Title: Retiring Volunteers Gracefully
1Retiring Volunteers Gracefully
2Formal Volunteering
- Takes place through not for profit organisations
or projects and is undertaken - To be of benefit to the community and the
volunteer - Of the volunteers own free will and without
coercion - For no financial payment and
- In designated volunteer positions
3Principals of Volunteering
- Volunteering benefits the community and the
volunteer - Volunteer work is unpaid
- Volunteering is always a matter of choice
- Volunteering is not compulsorily undertaken to
receive pensions or government allowances - Volunteering is a legitimate way in which
citizens can participate in the activities of
their community - Is a vehicle for individuals or groups to address
human, environmental and social needs - volunteering respects the rights dignity and
culture of others - Volunteering promotes human rights
4Why Do People Volunteer?
- Basic Level Self-serving drive business/career,
esteem, feel needed - Secondary Level Relational drive friendship, to
belong, esteem, to feel needed to feel like you
are making a contribution, to relieve loneliness
and guilt - Highest Level Belief drive passion for a cause,
values deeply held beliefs about the importance
of helping others
5Volunteering-Connecting the Community
In the community people care for each other and
not just for the community in the abstract, as a
whole, as an institution or as an ideal way of
Life. It is the PEOPLE that matter, just as they
are.------A community reflects the people who
make it up. It has energy founded on hope. Jean
6Volunteers Aging in Place
- Issues and Strategies
- Knowing when intervention is needed and something
has to change , whether to protect the volunteer
or the agency - Making changes while keeping the volunteers
dignity intact. - The effect of this situation on other volunteers
(both new ones and long standing members) - If / when to involve the volunteers family
7Volunteer Performance AppraisalTo do or not to do
- Process to provide feedback, recognition and
reward. - Process to identify gaps and identify where
improvements can be made - Appraisal can be formal for operational level
volunteers informal - particularly useful where
coordinator works closely with volunteers - Volunteer rights and responsibilities Right to
feedback Responsibility to identify limitations
and be accountable
8Code of Practice on Age Discrimination in
- 2003 Volunteering England developed a code of
practice to challenge rampant age discrimination - Everyone wishing to volunteer should be able to
do so regardless of age. - Disability and fragility may limit opportunities
for some older people but selection should be
based on objective criteria relating to tasks and
performance - The interests of volunteers and service users
should be protected by ensuring adequately
assigned tasks based on capability - Where insurance cover for volunteers cannot be
obtained due to age restrictions volunteers
should be informed
9How to Fire A Volunteer and Live to Tell About It
- 82 rated this a the most difficult aspect of
their role - 60 report delaying dealing with the issue
- Firing a volunteer is an admission that volunteer
management has failed - Re-assign, re-train, re-vitalized, refer, retire
10The Firing Meeting
- This can never be pleasant
- Be quick, direct, and absolute
- Announce, dont argue
- Dont attempt to counsel
- Follow up
- Influence
- Persuade
- Last resort family