Title: Electron Identification with the ALICE TRD
1Electron Identification with the ALICE TRD
- Clemens Adler
- Physikalisches Institut Heidelberg
- For the TRD collaboration
- HCP2005, Les Diablerets, July, 6 2005
TRD Identification of electrons (pgt1GeV)
3ALICE TRD principle
4TRD in numbers
- Purpose
- Electron ID in the central barrel
- at p gt 1 GeV/c
- Fast (6 µs) trigger for high-pt
- Particles (pt gt 3 GeV/c) PID
- Parameters
- 540 modules ? 767 m2 area
- 18 supermodules
- 6 layers, 5 longitudinal stacks
- Length 7 m
- 28 m3 Xe/CO2 (8515)
- 1.2 million read out channels
- 15 TB/s on-detector bandwidth
5Physics with the TRD
TPC dE/dx7 resolution
- Together with TPC and ITS (dE/dx, good momentum
resolution), the TRD provides electron
identification sufficient to study - Di-electron channel production of J/Psi, Upsilon
and continuum (complementary to muon arm
measurement). Displaced vertex from ITS - E.g. Identify J/Psi from B decays
- Single electron channel semi-leptonic decays of
open charm and beauty - Handle on cb production x-section
- TRD alone
- L1 trigger on high-Pt particleselectron
identification Factor 100 Enhancement of
potentially interesting events (PbPb). - Upsilon enrichment
- Jets Study jet quenching under LHC conditions
TRD pion efficiency
Test beam data 90 electron efficiency
6Quarkonia performance
Central Barrel Pt-resolution
B 0.5 T
Dpt/pt lt 2 up to 10 GeV/c lt 9 up to
100 GeV/c
Phd. thesis Tariq Mahmoud, Heidelberg
7What is new at LHC
8Read Out Chambers
- Large area chambers (1-1,7 m²)
- -gt need high rigidity
- Low rad. length (15Xo)
- -gt low Z, low mass material
- -gt Carbon reinforced sandwich construction
9Read out chambers II
- 5 chamber production sites
- Bucharest (NIPNE)
- Dubna (JINR)
- GSI (Darmstadt)
- Heidelberg (University)
- Frankfurt (University)
- QA
- Standardized chamber building prescription
- Chambers have to pass well defined set of Quality
control steps
2d gain uniformity
- 1.2 million channels
- 18 channels in 1 MCM
- 16(1) MCMs per readout board (4104 pc.)
- 260 000 CPUs working in parallel during readout
11Electronics Status
- PASA and TRAP chips ready
- PASA have full quantity
- TRAP several Wafers
- Readout boards last design changes
- Integration of electronics on chambers ongoing
12Electron ID
Typical signal of single particle
LQ Method Likelihood with total charge
LQX Method 2d-Likelihood Total charge
position of maximum cluster
13PID with Neural Network I
Each neuron of one Layer is connected to every
neuron of the following Layer. Input Layer
Charge per timebin One hidden Layer 22
neurons Output layer per chamber Probability
to be Electron/Pion Connect 6 Chambers by NN,
or multiplication of Probabilities.
Submitted to NIM A, arXivphysics/0506202v1
14PID with Neural Network II
So far analysis done for Testbeam data with 4
small prototype chambers -gtextrapolation to 6
Momentum dependence of Pion efficiency
- To do
- Test with higher statistics and on generalized
dataset (new Testbeam data) - Try to understand this significant improvement
15Testbeam Oct. 2004
- 4 small size prototype chambers (Transition
radiation spectra measurement). - 6 real size production chambers (2 different size
types) - (Almost) final electronics
16Signal in production chambers
Online Event display
Electrons Pions
17Position/Angle Resolution
Angle Resolution lt0.5
Position resolution (y) 200-300 micron
18Pion efficiency
Pion efficiency slightly worse than in previous
test beam
Points 2002 data Lines 2004 data
2004 Test beam data compared to 2002 Test beam
data Somewhat worse separation
19Transition radiation
Transition radiation Energy spectrum
Number of produced TR photons with different
Radiators Regular foil stacks Sandwich ALICE
TRD radiator
20Online Tracking
Comparison Online tracking ? Offline tracking
Very Good Agreement! Outliers on per mille level
due to Calculation precision
- TRD enhances ALICE Heavy flavour physics
capabilities - Detector mass production under way.
- Electronics finalized
- Electronics Integration in final iteration
- First Supermodule to be assembled end of the year
- Testbeam
- Detector performance is well understood and
satisfies design considerations - Neural network approach
- New test beam data (6 real size chambers,
different angles, higher statistics) - Can information used by NN be extracted
22TRD Collaboration
- Main Contributions
- Germany
- Frankfurt University (IKF)
- Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI)
Darmstadt - Heidelberg University (Physikalisches Institut,
Kirchhoff Institut) - Münster University (IKP)
- Russia
- JINR Dubna
- Romania
- NIPNE Bukarest
- Additional Subsystems
- Japan Tokyo University, Nagasaki
University - Greece Athens University
- Germany FH Köln, University Kaiserslautern, FH
Worms, TU Darmstadt