Title: Prsentation PowerPoint
1L2P products in MEDSPIRATION Pierre Le Borgne,
Gérard Legendre, Météo-France/CMS,
Lannion Sophie Casitas, Alain Coat Actimar, Brest
- Content
- Examples
- Comments on content
- Production chain
- Comments on production
- Conclusions
2Medspiration L2P products
- PRODUCT (from ) Producer (over ) Coverage
- AMSRE REMSS Atlantic
- TMI REMSS Atlantic
- AATSR ESA/SOC Atlantic
- AVHRR_G (N-16 -17) NAVOCEANO/Podaac Atlantic
- AVHRR_L (N-16 -17) NAVOCEANO /Podaac Medit.
- NAR (N-16 -17) EUMETSAT/OSI SAF Medit.
3Medspiration zones
Main SST information SST, SST_dtime SSESD,
SSESs DT_analysis Proximity confidence
- Coordinates
- Regular (SEVIRI, AMSRE, TMI)
- Non regular swath (ATSR)
- Non regular projection (NAR)
Flags Rejection , confidence
Ancillary data SSI, wind_speed, Sea_Ice_fraction,
AOD sources Dtime_from_sst
5Example 1/3
SSESD, SSESs, Proximity confidence
6Example 2/3
Rej. Bit 6 (land)
Rej. Bit 2 (IR cloudy)
Rej. Bit 7 (spare)
7Example 3/3
Conf. Bit 0 (sidelobe)
Conf. Bit 1 (rain cont.)
Conf. Bit 3 (high wind)
8Ancillary aerosols (mask or flag?)
AOD in Jan. 05 (Courtesy of S. Good, Univ.
TMI-SEVIRI in Jan.05 (Courtesy of S. Good, Univ.
(Courtesy of R. Legeckis, NOAA)
9Ancillary wind
SST CMS last analysis
10Comments on Content
SST, SST_dtime Mask rejection flag (producer
decision) Common approach?
Complementary fields should answer the user
questions (IR) - Accuracy? - Contaminated by
cloud? aerosols? diurnal warming?
But - Proximity confidence do not answer all
questions - SSESD, SSESs reflect departure from
Then - Confidence flag (producer
expertise) -DT_analysis and ancillary value
(user expertise) ..are useful
- One month of beta testing is quite short
- Users please report any problem
11L2P chain (1/3)Overview
12Admiss. cutoff time (18 to 36h T1 0600 to 2400)
L2P chain (2/3)Ingestion
13QC cutoff time (17h T1 0500)
Prod. cutoff time (18h T1 0600)
L2P chain (3/3)L2P production
14Comments on Production
- Merging of data (SST ancillary) solved by
cutoff times (absolute) - the metrics should reflect that.
- There are too many sources of data (Last
analysis Ancillary) - 1)Native (when avail.) 2)Standard 3)Backup
- There should not be multiple L2P producers for
one dataset - L2P (core) at the (L2) producer level,
DT_analysis and ancillary value at the GDAC level
if necessary
- L2P not easy to produce
- additional work on the convergence of contents
is needed - Feedback from users (SOC, March 2005) quite
- Agenda (L2P in EURDAC)
- Summer 2005
- - AATSR L2P global and produced at Ifremer
- Last analysis from CMS climatology to FNMOC
analysis - Aerosols from NOAA to NAAPs (under
investigation) - Ice from Nise to OSI SAF
- Extension of the fine resolution area to
European waters - mid 2007
- Introduction of major modifications (if any)
- Production of Metop L2P
Producers are people!
16Ancillary aerosols Testing sources
METOSAT-7 Colour composition