Title: School Workforce Census
1School Workforce Census Autumn
Workshop Thursday 16 October 2008Thistle
Marble Arch, London
2School Workforce Census Autumn
WorkshopMichael Ellis Department for
Children, Schools and Families
3School Workforce Census Autumn
Workshop Thursday 16 October 2008Thistle
Marble Arch, London
4The Benefits of the School Workforce Census (SWF)
- Helen Walker
- Department for Children, Schools and Families
5Our Thanks
- Difficult time big collection, big changes
- Appreciate all your hard work so far
- Policy colleagues looking forward to getting
their hands on the data!
6National Benefits of SWF
- Data Rationalisation
- Better Policy Making
- Common Dataset
- Pay Monitoring
- Equality and Diversity Monitoring
7Benefits to Local Authorities
- Reducing Data Burdens on Local Authorities
- One survey to cover all - SWF will replace
- Workforce elements of the Annual Schools Census
- 618G
- Office of Manpower and Economics pay survey
- Secondary School Curriculum and Staffing Survey
- NEOST annual survey of teacher resignations and
8Benefits to Local Authorities (2)
- Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000
- Develop evidence based strategies and policies
- Compare your workforce profile against national
profile - Improved financial information
- Consistent data
9Benefits to your Schools
- Reduction in data burden fewer surveys to
respond to - Information accurate and centrally recorded
- Improved MIS systems
- Longer term schools benefit from improved
evidence based policies
10Thanks Again
11School Workforce Census Autumn
Workshop Thursday 16 October 2008Thistle
Marble Arch, London
12Readiness of Software Systems for SWF Rob
Bauling Department for Children, Schools and
13Software Systems
- School MIS
- LA Systems HR / Finance
- Other systems Payroll / Finance
14School MIS
- 3 commercial systems live for 2008 pilot
Capita, Wauton Samuel, RM - Others will be developed and ready for Jan 09
Pearson Phoenix, Serco, Bromcom - LAs / schools using own systems in best position
to know - their readiness!
15LA HR Systems
- Selima and Capita live for 2008 pilot
- SAP, Northgate currently developing solutions -
will be part ready for Jan 09, full solution
later in 2009 - Oracle, Midland HR not started developing a
solution yet no timelines - Several other suppliers in market not aware of
any who have / are developing SWF functionality
- Testing blade ready for Jan 09 available for
familiarisation early Nov - Only accepts specified XML format
- Tool for conversion of CSV to XML
- First step is to talk to supplier
- If no answer can contact Rob Bauling who will try
and find out situation /
answers - robert.bauling_at_dcsf.gsi.gov.uk
18Harmonisation of Childrens Workforce Data
Standards Rob Bauling Department for
Children, Schools and Families
- Meetings with Skills for Care, Regional Groups,
Other Stakeholders - Formation of working group
- Resources
- Information Standards Board (ISB)
- Agreed destination harmonised standards!
- Prioritised areas / items to work on
- Use work of other standards bodies
- Developing data model for workforce
21Top 10 Priorities
- Age
- Ethnic group
- Gender
- Disability
- Highest qualification held
- Occupation
- Contract status
- Basic salary
- Full-time equivalent
- Staff turnover
22Working Groups
- Efficient working gt 3 working groups
- Pay
- Qualifications
- Contracts and Job Roles
- Other data items either
- being defined centrally (pan-Government)
- proposed definitions circulated from DCSF,
with help from the group
23Data Item Definitions
- Templates on
- Universally defined items
- Items common across sectors
- Items that are specific to ESCS
- Use of Value Domains for type definitions and
code sets - Separate definitions for aggregations and
derived variables
24Next Steps
- Circulate initial definitions and issues
- Set up sub-groups and arrange to meet
- LA focus group
- Collaboration space, once available
- Communications with wider stakeholder group
26School Workforce Census Autumn
Workshop Thursday 16 October 2008Thistle
Marble Arch, London
27 Paul Stoker Department for Children,
Schools and Families
Guidance and Best Practice
28SWF Requirements
As a result of evaluation of the January 08
Census we have
- Moved to headcount at school level for all 3rd
party support staff e.g. not employed by a school
or Local Authority - Changed regularly from termly to monthly
- Additional roles added to the codeset
29Temporary Change in Requirements
- Schools may provide a headcount for centrally
employed staff in 2010 - This is a temporary measure and we will require
full details in 2011 - Software suppliers will not be able to
incorporate this change for 2009 - LAs are still required to return a full contract
record for all centrally employed staff via their
central return
30SWF Requirements Educational Psychologists
- These have previously been both a post and a role
- Educational Psychologists are support staff so we
have removed the post of Ed Psych - Please now record these with a post of Support
Staff and a role of Educational Psychologist - Despite being collected on 618G we do not require
vacancy data on Educational Psychologists
31Contracted Hours
- Guidance has been released by STRB on how
FTEs are calculated - The SWF does not collect FTEs, but calculates
them from the contracted hours of part time
staff - This change could have huge implications to the
time series of data we publish - We will look at this in great detail as part of
the evaluation of the Autumn SWF and inform LAs
through the usual channels
32General Data Security
- BECTA have recently released some guidance
for schools on data security
The guidance covers 4 key areas - Impact levels
and labelling - Data encryption - Audit logging
incident handling - Secure and remote access
The LGA are currently producing similar guidance
for Local Authorities
33Security - COLLECT
- The Department has stopped access to COLLECT
through laptops, for security reasons - LAs and schools should under no circumstances
access COLLECT via laptops - The Department is treating all data security as a
priority and is reviewing the arrangements
regarding all its passwords across its systems - The Department is not in a position to issue
individual passwords to schools at this point due
to the resource implications - The schools that require passwords should be
entered into a template that is available via the
DSG helpdesk - Anything outside the deadline or in the incorrect
format will be automatically rejected
34SWF Tips
- Ensure all software systems are up to date and
all recent patches have been run - Check your expected lists are accurate in advance
of the collection - If possible, dry run the collection on the
familiarisation site - Ensure all stakeholders are aware of their
responsibilities in advance of Census day
35SWF Tips
- Engage your schools as early as possible
- Ensure they are aware of what is required and
what the long term benefits of SWF - There is documentation available on Teachernet to
help with this - If in doubt ask the DCSF for help
36School Workforce Census Autumn
Workshop Thursday 16 October 2008Thistle
Marble Arch, London
37 Alicia Childs Department for Children,
Schools and Families
Evaluation of the Spring 2009 School Workforce
Census Pilot
384 strands to the evaluation.
- DCSF evaluation of the Spring 2009 pilot data
- 2. DCSF evaluation of the Spring 2009 pilot
process - 3. Local Authoritys own evaluation of the Spring
2009 pilot
process - 4. Transition away from 618g to SWF (Neil)
391. DCSF data evaluation
a) What are we looking for?
- How ready LAs are for the full return in Spring
2010 - How ready LAs are to transfer from 618g to SWF
- To ensure main measures of workforce can continue
to be produced by DCSF
401. DCSF data evaluation
b) How are we going to evaluate the data?
- Comparing against existing data sources
- 618g
- Database of Teacher Records (DTR)
- School Census
- Other (SSCSS, GTCE data etc)
411. DCSF data evaluation
b) How are we going to evaluate the data?
- Applying credibility and common sense checks
to the data - Attempting to reproduce key DCSF outputs using
pilot data
421. DCSF data evaluation
c) Who in DCSF will evaluate the data?
- Customer Services Unit in DSG
- Support from others in the project LA Support
Team, policy analysts etc
431. DCSF data evaluation
d) How will we feedback results to the LAs?
- At March 2009 evaluation workshops
- Individual feedback report to each LA
44Example feedback report
- Software Systems used Capita SIMS, SAP
- LA file Returned No
- Matching and Reconciliation No
- Missing Data Items
- x of teachers had missing teacher numbers
- y had missing NI numbers
- z of support staff had missing NI numbers
- Incorrect codings
- There were x cases of UNK used as an incorrect
ethnic code - Concerns/issues
- There were issues with x, y and z
45Example feedback report2
462. DCSF process evaluation
a) How will we evaluate the process?
- Look at number of LAs providing full return,
partial return, any return (!) - Ensure LAs are not having problems submitting
data - COLLECT performs as expected
- Produce a daily MI Dashboard
47Dashboard (School Workforce October 08 Census
day 1)
48Dashboard (School Workforce October 08 Census
day 1)
492. DCSF process evaluation
b) Who in DCSF will evaluate the process?
- Customer Services Unit in DSG overlook
- Project Management Team
- Technical Development Unit
- Helpdesk
- Data Development Unit
502. DCSF process evaluation
c) How will we feedback results to the LAs?
- As before
- At March 2009 evaluation workshops
- Individual feedback sheet to each LA
- Also
- Through helpdesk if immediate problems
513. LAs own evaluation of the process
- Encourage LAs to evaluate their process
for themselves - How did you find it?
- What were the problem areas?
- How can it be improved by 2010?
523. LAs own evaluation of the process
- Communicate best practice, new ideas, solutions,
problems through - March 2009 evaluation workshops
- LA Support Team
- Feedback to helpdesk
534. Transition away from 618G
- We all know that the School Workforce Census is
intended to replace 618g in 2010 - The DCSF will need to ensure it has sufficient,
robust statistics in 2010 to carry out its duties - National Statistics protocols suggest a period of
parallel running as part of the transition - Preferred approach is to drop 618g in 2010 for
those LAs that have demonstrated sufficient
evidence that they can provide a full SWF return
in January 2010
54School Workforce Census Autumn
Workshop Thursday 16 October 2008Thistle
Marble Arch, London
55 COLLECT Changes to the 2008 Blade Paul
Stoker and Ian Peters Department for Children,
Schools and Families
56Change areas
- New and amended functionality
- New and amended reports
- Bug fixes
57New and amended functionality
58New and amended functionality
- New and amended validation rules implemented
- Value lists amended to reflect latest position
- Given name and former family name record grids
amended to aid identification of individuals
(available from Autumn) - Option to undo the last reconciliation action
performed - Clearer identification of whether matching and/or
reconciliation has been carried out on a return
59New and amended functionality continued
- Matching rules enhanced to cover more scenarios
(available from Autumn) - Contract reconciliation improved to include post
and role when identifying potential
duplicates (available from Autumn) - Performance improvements to the matching and
reconciliation process
60Old layout - given namesselect grid
61New layout - given namesselect grid
62Matching Last run date
63Reconciliation Last run date
64New and amended reports
65New and amended reports
- School error report revamped and simplified
(available from Autumn) - Pre-Reconciliation
- Post-Reconciliation
- Amended data items
- View all data for an individual
- Matching and reconciliation status
66School error report (sample)
67Pre-reconciliation report
- Purpose - to allow a Local Authority to produce
a report for themselves or a school, of all the
potential data items that need to be reconciled
for a schools workforce members
68Pre-reconciliation report (sample)
69Post-reconciliation report
- Purpose - to allow a Local Authority to
view/extract details of any changes that have
been made to data, as a result of reconciliation
70Post-reconciliation report (sample)
71Amended data items (audit report)
- Purpose - to allow a Local Authority to
view/extract details of any changes that have
been made to data, as a result of on screen
amendment (Audit trail)
72Amended data items (sample)
73View all data for an individual
- Purpose - to allow a Local Authority to produce a
report of all data held against an individual
workforce member within the authority (i.e. for
the same individual in any school or the LA
74View all data for an individual (sample)
75View all data for an individual (sample) -
76Matching and reconciliation
status report
- Purpose - to make it easier for a Local Authority
to identify whether matching /or reconciliation
has been undertaken for a particular source
77Matching and reconciliation
status report
78Bug fixes
79Bug fixes
- Validation correctly re-applied if a subsequent
file fails on load (available from Autumn) - Occasional teacher and vacancy validations no
longer applied to central returns - Values that only differ due to case sensitivity
no longer require a value to be selected as part
of the reconciliation process (available from
Autumn) - All potential duplicate absence records now
display an error
80School Workforce Census Autumn
Workshop Thursday 16 October 2008Thistle
Marble Arch, London
81Breakout Session
82Questions to considerWhat problems have you
encountered and how did you overcome
them?What are you most concerned about for
January 2009Please write down any issues
youd like the wider group to discuss this
afternoon or top tips youd like us to share
83School Workforce Census Autumn
Workshop Thursday 16 October 2008Thistle
Marble Arch, London
84SWF The Lancashire Experience
- Stephen Clark
- Data Collection Manager LCC
85SWF The Lancashire Way
- How did we find it?
- What did we do?
- Lessons learned?
- What are we going to do for the future?
- Lancashire - one of largest LAs in Country
- 24 Nursery Schools
- 485 Primary Schools
- 83 Secondary Schools
- 30 Special Schools
- 14 PRUs
- Total 636 establishments
87Data Collection Unit
- Originally 3FT staff
- Now 4 (1FT on SWF)
- School Census, Alternative Provision Census,
Early Years Census, SWF - 636 schools / 160,000 pupils / 9,000 teachers /
11,000 Non-teaching staff
88Considered Response to SWF
- Panic!
- Why the F for Census?
- Establish SRO and CFT
- Establish Model of delivery (minimise burden on
schools) - Communicate to schools
- Involve HR and SIMS Support Unit to Schools
89January 2008 Pilot
- 59 schools eventually returned files
- School files to LA for uploading
- Software late (for once!)
- Matching Reconciliation!
- COLLECT processing
- Sloppy data from schools
- Cleaning of data prior to Census
90October 2008 Pilot
- 119 schools involved 503 still to go!
- Matching Reconciliation?
- Sloppy data?
- Cleaning of data prior to Census
- Definitions / qualifications / peripatetic music
/ centrally employed staff
91Lessons Learned
- Dedicated resources are essential
- Schools need adequate training and support
- Communicate keep schools in the loop
- Look for related support (e.g. School Workforce
Development Modernisation Tm) - Make case to Treasurer for New Burdens element
in RSG to be directed to SWF
92January 2009
- Whip-up support and enthusiasm!
- Free on-site help and support for schools
during Autumn Term - Briefing / Demo sessions to all schools
93Further Challenges
- Managing limited
- resources and co-ordinating
- the collecting, validating,
- processing delivering
- of complex data whilst
- dealing with everything else!
94Lancashire SWF
95School Workforce Census Autumn
Workshop Thursday 16 October 2008Thistle
Marble Arch, London
96School Workforce Census Marie Tobias - SWC
Officer mtobias_at_ealing.gov.uk Tel 020 8825 7595
97Preparation for Autumn Term Pilot 2008
- Presentation on School Workforce Census done at
LA Admin Forum - School systems upgraded with current Sims version
for SWC - Staff data checking sheets given to all staff in
schools to check details - Fair Processing Notices issued to all staff
98Problems Encountered
- Some schools not using Personnel area to its
full potential, therefore lots of details had to
be inputted in a very short space of time - Not all upgrades completed in schools due to
technical problems - Some service terms not yet created which
prevented the updating of staff contract details - Some Administrators and even teachers were unsure
of the qualification categories, which held up
updating professional details and caused lots of
errors in COLLECT
993 Key Things to Look at in Advance of Jan Census
- MIS Systems software upgraded
- MIS personnel information updated
- Comparing personnel data held by LA HR department
and Schools to ensure 99.9 accuracy
100Ealings Best Practice
- Presentation on School Workforce Census for Admin
Staff, which includes information on what data
items are being collected in current return - Webpage on Ealing Schools website specifically
for School Workforce Census, which includes
links to useful websites, documents, etc - Training on completing and submitting the School
Workforce Return - Support for SWC preparation supported by Data
Collections Team as well as Bursarial Team and HR
101Maries Top Tips to get Schools on Board
- Focus on the benefits of the School Workforce
Census - Give schools a list of data items being collected
in the current return - Be prepared to spoon feed (everyone of us has a
special need) - Positive praise goes a long, long way!
102Thank You for Listening and Good Luck!
103School Workforce Census Autumn
Workshop Thursday 16 October 2008Thistle
Marble Arch, London
104Breakout Session
105Questions to considerWhat problems have you
encountered and how did you overcome
them?What are you most concerned about for
January 2009Please write down any issues
youd like the wider group to discuss this
afternoon or top tips youd like us to share
106School Workforce Census Autumn
Workshop Thursday 16 October 2008Thistle
Marble Arch, London
107 Gill Turner and Kevin Raine Department
for Children, Schools and Families
Support Arrangements
108SWF LA Support Team
- Gill Turner, Civil Servant
- Paul Crosby, seconded full-time
- from Northamptonshire
- Stephen Clark, seconded on call off basis from
Lancashire - Jeanette Miller, seconded on call off basis from
109SWF LA Support Team activities
- Visits
- Monitoring progress towards readiness
- Providing updates or clarifications on
requirements - Sharing best practice
- Answering ad hoc queries
110How you can access support
- TeacherNet
- http//www.teachernet.gov.uk/management/ims/
datacollections/swfcpilot/ - Contact DSG HelpDesk
- dsg.helpdesk_at_dcsf.gsi.gov.uk
- or by telephone on 01325 392626
111 Kevin Raine, DSG Service
Manager Department for Children, Schools and
Helpdesk Role in SWF
112Why contact the helpdesk first?
- Single Point of Contact to collate, record and
resolve queries/issues - Large team committed solely to SWF increasing
user accessibility - Better management information for better
decision support - Improved quality and faster response to user
requests - Improved organisational learning
- Improved Service Desk 1st time fix rate
113Improvements to the DSG Helpdesk
- New management structure in place to provide
experienced support for callers - New Customer Relationship Management system
introduced to improve call logging and resolution - Ongoing resource allocated to producing a
comprehensive Knowledge Base that will facilitate
first line resolution to helpdesk queries, This
document will also be made available to Schools
and Local Authorities via TeacherNet - In January 2008 the DSG helpdesk handled over
5,000 queries regarding data collections - 85 of these calls were dealt with at the initial
front line
114How you can access support
- TeacherNet
- http//www.teachernet.gov.uk/management/ims/
datacollections/swfcpilot/ - Contact DSG HelpDesk
- dsg.helpdesk_at_dcsf.gsi.gov.uk
- or by telephone on 01325 392626
115School Workforce Census Autumn
Workshop Thursday 16 October 2008Thistle
Marble Arch, London
116 Paul Stoker Department for Children,
Schools and Families
What Happens Next?
117What Next - COLLECT
- The familiarisation blade will be released for LA
testing early November - Expected lists to be provided to the Department
by the middle of November - Ensure all necessary staff are competent with
their use of COLLECT - Where possible do a dry run, no nasty surprises
come January
118What Next - Support
- SWF staff are now full time on the helpdesk
- Revised guidance will be available by the end of
the month - New and comprehensive set of FAQs will be
available at the end
of the month through Teachernet - Teachernet pages to be overhauled and easier
to navigate
119What Next Evaluation
- An update on the Autumn collection will be
provided at the ICES and Sub ICES events in
November - As mentioned earlier, we will evaluate all the
data we receive and provide constructive feedback
to LAs
120Please talk to us!!We are happy to answer any
questions and will support in any way we can!
121School Workforce Census Autumn
Workshop Thursday 16 October 2008Thistle
Marble Arch, London
122School Workforce Census Autumn
Workshop Thursday 16 October 2008Thistle
Marble Arch, London
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