Title: Project 3
1Project 3 Artificial Auroras
The Eurora
2Background The vast majority of observable matter
in the universe appears as plasma. Most
communication in the universe occurs via
electromagnetic waves. Our understanding of
wave-plasma interactions is incomplete. Heater
facilities and the ionosphere make a very good
plasma laboratory. Artificial optical emissions
provide direct evidence of electron acceleration
by wave-induced turbulent plasma processes. Since
1999, many new discoveries have been made.
3Some important highlights include 1) The
emission almost always appears close to the
magnetic field line direction.
Kosch et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 2817-2820,
42) The optical emission almost always appears 10s
of km below the Langmuir and upper-hybrid
resonance height.
Kosch et al., Adv. Polar Upper Atmos. Res., 16,
1-12, 2002.
53) Strong electron temperature enhancements occur
(up to 3000 K) with artificial auroras.
Gustavsson et al., J. Geophys. Res., 106,
29105-29123, 2001.
64) Electron temperature enhancements are highly
aspect angle sensitive to the magnetic field line
direction. 5) Ion temperature enhancements of
500 K occur. 6) Artificial ion outflow occurs.
Rietveld, Kosch et al., J. Geophys. Res., 108,
1141, doi 10.1029/ 2002JA009543, 2003.
77) Only O-mode pumping produces artificial
auroras. This is evidence that bulk electron
heating is not a mechanism.
Langmuir waves Upper-hybrid waves Electron bulk
88) Artificial auroras usually minimise when
pumping on a gyroharmonic, along with SuperDARN
backscatter power, indicating upper-hybrid wave
turbulence is the mechanism.
Kosch et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 29(23),
2112-2115, 2002.
99) For high pump powers, 9o S dip angle and 4th
gyro-harmonic pump frequency unstable auroral
rings form.
At pump on
60 s later
Kosch et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, doi
10.1029/2004GL019713, 2004.
1010) The altitude of the rings is at/above the
pump wave reflection height.
Kosch et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, doi
10.1029/2004GL019713, 2004.
1111) EISCAT data provides evidence for Langmuir
turbulence being the mechanism for auroral rings.
Kosch et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, doi
10.1029/2004GL019713, 2004.
12Temperature modelling
Ashrafi, Kosch Honary, Adv. Space Res.,
manuscript in preparation
13Temperature modelling
For an assumed Maxwellian electron energy
distribution Modelled 630 nm ? 28
Rayleigh 557.7 nm ? 0.06 Rayleigh Observed 630
nm ? 300 Rayleigh 557.7 nm ? 125
Rayleigh Therefore artificial aurora comes from a
high non-Maxwellian plasma generated by
non-linear wave-plasma turbulence.
14Height triangulation
- Skibotn 50o field of view, zenith pointing
- Ramfjord 50o field of view, pointing 12o S
- Correct lens distortion using stars
- Convert images to right ascension and declination
- Convert images to azimuth and elevation
- Convert images to latitude and longitude for a
selected altitude - Compare images until best match to give altitude
15Height triangulation
Ashrafi, Kosch et al., Ann. Geophys., manuscript
in preparation
16- Platteville, Colorado
- SURA (Nizhni Novgorod), Russia
- Arecibo (Puerto Rico),
- Tromsø (Norway), HIPAS (Alaska)
- HAARP (Alaska)
- SPEAR (Svalbard)
World overview
17HAARP Pump cycle and frequency Reflection
altitude () and upper-hybrid resonance altitude
(?) Kodiak backscatter _at_ 10 MHz 630 557.7
nm calibrated photometer 5577/6300 steady-state
2nd gyro
3rd gyro
18The Future 1) Artificial aurora energy spectra ?
6300 (O1D) 2 eV ? 5577 (O1S) 4.5 eV ? 7774
(O) 9 eV ? 8446 (O) 11 eV ? 7320 (O)
19 eV ? 6400-6750 (N2 1NG) 9 eV ? 4278 (N2
1PG) 19 eV
19The Future 2) Neutral composition (N2/O)
20- The Future
- 2) Neutral composition (N2/O)
- Nitrogen vibrational states strongly absorb
pump-accelerated electrons without producing a
photon - A) 9 eV 777.4 (O) and 640-675 (N2 1NG)
- B) 11 eV 844.6 (O) and 370-380 (N2 2PG)
- C) 557.7/630
21The Future 3) Langmuir (B-parallel) versus
upper- hybrid (B-perpendicular) turbulence i)
Langmuir waves UHF ESR ii) Upper hybrid waves
CUTLASS STARE plasma line
22The Future 3) CUTLASS STARE plasma line
Fscatter Fradar ? Fheater No orthogonality
required. No co-location of transmitter and
receiver required.
Hughes et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., doi
10.1029/2003GL018772, 2004
23The Future 4) In-situ measurement by dual rocket
through an artificial aurora over SPEAR i)
Off-gyroharmonic pumping ii) On-gyroharmonic
pumping Measure directly i) Electrostatic and
electromagnetic waves ii) Plasma irregularity
scale sizes iii) Plasma temperature iv) Photon
production rate v) Electron energy spectrum
(1-100 eV)
24The Future 4) Rocket shot
Kelley et al., J. Geophys. Res., 100,
17367-17376, 1995.