Title: Plant basal defenses
1Plant basal defenses
1. Pre-existing
2. Induced
2Pre-existing defenses the first barrier
- Physical barriers involve properties of the plant
surface, that is, the cuticle, stomata and cell
walls. - Chemical barriers include compounds, such as
phytoanticipins that have antimicrobial activity,
and defensins, which interfere with pathogen
nutrition and retard their development.
3Plant pathogenic bacteria are extracellular
4How do pathogens enter the apoplast?
penetration peg
Illustrated glossary of plant pathology
5Pathogen-induced responsesIts a race!!!!
- As soon as a plant has recognized an attacking
pathogen, the race is on. The plant attempts to
prevent infection and to minimize potential
damage, the pathogen attempts to gain access to
nutrients for growth and reproduction.
Schmelzer, 2002
Question 3 On your carbonless paper, make a
model that may enable us to follow the events
that will occur in the plant cell during basal
defense against pathogens.
6Signal transduction events
PAMPS (Pathogen-Associated Molecular
Patterns) oligosaccharides, lipids, polypeptides
(flagellin), glycoproteins, etc
Espinosa, Avelina Alfano Disabling
surveillance bacterial type III secretion system
effectors that suppress innate immunity.Cellular
Microbiology 6 (11), 1027-1040.
7Cell polarization and papilla formation upon
fungal infection
Schmelzer (2002). Trends in Plant Science 7
8Vesicles carrying antimicrobial compounds can be
observed under the microscope
Snyder and Nicholson, Science (1990)
9Aggregation of vesicles in response to fungal
Plant proteins can be visualized by tagging
them with fluorescent markers (GFP, YFP, etc)
Polarization of microfilaments in response to
fungal infection
Koh et al., The Plant Journal (2005)
Shimada et al., MPMI (2006)
10Induced basal defenses (Innate immunity)
Signal transduction cascade
11Output of Induced basal defenses
- Recognition events (elicitors, receptors)
- Signal transduction cascades
- MAP kinases, phosphorylation cascades
- Chemical changes
- Synthesis of NO, ROSs, signaling molecules (SA,
JA, Ethylene), etc - Gene expression changes (transcriptional
regulation) - Synthesis of antimicrobial compounds and proteins
(phytoalexins, PR proteins) - Cytoskeletal rearrangements, vesicle trafficking,
secretion - Morphological changes (organelle redistribution,
papilla deposition, cell wall modifications)
12Q4 How can microbes be successful pathogens?
13- Successful pathogens are able to
- Suppress or evade host basal defenses
- Interfere with host cell metabolism, altering it
to their own advantage
14Strategies used by bacterial pathogens
Abramovitch et al. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell
Biology 7, 601611 (August 2006)
15Plant pathogenic bacteria secrete proteins called
virulence effectors directly into the host cell
Bacteria use a sophisticated injection
apparatus, called a Type III Secretion System, to
deliver virulence effector proteins directly in
the cytoplasm of the host cell. Bacterial type
III effectors disable host surveillance by
suppressing innate immunity.
Espinosa AlfanoCellular Microbiology 6 (11), 10
16(No Transcript)
17Bacterial virulence effectors suppress host
innate immunity
Signal transduction cascade
18Some of the available tools for dissecting
plant-pathogen interactions
- Pathogenesis Assays
- (assessing symptom development and pathogen
multiplication in the host) - Microarrays
- (analysis of global gene expression in the host
plant) - Genetic transformation
- (expression of any given plant or pathogen gene
in the host plant) - Gene knock-out
- (both in plant and pathogen)
- Fluorescent protein tagging and microscopy
- (allows visualization of protein localization and
cellular dynamics)