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2Balancing WorkshopImbalance settlement in the EU
a barrier to trade and competitionBrussels,
3rd April 2009
3Balancing system barriers (1/3)
- Too much complexity
- Multiple balancing zones within a TSO system and
/ or - Multiple tolerances rules within a zone and / or
- Multiple rules and / or unclear rules to
interpret - Effects
- Barrier to new comers and / or small companies
- IT complexity to manage and finance
- Loss of opportunities to swell ones imbalances
on a lager scale - The more complex the balancing system is, the
more it costs to the shippers to manage it.
4Balancing system barriers (2/3)
- Too much
- Constraints
- Penalizations
- Responsibility supported only by shippers
- Minimum needs to accept high level of constraints
- Alert to be expressly given by the TSO to the
concerned shipper - Relevant and reliable allocations
- Possibility to correct its position afterwards
when not properly guided within day - The higher penalties are, the more efficient
TSOs system must be to help its shippers.
5Balancing system barriers (3/3)
- Too much
- Modifications of balancing system rules
- Too often
- Too specific evolutions
- Not even speaking of prices / penalties,
imbalance settlement costs if it is not properly
anticipated - Large communication between all market players
- Needed time to prepare the integration of the new
system on IT point of view - Seeing to avoid too specific rules
- Evolution is desirable, not at any cost, guided
by European best practices already in place in a
truthful concern for harmonization.
6Elements in favour of liquidity and flexibility
circulation (1/3)
- Harmonized rules
- National specificities (legal aspects, physical
possibilities) but TSOs cooperation (OBAs)
opportunity - Harmonized balancing period
- Most largely practised daily balancing system
- Best preferred daily balancing system
- Hourly balancing and / or no possibility to
correct ones imbalances in the past acceptable
only if reliable information available (see
Minimum needs) - Reasonable or no-notice tolerances
- Need to accept eventual IT and / or human
deficiencies from all market players - 2 plain hours for renomination minimal
flexibility to be given to the shippers for this
operational constraint from TSOs
7Elements in favour of liquidity and flexibility
circulation (2/3)
- Transparent cost of flexibility
- Flexibility service to buy
- Sale/purchase at sufficient penalty (no arbitrage
use) - Not to debate on which approach is better than
the other, what is at stake is to be clear on the
principles - Transparency of costs yearly evaluation by
shippers and NRAs - Why is the flexibility service at a certain level
of price? - Why the balance system is based on an approach or
the other? - Why a reference is chosen and not another?
- Is every shipper under the same rules?
8Elements in favour of liquidity and flexibility
circulation (3/3)
- Easeegas CBPs implementation
- Operational rules at interconnection point Same
rules for every market players - Transparent rules and prices
- Allocation equals to nomination on a larger scale
- IT standards for communication between one
9Thank you for your attentionContact details
Charlotte BESNIERGDF SUEZ Global Gaz
LNGE-mail charlotte.besnier_at_gdfsuez.com
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