The Universe - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Universe


Atmospheres contain significant amounts of elements other than hydrogen and helium. ... Parallax Method. Parallax refers to the change. Cosmology ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Universe

The Universe
  • Stars
  • Classification
  • Cosmology
  • Distance Measurements
  • Hubble Expansion
  • The Big Bang
  • Fate of the Universe
  • Life History
  • End Stages
  • Galaxies
  • Fundamentals
  • Classification
  • Structures

Classification Methods
  • Stars can be classified in a number of different
    ways. These include
  • Composition
  • Spectral Category
  • H-R Category

  • Population I
  • Atmospheres contain significant amounts of
    elements other than hydrogen and helium.
  • This group includes examples in all sizes and
    spectral categories.
  • Our own sun is a member.
  • Population II
  • Atmospheres contain no significant quanties of
    elements other than hydrogen and helium.
  • This group does not include any large, hot stars.

Spectral Category
  • The spectral category of a star is determined by
    its color.
  • The color is determined by surface temperature.
  • Either of two phrases can be used to remember the

H-R Diagram
  • Stars can also be classified by position in an
    H-R diagram.
  • This is a plot of luminosity (brightness) vs.
    surface temperature (color index).

H-R Categories
  • Main Sequence
  • Red Giants and Supergiants
  • White Dwarfs

Main Sequence
  • Most stars fall in a band that runs diagonally
    from the lower right to the upper left.
  • The stars on the lower right are cool and dim.
  • The stars in the upper left are hot and bright.
  • A star's mass sets its place in the main sequence.

Red Giants and Supergiants
  • Red giant and supergiant stars are brighter than
    main sequence stars with the same surface
  • They are much larger than main sequence stars in
    physical dimensions (but not mass

White Dwarfs
  • White dwarf stars are very hot, but still very
  • They are dim because they are physically much
    smaller than main sequence stars.
  • None has a mass of more than 1.44 times the sun's

Life History
  • The life history of a star is controlled by its
  • A star the size of our Sun ends as a white dwarf.
  • Larger stars end as neutron stars.
  • The largest stars become black holes.

  • Stars are formed from the collapse of a nebula.
  • Once the center is sufficiently hot and dense for
    hydrogen fusion, a main sequence star is formed.

Main Sequence Stage
  • A main sequence star derives its energy by fusing
    hydrogen in its core to form helium.
  • The process forms one helium nucleus from four
    hydrogen-1 nuclei in a multi-step process.

Main Sequence Lifetimes
  • The lifetime of a main sequence star depends on
    its mass.
  • Larger stars must fuse hydrogen at a faster rate
    than small ones.
  • Spectral category M stars may survive for 50-100
    billion years.
  • O-type stars will remain on the main sequence
    form only a million years (or less).
  • A G-type star (like the sun) will remain on the
    main sequence for 10 billion years.

End of the Main Sequence Stage
  • The main sequence stage ends when the star's core
    can no longer fuse hydrogen.
  • The core now begins to contract and heat up.
    Hydrogen in the shell outside the core begins
  • The increased heat causes the outer layers to

The Red Giant Stage
  • Eventually, the core of the star becomes hot
    enough to fuse helium nuclei to make carbon and
  • This period of a star's existence is only about
    10 as long as its main sequence stage.

White Dwarf Stage
  • Stars with masses less than 8 times the sun's
    cannot fuse carbon and oxygen into heavier
  • These stars collapse into white dwarfs.
  • At the final stage, the outer layer's of the star
    are blown off to form a planetary nebula

More White Dwarf Properties
  • White dwarf stars have no internal source of
    energy the light they emit comes from stored
  • Because they are so small, the cooling process is
    very gradual. A white dwarf can exist for about
    50 trillion years before becoming to cool to emit
  • White dwarfs don't collapse further because of a
    quantum effect called electron degeneracy
    pressure. This process cannot support a
    structure whose mass exceeds 1.44 times the sun's

Novas and Supernovas
  • When a white dwarf has a close companion star, it
    can pull matter from it onto itself.
  • Eventually, it will accumulate enough on its
    surface to ignite a brief burst of fusion
  • The result is nova star.
  • If enough matter accumulates to exceed the 1.44
    solar masses the star collapses, inducing a huge
    fusion explosion.
  • This result is a Type Ia Supernova.
  • The star is blown completely apart.

  • Star with mass gt 8 times the sun's mass become
  • The process begins in the same way as for red
    giant stars.
  • The core of a supergiant becomes so hot and dense
    that fusion continues beyond helium

Fusion in Supergiants
  • Eventually, a supergiant star develops an
    onion-like structure, each successive layer
    consists of heavier elements.
  • The inner core consists of iron.
  • Fusion stops with iron, because fusing iron
    absorbs energy.

Type II Supernova
  • When the iron core of a giant star attains a mass
    of 1.44 times the sun's mass, it undergoes a
    catastrophic collapse.
  • The outer layers of the star begin falling
  • The first material to reach the core bounces and
    combines with the incoming layers to create a
    tremendous shock wave.
  • The result is a tremendous outburst of fusion
    that produces a supernova.

Properties of Supernova
  • During the explosive phase, a supernova produces
    at least a billion times as much energy as normal
  • Elements with atomic numbers higher than iron are
    also produced.
  • Much of the star's mass is dispersed into space.

Neutron stars
  • If the mass of a supernova remnant is less than 3
    solar masses, a neutron star is formed.
  • This object is a neutron ball between 10 and 20
    miles in diameter!
  • The structure doesn't collapse further because of
    neutron degeneracy pressure.

  • Most neutron stars cannot be detected optically.
  • Most are detected because they emit radio waves
    in short bursts whose period matches their
    rotation rate.
  • These objects are called pulsars.

Black Holes
  • Stars with masses greater than 3 solar masses
    collapse into black holes.
  • The gravity of a black hole is so strong that its
    escape velocity exceeds the velocity of light.
  • The boundary of a black hole is called the event

Detecting Black Holes
  • Some black holes are absorbing significant
    amounts of matter from outside.
  • These objects can be detected by the X-rays
    emitted just before the matter crosses the event

  • A galaxy is a collection of stars bound by
    gravitational attraction.
  • A small galaxy may contain only a few million
  • A large galaxy (such as ours) may contain 100
    billion stars.

Galaxy classes
  • Astronomers classify galaxies by shape. There are
    three main categories
  • Spiral
  • Elliptical
  • Irregular

Spiral Galaxies
  • These galaxies have a spherical core from which
    the arms emerge and wrap around in a spiral
  • The arms contain large amounts of dust and gas
    and many Population I stars.
  • Star formation is still ongoing in the arms.

Elliptical Galaxies
  • Elliptical galaxies are oval shaped.
  • They contain only Population II stars and are
    usually dimmer than spirals.
  • They contain little or no dust and gas.
  • They are the most common type of galaxy.

Irregular Galaxies
  • Irregular galaxies have no definite shape.
  • The best known are the Greater and Lesser
    Magellanic Clouds.
  • These two are satellites of our own galaxy.
  • They are visible from the Southern Hemisphere.

The Milky Way
  • Our sun is located in a spiral galaxy called the
    Milky Way
  • It is about 100,000 light-years across and
    contains about 100 billion stars.

Clusters of Galaxies
  • Galaxies are not evenly distributed in the
  • Most are clumped in groups called clusters.
  • The clusters in turn are grouped it clumps called
  • Even larger groupings may exist.

Dark Matter
  • Astronomers believe that most of the mass of the
    universe is in a nonluminous form.
  • There are two observations that support this
  • 1. Orbital velocities of stars within a galaxy
    suggest that the galaxy's mass is much larger and
    extends out far beyond the area where stars are
  • 2. Velocities of galaxies within clusters are so
    high that they would quickly disperse unless
    their masses are much higher than that of the
    visible objects.

Distance Measurements
  • Astronomers use a number of techniques to measure
  • The most important ones are
  • Parallax
  • Cepheid Variables
  • Type IA supernovae

Parallax Method
  • Parallax refers to the change


  • Cosmology is the study of the universe as a
  • The aims are twofold
  • Determine the present overall structure.
  • Understand its past and present evolution.


  • From the time of Newton to that of Einstein,
    scientist tacitly assumed that the universe was
    uniform, infinite, eternal, and unchanging.
  • The energy source of stars was unknown at that
  • The only hint that something was wrong with this
    picture was found in the nineteenth century. It
    is now called Olber's paradox.


Olber's Paradox
  • If the universe is infinite and eternal, why is
    the night sky dark?
  • If the universe is infinite in extent, then their
    should be an infinite number of stars in any
    direction we look.
  • If the universe is eternal, we should be
    receiving some light from all of them.
  • The total amount of energy falling on Earth from
    each point in the sky should therefore be


The Hubble Expansion
  • In the first half of the twentieth century, two
    telescopes were built (at Mts. Wilson and
    Palomar) that could produce spectra for other
  • Edwin Hubble used the Doppler shifts in these to
    determine the radial velocities of other galaxies.


Hubble's Law
  • Hubble found that most galaxies are receeding
    from us.
  • Their recession velocity is proportional to their
    distance from us.
  • This effect is consistent with Einstein's general
    relativity. It happens because the space between
    galaxies is growing.


Value of the Hubble Constant
  • Current measurements indicate that the Hubble
    constant has the value.
  • The reciprocal of the Hubble constant is roughly
    the age of the universe.
  • This age is about 13.7 billion years.

H0 slope of graph

The Big Bang
  • The Hubble expansion shows that the universe was
    smaller in the past.
  • The Big Bang theory postulates that it began as a
    very hot and dense system that quick expanded and


A (Very Brief) History of Time
  • During the 1st second, protons, neutrons, and
    electrons form.
  • After about 3 minutes, temperatures are cool
    enough to fuse nuclei without immediately
    breaking them up. Some hydrogen is fused to
    helium during this phase.
  • About 300,000 years after the beginning, the
    universe cooled to the point that electrons could
    combine with nuclei to form atoms. At this
    point, the universe becomes transparent.

History Continued
  • Once atoms formed, density variations within the
    universe began condensing regions due to the
    action of gravity.
  • These clumps are called protogalaxies.
  • Stars formed inside the protogalaxies by the same
    process, making them into galaxies.
  • Star formation in some galaxies is still ongoing.


  • The theory predicts that about 25 of the mass of
    the universe will be helium.
  • When atoms form, the radiation in the universe
    ceased to interact strongly with matter. This
    radiation would now behave like blackbody
    radiation of an object whose temperature is about
    3 K. This radiation has been detected.
  • The theory is consistent with the idea that the
    universe looked different in the past than it
    does now.


  • Quasars are objects that have very large red
  • They are therefore thought to be very distant
    from us. The most distant is about 15 billion
    light years away.
  • Quasars very in brightness too rapidly to be
    very large.

What are Quasars?
  • To be visible at such great distances, they must
    be extremely bright
  • Currently, quasars are thought to be black holes
    at galactic centers that are actively swallowing
    entire stars.


Cosmological Significance
  • The fact that quasars are not seen nearby
    indicates that none currently exist.
  • This implies that the universe has changed with

The Ultimate Fate of the Universe
  • The basic issue is Will the universe continue
    expanding forever, or will it eventually stop and
    begin contracting?
  • If the latter, then it may eventually return to
    the same state as when it began (the Big Crunch).
  • Another issue is the current overall structure.

The Options
  • Space is curved like a saddle (Open universe).
  • Space is Euclidean (flat universe).
  • Space is curved like a sphere (closed universe).

Structure Options (cont.)?
  • A low matter density implies that space has open
    curvature (infinite).
  • There is one density for which space is flat
    (also infinite).
  • A high matter density leads to a space with
    closed curvature (finite, but unbounded).

Possible Fates
  • Since gravity is acting to slow the expansion
    rate, it was originally thought that there were
    only three possibilities.
  • The expansion would gradually slow down,
    approaching a constant positive value.
  • The expansion would slow down, approaching but
    never reaching zero.
  • The expansion rate would go to zero, then become
    negative (contraction).

Testing Fates
  • We can in principle choose between these fates by
    measuring the rate at which the Hubble constant
    changes with time.
  • Type 1A supernovae provide a means to do this.
  • The method involves measuring the Hubble constant
    for distant objects only and comparing to values
    measured for nearby objects.

The Answer?
  • The results seem to show that the Hubble constant
    is increasing with time (the expansion is
  • This means that the universe will almost
    certainly continue expanding.
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