Title: Scottish Universities Physics Alliance
1ATLAS Comparator
Scottish Universities Physics Alliance
ATLAS at the LHC
ATLAS, located at CERN in Geneva, is due to begin
data-taking in 2007 Currently, simulated events
are produced using two packages Full
simulation/reconstruction and ATLFAST. Full
simulation/reconstruction with Geant4 takes
2000s per event, whereas ATLFAST is able to
process an event in 0.05s, because it smears the
generated truth information It is important that
each approach is validated in an ongoing manner
if they are to be used for physics analysis.
Comparator Design
- The Comparator allows direct comparison of
physics quantities for the same generated events
pushed through both full simulation and ATLFAST.
Running and re-running ATLFAST with different
values of the smearing parameters allows optimal
values to be found - Full/Fast histograms compared using ?2 or
Kolmogorov tests - ?2 or Kolmogorov allows Minuit to alter Fast
smearing parameters and feed them back in to
ATLFAST - Comparator also allows selection of different
parameterisation schemas for individual
variation and use in the smearing.
Combined Histograms (ATLFAST and Full data)
Standard Comparisons, Goodness-of-fit etc.
Reportof values (e.g. a plot)
From reco
Make AOD
Run Comparison
Register in AMI
Repeat for range of ATLFAST param values
Register in AMI
Comparator Sequence Diagram
A C job uses Minuit to call the Athena
analysis package (which runs ATLFAST
repeatedly) Using the kdevelop Integrated
Development Environment to speed coding and
ATLAS Barrel Inner Detector h-gtbb
Feynman Diagram
Example comparison of electron distributions
using 20,000 ttH events ATLFAST smears the truth
Electron Results
- Too few reconstructed electrons in the forward
regions of the detector (due to low track
matching efficiency), and too many reconstructed
electrons in the central portion (due to
secondary electrons) - The core output of the comparator will be
- vertex distributions,track multiplicities
- particle distributions (e,m etc.), Jet
distributions - Pt, E, h, f
- b-tagging quantities
- impact parameter resolution
- tagging efficiency/purity
- specialised parameterisations
- e.g. parameterise secondary electrons and track
matching efficiency as a function of h