Title: Insect ID and Management
1Insect ID and Management
- Kelly V. Tindall
- Extension Entomologist
- Twin Falls County
2Management Techniques
- Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
- Management of pests that incorporates many
practices for environmentally friendly and
economically feasible control of pests - Physical/Mechanical barriers, hand removal
- Cultural proper irrigation
- Biological ladybugs, lacewings, etc.
- Chemical general vs selective insecticides
- Variety selection tolerance or resistance
3Mechanical/Physical Control
4Cultural Control
5Biological Control
6Chemical Control
7Variety Selection
- Three ways plants are resistant
- Tolerance
- Plants able to withstand injury better
- Antixenosis
- Not-preferred
- Too hairy, too waxy
- Odorous
- Antibiosis
- Toxic to the insect
- Plant compounds with in the plant
8Natural Control (Abiotic)
- Temperature
- Hard winters ? populations
- High temps increase insect development
- Rainfall
- Drowns soil insects (any stage)
- Too dry, insects dry out also
- Sunny versus shady
- Some insects have a preference for shaded areas
- Wind
- Increases migration potential
10Classification System
- Kingdom (Animalia)
- Phylum (Arthropoda)
- Class (Insecta)
- Order (Hymenoptera)
- Family (Apidae)
- Genus (Apis)
- Species (Mellifera)
- Common Name Honey Bee
11Why Learn Classification?
- Groups have similar biology and appearance
- More specific groups have closer biology
- Characters relate to damage and pest status
- When a name is known we can look up more
12Classification System
3 Kingdoms (1894) 5 Kingdoms (1959) 6 Kingdoms (1977) 3 Domains (1990)
Protista Monera Eubacteria Bacteria
Plantae Protista Archaebacteria Archaea
Animalia Fungi Protista Eukarya
Plantae Fungi
Animalia Plantae
13Classification System
- Kingdom (Animalia)
- Phylum (Arthropoda)
- Class (Insecta)
- Order (Hymenoptera)
- Family (Apidae)
- Genus (Apis)
- Species (Mellifera)
- Common Name Honey Bee
14Animalia Characteristics
- Multicellular
- Organelles have
- Nucleus
- No chloroplasts or cell walls
- Move via contractile proteins
- cilia, flagella, or muscular organs
- Ingest nutrients
15Classification System
- Kingdom (Animalia)
- Phylum (Arthropoda)
- Class (Insecta)
- Order (Hymenoptera)
- Family (Apidae)
- Genus (Apis)
- Species (Mellifera)
- Common Name Honey Bee
16Arthropoda Characteristics
- Exoskeleton
- Chitin
- Segmented appendages
- Segmented body
- Bilateral symetry
- Dorsal tubular heart
- Ventral paired nerve chord
17Classification System
- Kingdom (Animalia)
- Phylum (Arthropoda)
- Class (Insecta)
- Order (Hymenoptera)
- Family (Apidae)
- Genus (Apis)
- Species (Mellifera)
- Common Name Honey Bee
18Classes of Arthropods
- Arachnida spiders, mites, ticks
- Diplopoda millipedes
- Chilopoda centipedes
- Insecta insects
19Arachnida Characteristics
Ticks, mites, spiders, scorpions
- Body divided into two parts
- Four pairs of legs
- No antennae
- No wings
- Longer antennae than millipedes
- Flattened in cross section
- 1 pair of legs per segment
- Beneficial prey on other arthropods
- Are fast moving
- Have poison glands can
- inflict a painful bite
- Feed on fungi and decaying plants
- Can damage plants
- 2 pair of legs per segment
- 2 visible body parts head and body
- Round in cross section
- Slow moving
22Insecta Characteristics
- Mandibulate
- Mouth consists of mandible, maxilla labia
- 3 body segments
- Head
- Thorax
- Abdomen
- Pair of antenna
- Most have compound eyes
23Classification System
- Kingdom (Animalia)
- Phylum (Arthropoda)
- Class (Insecta)
- Order (Hymenoptera)
- Family (Apidae)
- Genus (Apis)
- Species (Mellifera)
- Common Name Honey Bee
24Orders of Insects
- Collembola spring tails
- Thysanura silver fish
- Ephemerptera maylfies
- Odanota dragonflies
- Phasmida walking sticks
- Orthoptera - grasshoppers
- Mantodea preying mantids
- Blattaria - roaches
- Isoptera - termites
- Dermaptera - earwigs
- Plecoptera - stoneflies
- Psocoptera book bark lice
- Phthiraptera true lice
- Hemiptera true bugs
- Homoptera aphids/hoppers
- Thysanoptera - thrips
- Neuroptera lace wings
- Coleoptera - beetles
- Mecoptera scorpionfly
- Siphonaptera - fleas
- Diptera flies, mosquitoes
- Tricoptera - caddisflies
- Lepidoptera butterfly/moth
- Hymenoptera ants, wasps, bees
25No. of Species per Order
Aprx. 800,000 species
26Helpful Hints for Identification
- Pictures
- Specimens from a collection
- Biology
- Habitat soil, wood, plant, food, aquatic
- Sometimes host specific
- Characteristic damage patterns
- Time of year may help
- Rear immatures to adults
- Keys
- Ask the expert
- http//www.insectimages.org/search/index.cfm
- http//www.entomology.ksu.edu/DesktopDefault.aspx?
tabindex165tabid86 - http//www.uky.edu/Agriculture/CritterFiles/casefi
le/insects/bugs/stinkbugs/stinkbugs.htm - http//www.cropproductionbasics.com/moth_identific
28Characteristics of an Adult
- Head
- Pair of antennae
- Pair of mandibles
- Thorax
- Locomotor appendages
- 3 pairs of true legs
- 1 or 2 pairs of wings
- Abdomen
- Genitalia at the end
- Spiracles
29Characteristics of Larvae
Abdomen Prolegs
Thorax (1st 3 segments after head true legs)
30Head of Insect
31Head of Insect
Genae Cheeks
32Head of Insect
33Head of Insect
34Head of Insect
35Head of Insect
36Head of Insect
37Head of Insect
38Head of Insect
39Head of Insect
40Head of Insect
41Head of Insect
42Antennal Types
- Setaceous
- Bristle-like
- Dragonfly
- Filiform
- Thread-like
- Cockroaches
- Ground beetles
- Moniliform
- Bead-like
- Termites
- Serrate
- Sawtoothed
- Click beetles
43Antennal Types
- Clavate
- Gradually clubbed
- Carrior beetles
- Capitate
- Abruptly clubbed
- Butterflies
- Pectinate
- Comb-like
- Male glow-worms
- Geniculate
- Elbowed
- Ants
- Weevils
44Antennal Types
- Aristate
- Pouch-like with lateral bristles
- Flies
- Lamellate
- Nested plates
- Scarab beetles (June bugs)
- Pulmose
- Feather-like
- Mosquitoes
- Male moths
45Mouth Parts
46Mouth Parts of the Orders
- Chewing
- Collembola
- Thysanura
- Ephemerptera
- Odanota
- Phasmida
- Orthoptera
- Mantodea
- Blattaria
- Isoptera
- Dermaptera
- Plecoptera
- Sucking
- Hemiptera
- Homoptera
- Phthiraptera
- Thysanoptera
- Siphonaptera
- Diptera
- Tricoptera
- Lepidoptera
- Hymenoptera
- Psocoptera
- Phthiraptera
- Neuroptera
- Coleoptera
- Mecoptera
- Siphonaptera
- Diptera
- Tricoptera
- Lepidoptera
- Hymenoptera
Mouthparts are different on immature and adult
Prothorax 1st thoracic segment 1st pair of legs
Mesothorax Middle segment of thorax 2nd pair of
legs 1st pair of wings (forewing)
Metathorax Last segment of thorax 3rd pair of
legs 2nd pair of wings (hindwings)
50Wing Types
- Tegmina
- Front wings are completely leathery or
parchment-like in texture - Orthoptera
- Blattodea
- Mantodea
- Elytra
- Hard, sclerotized front wings that as protect
membranous hind wings - Coleoptera
- Dermaptera
- Hemelytra
- Front wings that are leathery at the base and
membranous near the tip - Hemiptera
51Wing Types
- Halteres
- Small, club-like hind wings
- Diptera
- Fringed wings
- Slender wings with long fringes of hair
- Thysanaptera
- Hairy wings
- Front and hind wings covered with setae
- Trichoptera
52Wing Types
- Scaly wings
- Front and hind wings covered with scales
- Lepidoptera
- Frenulum
- Bristle near base of hind wing that holds front
and hind wings together - LepidopteraS
53Wing Types
- Membranous
- Clear wings with many veins
- Wings may be tinted with color or banded-pattern
- Odanota
- Neuroptera
- Hamuli
- Tiny hooks on hind wing that hold front and hind
wings together - Hymenoptera
54Insect Legs
coxa - the basal segment of the insect leg (ball
joint where human leg fits into thigh)
trochanter - segment between coxa and femur
femur - the third leg segment, (human thigh bone)
tibia - the fourth leg segment, (shin bone)
tarsus - the part of the leg beyond the tibia
55Insect Legs
Cursorial running Roaches Tiger beetles
Fossorial - digging Mole cricket
56Insect Legs
Natorial swimming Whirligig beetles Back
swimmers Water boatmen
Saltorial - jumping Grasshoppers
57Insect Leggs
Ratptorial grasping Preying mantid
- Multiple segments
- Spiracles present on abdominal segments
- May have appendages on last segment
- Genitalia present on abdomen
- Used for respiration
- Usually 1 10 pairs
- Can be important for ID purposes (maggot larvae)
60Abdominal Appendages
- Cerci
- Paired abdominal segments
- Sensory or defensive in nature
- Often reduced or retracted into the body
- Cornicles
- Tubular structures on the 5th or 6th segment
- Secrete defensive fluids
- Simple
- external wing development (if winged), no period
of inactivity - Ametabolous
- Hemimetabolous
- Paurometabolous
- Intermediate
- External wing pads internal development, period
of inactivity - Complete
- Internal wing development, period of inactivity
62Simple Metamorphosis
Ametabolous Immatures look identical to adult
only smaller (silverfish)
63Simple Metamorphosis
Hemimetabolous Immatures (niads) look different
than adult NO PUPA (mayflies and odanates)
64Simple Metamorphosis
- Paurometabolous
- Immatures (nymphs) look similar to adult
- Gradual development of wing pads externally
- Homoptera, Hemiptera other orders
65Incomplete Metamorphosis
- Intermediate
- Immatures (nymphs) look similar to adult
- Some internal wing development
- prepupal and pupal stages (period of inactivity)
66Complete Metamorphosis
- Holometabolous
- Immatures (larvae/ maggots) look different than
adult - Pupa formed
- Bettles, diptera, lepidoptera, hymenoptera)
- Internal wing development
67Type of Metamorphosis by Order
- Simple (A)
- Collembola
- Thysanura
- Simple (P)
- Phasmida
- Orthoptera
- Mantodea
- Blattaria
- Isoptera
- Dermaptera
- Psocoptera
- Phthiraptera
- Hemiptera
- Homoptera
- Psocoptera
- Intermediate
- Thysanoptera
- Complete
- Neuroptera
- Coleoptera
- Mecoptera
- Siphonaptera
- Diptera
- Tricoptera
- Lepidoptera
- Hymenoptera
- Simple (H)
- Ephemerptera
- Odanota
- Plecoptera
A ametabolous H hemimetabolous P
68Larval Types
- Vermiform
- Maggot-like, worm-like
- Legless
- With or without a developed head
- Elateriform
- Wireworm-like
- Elongate body
- Cylicrical
- Hardshelled
- Short legs
69Larval Types
- Eruciform
- Caterpillar-like
- Cylindrical body
- Well developed head
- Short antennae
- Thoracic and prolegs
- Campodeiform
- Elongate body
- Somewhat flattened
- Usually well developed antennae
- Active
70Larval Types
- Scarabaeiform
- Grub-like
- Usually curved (C-shaped)
- Well developed head
- Thoracic legs, NO prolegs
71Larval Types by Order
- Eruciform
- Lepidoptera
- Mecoptera
- Hymenoptera
- Campodeiform
- Neuroptera
- Tricoptera
- Coleoptera
- Vermiform
- Diptera
- Siphonaptera
- Hymenoptera
- Coleoptera
- Lepidoptera
Not the most common larval form of the order
72Pupal Types
- Obtect
- Appendages more or less glued to body
- May be covered by cocoon
- Lepidoptera, some Diptera
73Pupal Types
- Exerate
- Appendages free
- Not covered by cocoon
- mummified adult
- Most insects with complete metamorphosis NOT
Lepidopteran or Diptera
74Pupal Types
- Coarctate
- Like exerate but covered with hardened cuticle
- Some Diptera
75Orders of Insects
- Collembola spring tails
- Thysanura silver fish
- Ephemerptera maylfies
- Odanota dragonflies
- Phasmida walking sticks
- Orthoptera - grasshoppers
- Mantodea preying mantids
- Blattaria - roaches
- Isoptera - termites
- Dermaptera - earwigs
- Plecoptera - stoneflies
- Psocoptera book bark lice
- Phthiraptera true lice
- Hemiptera true bugs
- Homoptera aphids/hoppers
- Thysanoptera - thrips
- Neuroptera lace wings
- Coleoptera - beetles
- Mecoptera scorpionfly
- Siphonaptera - fleas
- Diptera flies, mosquitoes
- Tricoptera - caddisflies
- Lepidoptera butterfly/moth
- Hymenoptera ants, wasps, bees
- Wingless
- Small
- Hop with tail appendage (furcula)
- Nuisance, rarely pests
- Soil, leaf litter
- Metamorphosis young resemble adults
Silverfish and Firebrats
- Wingless
- Long antennae
- Three tails
- Scales on the body
- Nuisance, pests in libraries
- Mouthparts Chewing
- Metamorphosis Young resemble adults
- Upright wings
- Only group to molt once winged
- Elongate body
- Three tails
- Fish food, occasional nuisance
- Mouth parts chewing
- Metamorphosis aquatic immatures, winged adults
Dragonflies and damselflies
- Two pairs of membranous wings
- Large conspicuous eyes
- Dragonflies hold wings flat
- Damselflies hold wings together
- Beneficial predators
- Large soft-bodied insects
- Four wings held flat over the back
- Hind pair fold fan-like
- Long antennae
- Larvae are aquatic
- Fish food, scavengers
Grasshoppers, Crickets, Katydids
- Front pair of wings usually slender and leathery
- Hind pair of wings broad and fan-like
- Characteristic jumping hind leg
- Plant pests, few predators
- Flattened bodies
- Head is concealed from above
- Two pairs of wings
- Eggs in a capsule called an ootheca
- Unpleasant odor
- Household pests
- Large, elongate slow moving
- Front legs grasp prey
- Biological control agents
- Leaf mimics
86Praying Mantis
- Elongated bodies
- Slow moving
- Found on trees or shrubs
- Wingless as adults
- Foliage feeder
- Rarely a pest
- Medium sized insects
- Four wings
- Hind wings are folded under front
- Abdomen exposed
- Cerci on last abdominal segment
- Predators
- Nuisance pests, chew on foliage
- Small, soft bodied
- Yellowish or whitish insects
- Wide waist, bead-like antennae (not bent)
- Liven in colonies in wood
- Three castes workers, soldiers and reproductives
- Structural pests
90Head of Insect
Psocids (Booklice)
- Tiny, soft-bodied insects
- Four wings or none at all
- Microscopic to ¼ inch
- Busted upper lip (swollen clypeus)
- Scavengers, pests in libraries and stored food,
webbing on trees
Head Lice
- Wingless parasites on most birds and mammals
- Deposit eggs on hair or feathers
- Bloodsucking, transmit diseases
Crab Lice
Head Lice
- Tiny insects about 1/8 in long
- Two pair of slender wings, fringed with long hair
- Legs and antennae are short
- Only pest with asymmetrical mouthparts
- Plant pests, minor bites of humans, frequent
pests in greenhouses and blooms
True Bugs
- Four wings, folded flat
- Front pair are thickened and leathery
- Beak arises from the front of head
- Plant feeders, predators
95True Bugs
Bed bug
96True Bugs
Leaf-footed bug
Tarnished plant bug
Giant water bug
Assassin bug
Bed bug
Stink bug
Leafhoppers, Scales, Aphids, Mealybugs
- May or may not have wings
- Four wings when present and are held roof-like
over body - Feed on plants
- Mouthparts sucking with beak arising from the
hind part of the head - Metamorphosis Gradual
- Many are pests and can transmit diseases
Spines on hind tibia
- Female host specific, no antenna, legless
wingless - Male 1 pair wings, 1 pair haltere only
reproduce, antenna
- Plant specific
- Transmit viruses
- Cornicles tail pipes
- Symbiotic relationship with ants
- Give live birth
- Characteristic trait body covered with wax or
filamentous waxy secretions
- They feed on all parts of the plant, including
roots, and reproduce all summer - Many times they are controlled by natural
Lacewings, Antlions
- Fragile insects
- Two pair of many veined wings held roof-like
over their abdomen - Long antennae
- Many beneficial/predators
Larvae live in the soil and seek prey
Antlion Larvae
Antlion Adults
Beetles Weevils
- Largest order of insects
- Usually two pairs of wings
- Front pair are thick (elytra)
- Straight line down the middle of back
- Plant feeders, predators, scavengers, wood
borers, etc
- Many are economic pests
- Elongated rostrum (nose)
- Like to play dead
Immature weevils
Boll Weevil
Alfalfa Weevil
107June Beetle/White Grub
- Adults
- 1/2 to 5/8 inches long
- Reddish brown
- Noctural
- Can be a nuisance near light
- Larvae (grubs)
- C-shaped
- White with brown head
- Three pairs of legs
- Soil-dwelling
- Feed on roots of grasses
108Carpet Beetles
- Adult
- Small, stout, robust, or elongate oval
- Larva
- Usually covered with hairs
- Scavengers of plant and animal products
- the CSI bug (forensics)
- leather, skins
- museum specimens
- wool
- stored foods
- carrion (bone cleaners)
109Cucumber Beetle
- Phytophagous (plant eaters)
- Usually oval shaped
- Can be colorful with stripes or spotted markings
(may fade with age) - Prefer shady cool places such as leaf and melon
undersides - Keep leaves dry lift fruits to keep the
underside dry - Adults overwinter in weedy areas therefore
keep weeds cut down all year
110Ladybird Beetles
- 1st biological control agent (cottony cushion
scale) - Predators of aphids eggs
- Small to medium sized
- Four long, narrow wings
- Long antennae
- Larvae look like caterpillars
- Larvae live in damp soil
- Adults are seasonal in summer
- Adults feed on insects
- Harmless
True Flies, Mosquitoes, Gnats, Midges
- Winged or wingless
- One pair of membranous wings one pair halteres
- Few feed on plant foliage
- Some of the most beneficial insects
- Beneficial as pollinators, parasites predator,
stings are a nuisance
113True Flies
Cherry Fruit Fly
- Larvae are aquatic
- Tiny hairs outline the margins of wings
- Adults feed on nectar or blood (females only)
- Females must have blood meal to produce young
- Crepuscular or nocturnal
- Males - plumose antenna
Ants, bees, wasps, hornets, sawflies
- Winged or Wingless
- Two pair of membranous wings
- Few feed on plant foliage
- Many beneficial insects - pollinators, parasites
predators - Stings are a nuisance
- Complete metamorphosis
- Many social insects
116Carpenter Ants
- Black in color
- Build nests in old trees and logs
- May invade homes in search of food
117Red Harvester Ants
- Will sting or bite
- Colonies occur in open areas
- Do not invade homes
118Honey Bees
- Social insects
- Division of labor
- queen matriarch of the colony, lays eggs
- drones males, only purpose to mate kicked out
in rough times - workers females, tend to all duties (care for
larvae and queen, food collection, etc) - Communication - Waggle Dance
119Yellow Jackets Hornets
- Very aggressive
- Distinguished from bees by their thin "waists"
- Fold their wings lengthwise when at rest
- Prey on a variety of arthropods, may forage on
human (especially sweets and meats) - Considered beneficial insects
- Adults resemble bees or small wasps
- Larvae resemble caterpillars
- gt5 pairs of abdominal prolegs
- Often spotted or striped
- ½ to 1 inch long
- External feeders on foliage
- Entire leaf or skeletonize
- Often clump together
- Wide host range including conifers, oaks, black
locust, ash, black walnut woody ornamentals
- Small infestations - manually remove and destroy
- Large infestations of young larvae - spray with
horticultural oil - Large larvae - spray with a contact insecticide.
- Sawfly larvae are not caterpillars Bacillus
thuringiensis (Bt) formulations for caterpillar
control will not kill sawflies
- Soft bodied
- Two pairs of wings covered with silky hairs
- Adults have long antennae
- Adults resemble small dull-colored moths
- Larvae are usually scavengers
- Larvae build cases from pepples or bits of
sticks often found in the cases with heads
only protruding - Fish food, rarely a nuisance
Moths Butterflies
- Four well-developed wings
- Wings have overlapping scales
- Caterpillars on leaves of plants
- Leaf feeders
- Few are beneficial
124 Cutworm
Corn Earworm
125Clothes Moth
Banded Woolly Bear
126Hummingbird Moth
Painted Lady
Western Tiger Swallowtail
Anise Swallowtail
127Cabbage White
Common Branded Skipper
Western Sulpher
Pink-spotted Hawk Moth
128Mourning Cloak
European Skipper
Monarch Caterpillar
Two-tailed Swallowtail
- Small, wingless body
- Flattened laterally
- Larvae in nests of various animals
- Pests of animals and man
130Insects of Special Interest
- Scary appearance, but harmless
- May emit a foul-smelling, yellowish-brown liquid
- Noctural
- Live live outdoors and rarely establish
themselves indoors - Can pinch with the forceps
- Predators
- Serious feeding damage may occur on flowers,
vegetables, fruits and other plants - Leaves have a ragged appearance with the
numerous, small, irregular holes. - Considered temporary pests
- Can occur in large populations
- Consume decomposing organic matter
- Tanglefoot (sticky trap) around tree trunks
prevent them from crawling up trees - Well maintained garden deters large infestations
- Baits are available for control
134Leaf Miners
- Several kinds of leaf miners beetles, flies,
sawflies, and caterpillars - Adult lay eggs and the immatures do the actual
135Leaf Miners
- Host range fruit trees, grape vines, berry
vines, grain crops, garden flowers, wildflowers,
vegetables and weeds - Usually not of economic concern
- Birches and foreign species of elms attacked by a
sawfly leaf miner drop most of the leaves may
die - Damage to vegetables and some flowers may be
136Leaf Rollers
- Caterpillars protect themselves while they feed
- by rolling themselves up in a leaf or in several
leaves of their host plant - Difficult to control with insecticides because
they are protected in the leaf
138Coddling Moth
- A destructive pest introduced from Europe by
settlers - Female moths lay the scale-like eggs singly on
developing fruit or adjacent leaves or stems
139Coddling Moth
- Larvae
- hatch and enter the side of the fruit and tunnel
to the center - pinkish to white in color with a brown head
- up to 3/4 inch long
- exit the fruit to pupate in a thick silken cocoon
on the bark or other protected areas - frass is often noticed near larvae entered
- Nymphs
- Small, green, soft-bodied insects
- Surrounded by a frothy, white mass
- Protection from drying out and predators
- Adults
- small (¼ inch), winged insects
- fly away quickly when disturbed
- lay their eggs inside of stems or between the
leaf blades and stems - Hosts ornamental, vegetable and garden plants,
forage crops, conifers, grasses and weeds
- Damage
- Adults nymphs suck sap Inject toxin into a
plant's vascular system - Leaves appear distorted, yellow and/or stunted
- Control
- Spray with a sharp stream of water to dislodge
spittlebugs and wash froth away - some small spittlebugs will dry out
- insecticidal soaps may also be effective on
142Snailcase bagworm
- Introduced into the United States from Europe
around 1940 - Larvae
- Produce a protective bag covered with small
particles of soil, resembles a snail shell - Lives inside this bag until becoming an adult
- Bag grows as the larvae grow (aprx. 1/4 in)
143Snailcase bagworm
- Escape detection because small and resembles soil
- Noticed when damage appears
- Nuisance - attach to house siding, automobiles,
trees, or fence posts in large numbers - Tight attachment - paint often removed when
dislodged - Problematic because
- feeds on many different plants
- females reproduce without mating
- carried long distances by mammals, birds, or
144Snailcase bagworm
- Damage
- Feed on leaf tissue
- Mine circular areas beneath the surface layer
- Potential nursery pest
- Baby's breath is highly susceptible
- Control
- Must control on the host plant prior to their
migration to a pupation site - Chemicals ineffective on pupae
- Manual control (hand removal/ killing) is only
effective control
146Arachnida Characteristics
Ticks, mites, spiders, scorpions
- Body divided into two parts
- Four pairs of legs
- No antennae
- No wings
147Orders of Arachnids
- Araneae spiders
- Acari mites, ticks
- Scorpiones scorpions
- Opiliones - harvestmen
- Wingless and lack antennae
- Six or eight legs
- Body variable in size and shape
- All food intake is liquid
- Webs to capture prey
- All are beneficial, few are hazardous
149Spider Facts
- Hundreds of species in Idaho
- All are beneficial
- Almost all have venom
- Hazardous spiders include black widow and hobo
spiders - Reactions vary with individual
150Acari Characteristics
Ticks Mites
- Wingless, lack antennae
- Body is flat or round
- Adults have eight legs
- Ticks only feed on blood of animals
- Four stages egg, larva, nymph and adult
- Ectoparisite feeds on blood
- Tick bites look like mosquito bites, but can
also bruise or resemble a bullseye. - Often found in tall grasses
- Can transmit human diseases
- relapsing fever
- Lyme disease
- Rocky Mountain spotted fever
- tularemia
- equine encephalitis
- several forms of ehrlichiosis
- Can transmit livestock diseases babesiosis
Rocky Mountain Spotted Tick
Dog Tick
- Diverse and successful
- Exploit an incredible array of habitats
- Because they are small most go totally unnoticed
- Many live freely in the soil or water, some
live as parasites on plants or animals. - Some of the plant pests include the so-called
Spider mites Gall mites - Sarcoptic Mange mites which burrow under the
skin - Perhaps the most well known, though, is the
house dust mite - Insects may also have parasitic mites. (Varroa
mites which attaches to the body of the honeybee)
Peacock mite
Reproductive colony of plant mites
153Scorpionida Characteristics
- Wingless
- Lack Antennae
- Bodies are broad
- Tail with a sting at the tip
- Front appendages are enlarged pinchers
- Size from 1-3 inches
- Mouthparts chewing
- Metamorphosis Gradual
- Status Beneficial
- More species as you go west
- 18 to 25 in Idaho
- Stings are painful but not fatal unless very