TRADE POINT REVIEW - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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1992 Designed to establish, operate and interconnect Trade Points in all ... (La FMPC est plac e sous l'autorit de l'ONU entant qu'ONG avec un statut consultatif. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • By Tony Roberto NSANGANIRA
  • Trade Point Manager - RIEPA

  • 1992 Designed to establish, operate and
    interconnect Trade Points in all regions of the
    world, the Trade Point programme was a key
    component of the UNCTAD Trade efficiency
  • (Designé pour établir, opérer et interconnecter
    les Trade Points dans toutes les régions du
    Monde, le Programme de Trade Point était une
    constituante clé de linitiative Efficience
    commerciale dUNCTAD).

  • 1994 The pilot phase of the Global Trade Point
    Network (GTPNet) culminated in the United Nations
    International Symposium on Trade Efficiency held
    from 17-21 October 1994 in Columbus, Ohio, USA,
    during which the United Nations Secretary
    General Boutros Boutros-Ghali officially launched
    the Global Trade Point Network.
  • (La phase pilote du Réseau Global de Trade Point
    a culminé dans le Symposium International des
    Nations Unies sur lefficience des échanges
    commerciaux tenu du 17-21 Octobre 1994 à
    Colombus, Ohio, USA, durant lequel le Secrétaire
    Général des Nations Unies Boutros Boutros-Ghali a
    officiellement lancé le Réseau Global de Trade

  • 1995 Third World meeting of Trade Points held
    in Tampere, Finland, September 1995. Two
    important messages - First, quality should be
    given preference over quantity as far as
    information circulating in the GTPNet and
    services provided by Trade Points were concerned
    and Second, all efforts made to improve the
    operation of the GTPNet should keep in mind the
    Trade Points main target groupSMEs.
  • (Troisième rencontre internationale des Trade
    Points. Deux importants messages Premier
    préférence de la qualité de linformation et des
    services par rapport à la quantité Deuxième
    groupe principal à cibler PMEs).

  • 1996 Trade Points become the means by which
    SMEs could participate electronically in world
    markets through Electronic Trade Opportunities
  • (Les Trade Points devinrent le moyen par lequel
    les PMEs pouvaient participer électroniquement
    aux marchés mondiaux à travers les Opportunités
    Electroniques des Echanges commerciaux)

  • 1996 Fourth World Meeting of Trade Points
    (Midland, South Africa, May 1996). Important
    recommendations for the Trade Point Programmeto
    consolidate the Trade Point Network, to enhance
    the capacity of Trade Points to function as
    information and training centres for SMEs and
    ways to make them financially sustainable.
  • (Quatrième rencontre internationale des Trade
    Points Recommandations importantes Consolider
    le Réseau de Trade Point, renforcer la capacité
    des Trade Points à fonctionner comme centres pour
    information et formation au profit des PMEs ainsi
    que trouver les moyens de rendre ces Trade Points
    financièrement autonomes).

  • 1998 At the Fifth World Trade Point Meeting
    (Lyon, France, November 1998) extensive
    discussions took place with regard to future
    orientation of the Programme. In 1998, the Trade
    Point Programme was selected for evaluation by an
    independent team led by PriceWaterhouseCoopers.
    The evaluators concluded that the programme
    appeared to be valued highly by Governments.
  • (Cinquième rencontre des Trade Points
    Discussions sur lorientation future du
    programme. Durant la même année, ce même
    programme avait été selectionné pour être evalué
    par une équipe indépendante dexperts. Daprès
    ces experts, une importante valeur est accordée
    au programme par les Gouvernements).

  • 1999 Expert meeting on the Trade point
    Programme (Geneva, May 1999). It was suggested
    that value-added services, including those in the
    area of trade facilitation should further be
    developed, as well as capacity building. Focus
    was also placed on the need to share best
    practices among Trade Points and on the further
    development of the ETOs system.
  • (Suggestions durant une rencontre dexperts
    sur le Trade Point Développement des services à
    valeur ajoutée, dont ceux dans le domaine de
    facilitation des échanges commerciaux
    formations. Aussi échanges des meilleures
    pratiques parmi les Trade Points ainsi que le
    développement du système ETO.)

  • 2000 At the Sixth Trade Point Meeting held in
    Geneva from 6-10 November, attended by 160
    participants from 66 countries, the historic
    decision was taken to create the World Trade
    Point Federation. The newly created WTPF
    immediately held its first General Assembly
    meeting and expressed its willingness to take
    over the ETO system.
  • (Sixième rencontre des Trade Points 160
    participants venant de 66 pays. La décision
    historique de créer la Fédération Mondiale des
    Pôles Commerciaux (FMPC) est prise. La première
    Assemblée Générale de la Fédération a lieu
    immédiatement. La volonté de prendre en main le
    système ETO est exprimée.)

  • 2001 May - the ETO system was officially
    transferred from UNCTAD to the WTPF and was
    temporarily operated by Trade Points Madrid and
    Castilla La Mancha in Spain.
  • November - UNCTAD officially transferred the
    Trade Point registered trademark and logos to the
  • (Le système ETO est officiellement transféré à la
    FMPC et opère temporairement au niveau des Trade
    Points Madrid et Castilla La mancha en Espagne.
    Durant la meme année en Novembre, CNUCED
    transfère officiellement la Marque ainsi que les
    Logos de Trade Point à la FMPC.)

  • 2002 At the Third General Assembly Meeting of
    the WTPF held in Beirut, Lebanon, from 4-6
    November, the contract was formally signed
    whereby UNCTAD handed over the entire property
    rights of the Trade Point Programme to the WTPF,
    thus finalizing the externalization process begun
    two years earlier.
  • (Troisième Assemblée Générale de la FMPC à Beirut
    Liban le contrat de remise par CNUCED des
    droits de propriété de Trade Point à la FMPC est
    formellement signé, ceci finalisa le processus
    dexternalisation débuté deux ans plutôt.)

2002 Launching of enhanced ETO system
(Lancement du système ETO amélioré)

  • 2003 Forth General Assembly Meeting of the
    WTPF, held in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, from 3-5
    December, the relevant user manuals for the
    integrated website, the Federation branding
    guidelines and marketing material were presented
    to Trade Points. One of the highlights of the
    meeting in Jamaica was presentation of the
    on-going work to complete the Global Trade
    Directory System (GTDS), the first centralized
    income generating service to be placed at the
    disposal of individual Trade Points after being
    developed jointly by the WTPF and Siemens
    Business Services Turkey.
  • (Quatrième Assemblée Générale de la FMPC
    Ocho Rios, Jamaique. Les manuels appropriés
    dutilisation du le site-web intégré, les
    directives liées à la Marque ainsi que les objets
    de marketing sont présentés aux Trade Points.
    Presentation également du travail en cours qui
    est de finaliser le Système Global dAnnuaire
    Commercial (SGAC), le premier service centralisé,
    générateur de revenus, à placer a la disposition
    de chaque Trade Point. Ce système était développé
    par la FMPC conjointement avec Siemens Business
    Services Turkey.

  • 2003 On the basis of an initiative begun in
    year 2000, the African Trade Point Forum was
    formalized at a meeting in Pretoria, South
    Africa, from 26-28 August 2003.
  • (Sur base dune initiative débuté en 2000, le
    Forum Africain de Trade Point est officialisé au
    cours dune rencontre à Pretoria, Afrique du Sud,
    du 26 au 28 Aout 2003.

  • 2004 The fifth General Assembly Meeting of the
    WTPF took place in Murcia, Spain, from 22-25
    November, at which significant advances were made
    in the discussion of issues such as protecting
    the intellectual property rights of the WTPF.
  • (Cinquième Assemblée Générale de la FMPC a
    lieu à Murcia, Espagne, du 22 au 25 Novembre. Les
    avancées significatives sur les discussions
    concernant la protection des droits de propriété
    intellectuelle de la FMPC sont enregistrées.

  • 2004 WTPF placed on UN Roster of NGOs with
    consultative status. At its 2004 annual meeting,
    the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations
    (NGOs) of the United Nations Economic and Social
    Council (UN/ECOSOC) decided in favour of
    including the WTPF in the list of bodies eligible
    to offer their opinion and to be consulted on
    those matters falling within its competence in
    relation to issues dealt with by ECOSOC.
  • (La FMPC est placée sous lautorité de lONU
    entant quONG avec un statut consultatif. Durant
    sa réunion annuelle de 2004, le comité sur les
    ONGs du Conseil Economique et Social des Nations
    Unies décide dajouter la FMPC sur la liste des
    entités éligibles pour lexpression de leurs
    opinions et être consulté sur des sujets entrant
    dans ses competences par rapport aux questions
    devant être traitées par ECOSOC.)

  • The new integrated website launched by the WTPF
    in 2004 included improvements making navigation
    more intuitive and the overall design more
    eye-catching and dynamic.
  • (Le nouveau site web intégré est lancé par la
    FMPC en 2004, avec des ameliorations
    significatives dont une navigation plus intuitive
    et une conception globale plus attirante et

2004 Launching of the enhanced integrated WTPF
website (Lancement du nouveau site web intégré
de la FMPC)
  • By integrating the central website with each
    individual Trade Point site, all the information
    and services provided by the WTPF and its
    partners can be accessed from within the
    environment of the local web space. Each Trade
    Point is responsible for uploading as much timely
    and high quality information as possible in the
    trade-related sites, documents and events
    sections in the Knowledge Point menu. Those Trade
    Points that have provided detailed information
    about their local set-up and services have a
    greater chance of increasing the number of visits
    to their site and thus a greater opportunity to
    attract customers.
  • (En intégrant le site web central, on a
    facilement accès (à travers lenvironnement de
    lespace web local) à linformation ainsi quaux
    services offerts par la FMPC et ses partenaires).

  • 2005 Sixth General Assembly Meeting of the WTPF
    held in Bangkok, Thailand, 7-9 November in
    conjunction with a World SMEs Forum. Dr Supachai
    Panitchpakdi referred to the positive
    developments of the Trade Point programme outside
    of UNCTAD and areas where UNCTAD and the WTPF can
    join forces in their efforts to provide support
    to SMEs.
  • (Sixième Assemblée Générale de la FMPC
    Bangkok, Thailand, du 07 au 09 Novembre
    conjointement avec le Forum Mondial des PMEs. Dr
    Supachai a fait remarquer quune évolution
    significative du programme de Trade Point en
    dehors de CNUCED a été enregistrée mais aussi
    dans les domaines où les deux institutions
    peuvent joindre leurs forces afin daccorder
    assistance aux PMEs.)

2005 Public launching of the Global Trade
Directory System (GTDS) (Lancement public du
Système Global dAnnuaire Commercial)
  • The GTDS is a tool fully owned by the WTPF, its
    objective being to increase the visibility of
    companies engaged in international trade, and
    create a trustworthy trade environment. Company
    directories are an essential feature of any trade
    organization hoping to be able to influence the
    volume and value of its members trade
    transactions, and in this sense the GTDS is a
    fundamental tool giving Trade Points and their
    customers global reach.
  • The content of the GTDS comes from local Trade
    Point company Databases. Trade Points are
    expected to create awareness of the existence of
    the GTDS and to promote it to local companies,
    trade associations and trade-support service
    providers. The success of the GTDS fully depends
    on an active participation of Trade Points.
  • (Le contenu du GTDS provient de la base de
    données des entreprises, membres du Trade Point
    local. Le succès du GTDS dépend totalement de
    la participation active des Trade Points).

  • Registered companies gain increased worldwide
    visibility at a fraction of the cost of other
    directories. Trust factor - they know they are
    dealing with potential trade partners that have
    been validated by a Trade Point and whose
    reliability is therefore guaranteed. From the
    Trade Point angle, the GTDS is one of the core
    services and constitutes a daily tool by means of
    which a Trade Point can promote its local
    business community. It also offers linkages to
    additional services developed by the local Trade
    Point, the opportunity to generate income, and
    enhances the Trade Points credibility and
  • (Les entreprises enregistrées gagnent une
    visibilité mondiale croissante à une fraction du
    prix des autres annuaires).


distribution of Trade Points
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
With annual activity Report
  • Financial aspects of Trade Point operations


ETOs uploaded into the system and ETOs
disseminated locally

Success Stories

ICT and the ever-present digital Divide



Stepping Stones towards Trade Facilitation
-A comprehensive and integrated
approach to reducing the complexity and cost of
the trade transactions process, and ensuring that
all these activities can take place in an
efficient, transparent and predictable manner,
based on the internationally accepted norms,
standards and best practices. (UN/ECE) -
Simplification and standardization of procedures
and associated information flows required to move
goods internationally from seller to buyer and to
pass payment in the other direction. (OECD)
- The use of technologies and techniques
which will help members to build up expertise
reduce costs and lead to better movement of goods
and services. (APEC)
  • Some definitions of Trade Facilitation

  • One of the recurring topics within the World
    Trade Organization (WTO) in recent years has been
    the concept of Enquiry Points in relation to
    trade facilitation measures ACQUIRING ALL THE
    establish such Enquiry Points in each WTO member
    country to help gradually mitigate impediments to
    the international transit of goods. Enquiry
    Points would constitute a sustainable
    institutional and managerial international
    trading capacity to replace partial, short-term
    solutions restricted to particular aspects or
    sectors of trade transactions.

  • Enquiry Points would be the officially designated
    medium in each WTO member country entrusted with
    the task of providing trade-related information
    on issues and measures such as trade-related
    laws, regulations, administrative other
    border-related agency processes (including port,
    airport and other entry-point procedures and
    relevant forms and documents) customs treatment
    and appeal procedures fees and charges
    applicable to import, export and transit
    procedures and requirements etc. Enquiry Points
    would be in a position to assume the dual
    responsibility of replying to border-out enquires
    and retrieving information from abroad in
    response to border-in enquiries. Both the WTO
    and UNCTAD recognize that the existence of more
    efficient, streamlined and transparent
    information is not enough to expedite the
    movement of goods in transit and thus increase
    trade flows it is just as essential to create
    equal and easy access to this information,
    especially for small companies engaged in foreign
    trade, and more especially still in developing
    and least developed countries.

  • Trade facilitation brings benefits through the
    reduction of transaction costs including business
    opportunity costs, time lost in completing
    procedures (particularly acute for micro and
    SMEs) compliance costs of producing and
    delivering the required documentation /
    certifications service charges covering all
    these aspects and often unforeseen costs arising
    from a multitude of possible sources largely
    because of lack of knowledge of precisely what is
    required. The same concern about product quality
    specifications becoming technical barriers to
    trade can be applied to regulations governing all
    facets of trade differing regulations can hinder
    the trade opportunities of companies unable to
    ascertain precisely what it is that is required
    in order for their goods to be able to transit
    without impediment. It is this sort of
    impediment that can be vastly mitigated by the
    envisaged Enquiry Points.

Emerging Trade issues and the future work of
Trade Point
One of the primary tasks of Trade Points is to
help their customers do more international
business, i.e. increase their ability to trade in
world markets. But the world market environment
is governed by a complicated matrix of national,
regional and international forces trying to pull
trade policy in different directions. It is a
growing reality, reflected each successive trade
round of the WTO, that discussing and formulating
trade policy has ceased to be the prerogative of
economists and governments. What has come to be
known as Trade Democracy is a process in which
a wider spectrum of people and institutions takes
part in the trade debate, businesses being prime
stakeholders in this context since trade is about
  • 1) The voice of business (La voix du Business)

  • Trade Points can encourage their customer
    companies, in their own interest, to make their
    voice heard through the appropriate channels to
    contribute to awareness of business views on the
    drafting of new trade rules and shaping the way
    trade is conducted. Companies need to know and
    understand how new proposals for trade agreements
    and trade-related legislation will impact their
    operations, so that they can add their grain of
    sand to the final form of any impending changes.

  • 2) South-South trade (Promotion des échanges
    commerciaux Sud-Sud)
  • It should not be taken for granted that
    the road to the most successful export strategies
    for SMEs in developing economies lies in gaining
    access to developed country markets. In a very
    recent study published by the United Nations, the
    growing advantages of South-South trade are made
    very apparent. The results of the study indicate
    that opening up Northern markets would provide
    annual welfare gains to developing countries of
    US 22 billion. But removing barriers to
    South-South trade could potentially generate
    gains 60 higher than this. In 2004 South-South
    trade accounted for just over a tenth of total
    world trade. But the rate has been growing at
    over 10 percent a year. The overall implication
    is that the removal of barriers within continents
    rather that just between countries could bring
    hitherto untapped benefits and the lesson for
    Trade Point and their customers is to look
    further within their own region for trade
    opportunities instead of concentrating most of
    their efforts on making it in developed economy
    markets. This could be an issue to be taken up
    by the Regional Forums, which are in position to
    develop the competence to promote trade within
    their area of influence as well as among
    themselves. So that no region is left behind.

  • 3) Promoting origin guaranteed products
    (Promotion des produits dorigine)
  • Trade Points could usefully exert
    influence on local businesses to encourage trade
    in origin-guaranteed products, or even to work
    towards creating this type of brand if it does
    not exist. Local, regional or national branding,
    giving geographical indications and knowledge
    structures related to a given location, adds
    value to products and provides an inimitable
    differentiation tool. Potential customers are
    more likely to pay attention to an unknown
    product if it comes with a guaranteed
    geographical brand, and the extra premium a brand
    commands can make all the difference to small
    businesses especially in developing countries,
    who are attempting against the odds (seemingly or
    actually) to compete in increasingly liberalized

  • 4) The development/environment tradeoff
  • This area is of concern to the Trade Point
    community because it comes back again to the
    relationship between development and trade. As
    attempts are made to integrate environmental
    factors into poverty reduction and development
    issues, so these affect trade. Trade Points can
    do their part by trying to ensure that the type
    of trade they are promoting in the interests of
    development is sensitive to policies to safeguard
    the environment.
  • (Ici il est question de mettre en relation le
    commerce, lenvironnement et le développement.
    Pas mal de mesures sont adoptées afin dintégrer
    les facteurs de lenvironnement dans la réduction
    de la pauvreté ce qui, authomatiquement affecte
    le commerce. Le rôle du Trade Point ici consiste
    à sassurer que les types de commerce quil
    promouvoit poursuivent lintérêt du développement
    et sont donc sensibles aux politiques de
    sauvegarde de lenvironnement.)

To look out for
The global system for commodity
classification known as the Harmonized System
(HS) uses a four-digit number as a general
classification, with an additional two digits
added as a sub-classification. On January 1
2007, the changes resulting from the World
Customs Organizations latest periodic revision
of the HS will come into effect, aiming at a
uniform classification to no more than six
digits. Some commodities have been grouped
together under the same four-digit heading to
make it easier for customs administrations to
monitor and track them. Further changes involve
clearer classification for instance of
multi-functional machinery, merging some
commodities into new tariff headings, and
deleting other tariff headings. Trade Point
should be aware of these changes when assisting
their customers in the import-export business.
  • Imminent changes in the HS
    (changements imminents dans le SH)

In the near future it is vital for the
Trade Point community to fuel its capabilities
and realize its full potential as an engine of
trade facilitation. All partners such as The
World Trade Point Federation (WTPF), The
International Trade Centre (ITC), continue to
summon strength for developing new tools, but in
the last analysis it is up to us as individual
Trade Point to work on local solutions and make
practical everyday progress. Inevitably we come
back to the networking mentality concept.
Lasting support to SME competitiveness in
international trade can be achieved over a wider
spectrum and to better effect if there is a will
to function as a closely meshed network with a
constant traffic of value-added information.
Once such a network is fully in place, the
remaining challenges come more easily into focus.
(Le plus important est le travail individuel du
Trade Point sur les solutions locales ainsi que
les progrès pratiques quotidiens.)
  • Final considerations (Considérations finales)

  • Thank you!
  • (Merci!)
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