Title: School Improvement Workshop
1Profile of School
Analyze Data
Continuous Improvement
Analyze Results and Refocus Efforts
Select Strategies and Align Professional Learning
Indentify Building and Team Goals
2Continuous Improvement Through Teams
The culture of continuous improvement is the
most important change to bring to a
school. Mike Schmoker
3Instruction improves when teachers, in teams,
teach each other the practice of teaching
(Little, 1990, p. 509).
4School Improvement Process
- SIP Building Goal
- (Stretch Goal)
- Focus Measures the effectiveness of programs
- Leadership SIP team
- Timeline Long Term Cycle
- Data Summative, same grade level over time, not
same students - Scope Comprehensive and systemic
- Team Goals
- (Attainable Goal)
- Focus Measures the effectiveness of current
instructionwill influence current years data - Leadership Teams of Teachers
- Timeline Short Term Cycle
- Data Summative, real time results on current
students - Scope Individual to students and teachers
5School Improvement Process Team Focus
- Analyze Trend and Real Time Data
- Identify Gaps between Current and Expected
Performance (Strengths/Weakness) - Establish a Measurable Team Goal
- Our students will improve in math communication
as measured by the math scoring guide by the end
of third quarter. - Develop Strategies/Professional Learning
- Analyze Results and Refocus Efforts
6 Focus on Results
7Data AnalysisProvides valid student performance
data for analysis
- Formative DataUsed to adjust the Learning Plan
along the way - Summative DataFor analysis at the end of the
unit of study - Gaps in LearningIdentify strengths and weak
areas - Ask WHY
- Set Priorities --What student issues are we
struggling with the most?
8Identify Team Goal
9Purpose of Teams (RESULTS)
A group of people working interdependently to
achieve a common goal for which members are held
accountable. Rick DuFour
10Team Goals
- Teams identify goals that align with building
program goals. - Teams of teachers implement, assess, and adjust
instruction in short-term cycles of improvement,
not annually, but continuously.
11Classroom GoalsIndividual teacher component of
- Classroom Goals
- Teacher choice
- Possibly aligned to team goal
- More specific than team goal
- Provides evidence for self directed goal process
12Develop Action Plan
Align Professional Learning
13Research Strategies and Align Professional
- Team identify the root cause of the area of
concernwhy, why, why, why, why. - Teams research best practice strategies that
address the goal area. - Teams identify professional development needs.
- Teams complete the 4-steps of the professional
learning model - presentation, demo, practice, peer support
14Analyze Results and Refocus Efforts
15Analyze Results and Refocus Efforts
- Reflection
- Discuss what worked, what did not work, and why
- Analyze new data and discuss next steps
16The Team Benefits
- Teachers are more committed, empowered, and
motivated when they set their own targets and
create their own plans to achieve them. - Teams benefit when they have a few key goals that
clarify the results they seek and how each member
can contribute. - Short term goals inform the team of progress and
create a basis for celebration.
17SIP Team Role
- Help teams translate building goals into
specific, measurable, short term goals. - Support teachers as they develop the skills to
achieve those goals. - Assist teams to align professional development to
goal areas.
18Profile of School
Analyze Data
Improve Student Achievement
Analyze Results and Refocus Efforts
Select Strategies and Align Professional Learning
Indentify Building and Team Goals