Title: Lifelong learning of librarians learning outcomes and flexibility
1Lifelong learning of librarians learning
outcomes and flexibility The value and
importance of Lifelong Learning to the Library
and Information Profession Marion Huckle, Head,
Qualifications and Professional Development,
CILIP Zagreb, 18th December 2008
2Lifelong learning and CPD Lifelong learning is
the process by which we keep up to date.
3Lifelong learning and Libraries and
Information LIS professionals have to keep their
knowledge, skills and understanding up to date in
order to meet the information needs of society
- Bachelor and Masters level degrees from UK
universities - Academic qualifications from outside the UK
- Approved short courses
5What counts as CPD?
- Some examples of CPD
- Attending and organising training courses
- Work experience including work shadowing
- Reading
- Conference attendance
- Mentoring
- Visits
- Meetings
- Portfolios of evidence underpin ACLIP, MCLIP, CPD
and FCLIP and members benefit from - Reflection
- Support
- Progression
- Reward
- www.cilip.org.uk
7 employers individuals
professional institute
8CILIP, 7 Ridgmount Street, London WC1E 7AE Tel
0 (44) 20 7255 0500 Fax 0 (44) 20 7255
0501Â Textphone 0 (44) 20 7255 0505Email
quals_at_cilip.org.uk Web address www.cilip.org.uk