Title: Industrial Activity Board (IAB)
1Industrial Activity Board (IAB)
IEEE RAS AdCom. Sendai, Japan, 10-03-2004
2Status Report
- RAS IAB launched in April 2004 in New Orleans
AdCom. - Major Thrusts (2004)
- Set up IAB Regional Committees
- Set up IAB Task Forces (in a Matrix Organization)
- Set up an Industry Forum
- IEEE/IFR Joint Forum on
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Robotics and
Automation to be held in conjunction with ICRA05
3IAB Organization
Long Range Planning
Advisory Board
Steering Committee
Regional Committee
Task Force
Industry Forum
Innovation Entrepreneurship Forum
Matrix Organization
Networking Forum
Infra. Database
4Whos Who
- Task Force Leaders
- Roadmap Reijo Tuokko
- Standardization
- Erwin Prassler
- Industry Forum
- Erwin Prassler
- Herman Verbrugge
- Jeanne Dietsch
- Don Vincent
- Paul Johnston
- Shinsuke Sakakibara
- Jeanne Dietsch
- Henrik Christensen
- Martin Haegele
- Ralf Koeppe
- Oussama Khatib
- Paolo Dario
- Kazuo Tanie
- Regional Committee Chairs
- USA Paolo Pirjanian
- (Evolution Robotics, Inc)
- Germany Ralf Koeppe/Rainer
- Bischoff (Kuka Inc.)
- France Herman Verbrugge
- (Symap/IFR)
- Italy Paolo Fiorini
- (Verona U.)
- Japan Masakatsu Fujie
- (Hitachi/Waseda)
- Korea Kyungchul Shin
- (Yujin Robotics Inc.)
- Finland Mikko Veikkolainen
- (Kemppi Oy) /Reijo Tuokko
- Sweden Daniesson Torbjorn
- (Delfoi AB)
5 Establishment of Regional Committees
- 8 Countries have formed or initiated their
Regional Committees (RCs) - USA, Germany, France, Japan, Korea, Sweden,
Finland, and Italy. - The RCs of United Kingdom, China, and Taiwan are
currently under Consideration or in Progress. - To continue the Effort to establish new RCs,
while expanding Activities of existing RCs.
6Regional Committee Report USA
Chair Paolo Pirjanian
- Formed IAB-USA with Leading Experts from
Academia, Government, and Industry. - A First Template for the Charter, Events and
Activities proposed. Â - 2 Annual Regional Meetings PlannedÂ
- How IAB-USA can serve Technology Transfer
by Linking - Academia, Industry, and Government, etc.
- Newsletter to facilitate Better communication
between Academia and Industry. - Educational Outreach (Stewart Tansley)
7Regional Committee Report France
Chair Herman Verbrugge
- Complete IAB France with Members from CEA(French
Atomic Energy Commission), Cybernetix, Staubli - A Major Project will be launched in France to
promote Robotics and Automation in order to
strengthen the Competitiveness of Small and
Medium Enterprises in a Global Economy. - A Promotional Campaign will be launched in France
to motivate SMEs and individuals to present
their Candidature at the first IEEE/IFR
Industrial Forum at ICRA 2005. - Information on the Industrial Forum will be
regularly published on the website of the
International Federation of Robotics IFR and on
websites of the IFR Members.
8Regional Committee Report Japan
Chair Masakatsu Fujie
- Â Efforts for IEEE RA TExCRA 04
- ( November 18-19, Tokyo)
- Possible Leverage with AICHI EXPO 05 Robot
Project (JARA supports this program with EXPO
committee) - Participation in IEEE/IFR Special Forum
(Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum in
conjunction with ICRA05)Sony, Hitachi, Toshiba,
Daihen, Temzac, etc. -
9Regional Committee Report Korea
Chair Kyungchul Shin
- Â Formed Regional Committee IAB-Korea
- Formed Robot Standardization Forum (August
2004) - Korea International Robotics Technology
Exhibition (March 2005 ) - Korea Robotics Symposium/IAB Roadmap Worshop (The
end of November 2004 ) -
10Regional Committee Report Finland
Chair Mikko Veikkolainen/Reijo Tuokko
- Formed Regional Committee IAB-Finland
- Promotion and Marketing of The First IAB Special
Forum at ICRA05 - Newsletter and Website Publication of the
cooperation arrangements between IEEE-RAS IAB and
the Robotics Society in Finland. Â
11Industry Forum Innovation and
Entrepreneurship Forum
- IEEE/IFR Joint Forum on
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship in
- Robotics and Automation to be held in
- conjunction with ICRA05
- RA Innovation Award with Plenary Lectures
- RA Entrepreneurship (Contest and/or) Workshop
- Concluding Panel
- Workshop on Standardization (to be included
later) - Planned to be a Continuing Annual Event
- To request for IEEE Initiation Fund in 2005
12Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum Theme
- Innovators who explore original, value-creating
ideas and entrepreneurs who propel those ideas
into world-class products and services are key to
the continuing success of robotics and automation
today. - This Joint Forum will highlight and honor the
achievements of these people with the clear
objective of promoting innovation and
entrepreneurship in our society.
13Forum Innovation Award with Plenary Lecture
- Innovations in Robotics and Automation that led
to a Success in Commercialization, Business
Creation, and ROI are recognized with Award and
Plenary Lecture. - Lectures will cover the details of the
Motivation behind the said Innovation, the way
the Original Idea is formulated, the Approach and
Process taken in order to move an initial idea to
Commercial Products or to Business Opportunities,
as well as Lessons learned from the experience - To be published in IEEE RAS Magazine as Special
14Forum Entrepreneurship Contest
- Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneur Potentials will
present their Ideas on Application and Business
Opportunities in Robotics and Automation, IPR
Portfolios they have, Business Plans with Market
Opportunities in a Poster/Meeting Session Format. - This Entrepreneurship Contest aims at promoting
dynamic yet sociable Interactions among
researchers, practitioners, as well as investors
visiting individual posters/booths in search of
creative collaborators and new business
opportunities in Robotics and Automation. - To be introduced later with sufficient time for
15 Forum Entrepreneurship Workshop
- To provide Researchers and Practitioners with an
Opportunity to learn a full cycle of developing
Businesses from Ideas and Technologies, including - - Overview
- - RD Strategies and
Methodologies - - IP Strategy
- - How to Commercialize and
Manufacture - - Business Plan Requirements
- - How to Market
- - How to Raise Money
- - Case Studies
16Forum Program Schedule (Tentative)
- The Date April 20 (Wednesday), 2005
- Innovation Award with Plenary Lecture
- 3 Hour Event with 4 Awards with Plenary
Lectures - Entrepreneurship Workshop
- 3 Hour Event with Emphasis on Interactions
with Instructors - Concluding Panel
- 1 Hour Event with the Theme Promotion of
Proposal-IEEE-IFR Joint Forum.docInnovation,
Entrepreneurship, and Business Opportunities in
Robotics and Automation
17Forum Organizing Committee
- IEEE RAS IAB Sukhan Lee (VP for IAB), Erwin
Prassler (Coordinator), Jeanne Dietsch, Henrik
Christensen, Ken Goldberg, Peter Luh, Oussama
Khatib, Paolo Dario, Rosalyn Snyder - IEEE RAS IAB Regional Chairs Paolo Pirzanian
(USA), Ralf Koeppe/Rainer Bischoff (Germany),
Herman Verbrugge (France), Paolo Fiorini (Italy),
Mikko Veikkolainen/Reijo Tuokko (Finland),
Danielsson Torbjorn (Sweden), Masagatsu Fujie
(Japan), Kyungchul Shin (Korea) - IFR Donald Vincent(VP for IFR), Paul
Johnston(VP for IFR), Herman Verbrugge(Secretariat
), Shinsuke Sakakibara, Martin Haegele, Ralf
18Task Force Roadmap
Chair Reijo Tuokko
- Long-Term Goal ITRRA (International Technology
Roadmap for Robotics and Automation) - To be Built on the Existing Roadmaps
- The First IAB Roadmap Workshop on Intelligent
Service Robot Technologies and Commercialization.
- December 1-2, 2004 in Seoul, Korea
- IAB Regional Chairs and Related Experts are
invited - Planned to be a Continuing Event with Updates
- To request for IEEE Initiation Fund in 2005
19Task Force Standardization
Chair Erwin Prassler
- Incorporation of the Standardization Activities
into Industry Forum as well as Part of Regional
Committee Activities - - Standardization Workshop
in Industry Forum - Motion Moving the Standardization Standing
Committee from TAB to IAB - Partnership with International Standardization
Organizations e.g., Working with IFR, with OMG
for Robotic Middleware       - Common Effort to
Push Benchmarking and Standards - To request for IEEE Initiation Fund
- Request List the Names of Regional Chairs and
Task Force Committee Chairs in appropriate
publications and media.