 52
- 52/2 26
- 261024 266 counts
- 25ms/2ms 13 samples
- MAX DEL 266/1321
- Photohttp//home.earthlink.net/avdoc/infocntr/ht
61 Test Plan
- Simulated Waveform
- - simulate the waveform by starting at a
- memory location and use the defined
- constants from the assemblers pseudo
- directives to define data one variable after
- the other. This allows each data sample to
- be defined that is, several for the P-wave,
- T-wave, etc. Defining the samples this way
- creates the samples for a single complex.
There will be some register or memory location to
keep up with the current location as the data is
being picked up. The subroutine will sequence
through it. Once it gets - to the end, it will start over again. This
requires a lot of memory. -
- Use of the function generator
- - The function generator will provide
- the signal to the A/D converter
- Download EKG waveforms from MIT database
- Resistors gt 0.01 18 0.18
- Tantalum (Transistor) gt 1.09 5 5.45
- Ceramic (Capacitor) gt 0.19 10 1.90
- Max 4194 gt 2.88
- Max 1242 gt 10.92
- Max 666 gt 6.83
- Max 4244 gt 4.20
- Max 4240 gt 0.83
- Microprocessor gt 79.00
- TOTAL gt112.19
- Note Our Objective to have less than 150.
- Future Implementation
- Person having heart attack could be located using
GPS. - Our device will able to send signal to alert care
giver using BlueTooth Technology. - Build into any cellular-phone.
- You can download your heart rate and actually
review your signal right on Personal Computer. - Software could be come along with the device.
- Dip switch
- Allow users to enter their own Min and Max heart
65Summary continue
- Issues concerns
- Realistic Constraints
- The operating system of the assembler for the
compiler is only available for Windows 95/NT. We
will be using the ECE Department milling machine,
which has certain specifications that must be met
for PC Board construction. We will also be
limited on the life of our battery. - Engineering Standards
- Our device will comply with the ANSI Medical
Device Standards Board (MDSB) and the IEEE 1073
Medical Information Bus standards.
66Summary Continue
- Environmental Implications
- Our device will save battery power by using as
many low power components as possible and taking
advantage of shutdown modes of some components. - Sustainability
- Personal ECG devices will be sustainable because
there will always be a need to monitor the heart
rate of people with heart conditions and are
high-risk for heart attacks. - Economics
- Our device should be relatively inexpensive so
that all hospitals will be able to buy it.
67Summary Continue
- Ethical Concerns
- Our device will comply to the IEEE Ethical
Standards - Health and Safety
- Product does not shock patient product is
comfortable to wear - Our device does not cause any harm to the patient
and it is comfortable to wear. - Social Concerns
- The device allows the patient more freedom by
allowing them to be monitored outside the
hospital. Also, the product is small enough to be
discretely worn.
68Summary Continue
- Political
- There are no political concerns for our device.
- Manufacturity
- Since our device will be cheap to manufacture and
all components are readily available, it will be
very easy to manufacture.
Deciding Scope for the project Develop idea.
August 24
August 23
Scope and advice from Dr. Lori Bruce
August 24
August 27
CPE Design Worksheet and Charter document due.
August 27
August 30
Assign Individual Part Jonathan Differential
Amplifier Anthony A/D Converter Quintelle
Microprocessor Ki Printed Circuit Board
September 1
September 4
September 4
September 8
Research prices and Information on individual
September 11
September 18
Deciding parts, and ordering part
September 25
September 30
Research for simulator and Debugger for
October 2
October 10
Slide and prepare for Critical Design Review
October 13
October 16
Simulator found for Microprocessor(Showdow11),
and begin flowchart
October 25
October 30
November 2
November 21
Layout for PCB developed, Flowchart
developed Rough draft due
November 25
November 22
PCB send to lab for developed, Preparing for
final design review, Slide developed
November 27
November 28
70Final product
Analog Digital
Belt for the ECG