Title: Heavy flavour capabilities with the ALICE TRD
1Heavy flavour capabilities with the ALICE TRD
- Benjamin Dönigus
- 20.09.2008
- ISNP 2008
- Erice/Sicily
- Motivation
- The ALICE experiment at the LHC
- Heavy flavoured mesons
- Quarkonia
- Open beauty
- Heavy flavoured baryons
- Conclusion
3Physics Motivation
- Charm and beauty quarks have heavy mass
composition through the coupling to Higgs field - In QGP where the chiral symmetry might be
restored, charm and beauty quarks remains heavy - Charm and beauty are a good probe for the medium
- The measurement of charm/beauty cross section
allows - Test of pQCD (scales mF, mR)
- Probe parton distributions
- Probe heavy-quark energy loss
- Baseline for J/y (U) enhancement (suppression) in
Pb Pb1
X. Zhu, M. Bleicher, K. Schweda, H. Stöcker, N.
Xu et al., PLB 647 (2007) 366.
1 P. Braun-Munzinger and J. Stachel, Nature
4Production cross sections
?c(LHC) ?c(RHIC) 25 ?b(LHC) ?b(RHIC)
100 ?jet(LHC) ?jet(RHIC) x 10
K. Safarik, CERN, Geneva
5Production of cc bb pairs in different LHC
running modes
Most c-quarks emerge in D-mesons, a good
fraction in Lc baryons, e.g. in every HI
collision around 7 D s and 1 Lc is created in the
Most b-quarks emerge in B-mesons, significant
fraction in Lb baryons
Statistics plot H. Yang and Y. Wang
ALICE Collaboration et al 2006 J. Phys. G Nucl.
Part. Phys. 32 1295-2040
A Large Ion Collider Experiment
- 1000 physicists
- 31 countries
- 109 institutes
Size 16 x 26 meters Weight 10,000 tonnes
7Particle Identification in ALICE
- stable hadrons (p, K, p) 100 MeV/c lt p lt 5
GeV/c (p and p with 80 purity to 60 GeV/c) - dE/dx in silicon (ITS) and gas (TPC)
time-of-flight (TOF) Cherenkov (RICH) - decay topologies (K0, K, K-, L, D)
- K and L decays beyond 10 GeV/c
- leptons (e,µ ), photons, p0
- electrons TRD p gt 1 GeV/c, muons p gt 5 GeV/c,
p0 in PHOS 1 lt p lt 80 GeV/c
- excellent particle ID up to 50 to 60 GeV/c
Transition Radiation Detector (TRD)
- electron ID in central barrel pgt1 GeV/c
- fast trigger for high momentum particles
(hadrons, electrons) within 6 ms
- 540 detectors 760m2
- 18 supermodules
- length 7m
- X/X0 22
- 28 m3 Xe/CO2 (85/15)
- 1.2 million readout channels
4/18 supermodules installed will be completed for
the first heavy ion run 2010
Definition Fraction of particles wrongly
identified as electrons _at_ 90 electron efficiency
A. Bercuci, GSI, Darmstadt A. Wilk, IKP,
- Signal from quarkonia
- For PbPb collisions at
- 5.5 TeV per nucleon pair
- 1 year statistics
- 2x10 events
- 10 central
- pt gt 1 GeV/c
- Measure the yield of
- J/Y, Y and the U family
W.Sommer, IKF, Frankfurt
11Open beauty
- B ? e X
- Branching Ratio 21
- 11 from b ? B ? eX
- 10 from b ? B ? D ? eX
ct (D0)123 mm ct (B) 500 mm
Electron Identification (TPCTRD) (separation
between e/p)
Kinematical Cuts (in d0 according to the pt
ALICE Collaboration et al 2006 J. Phys. G Nucl.
Part. Phys. 32 1295-2040
12Heavy flavoured baryons
- The baryon/meson ratio measured at RHIC showed an
anomalous enhancement for lighter quarks. - Measurements also showed that at RHIC the heavy
quark quenching is stronger than in theoretical
predictions as seen in the RAA for non-photonic
G. Martínez-García et al 2008 J. Phys. G Nucl.
Part. Phys. 35 044023
13Lb ? Lc e ne with Lc ? p p K
Lb is the simplest baryon which contains a beauty
quark and has a semileptonic decay into Lc e n of
5 branching ratio Lb Lc have up to now not be
measured at heavy ion collisions
Lb udb
Lc udc
Decay Vertex 1
Decay Vertex 2
60 mm
ct 60 mm
ct 369 mm
369 mm
Primary Vertex
14CDF results for Lb
- Detect Lc ? K p p and m
- nm carries the missing mass/energy
- ? very broad distribution ( 2 GeV)
- ? fits MC expectations
- 173 pb (April 2006 September 2007)
- m Trigger used (pt gt 2 GeV/c)
CDF note 7635
15Pythia results for Lb ? Lc e n
Reconstruction of the invariant mass without the
anti-neutrino leads to a similar distribution as
measured at CDF
? Study e-Trigger with TRD
- ALICE is a general purpose heavy ion experiment
which will help - to understand matter under extreme conditions
- The ALICE TRD will provide a good electron
identification and - a electron trigger for pt gt 3 GeV/c
- Heavy-quark hadrons carry unique information on
QCD-medium properties created at the LHC - TRD will help to identify electrons from
heavy-quark decays
17Thank you!