Title: tt dafea
1???st?t??e?? ?a?ep?st?µ?? Tessa???????S????
Tet???? ?p?st?µ???µ?µa ?????f??????
?ate????s? ?????f???a??? S?st?µ?t??
2?µ?µa ?????f???????ate????s? ?????f???a???
?????????S ?????T??S?S ?????F?????O? S?S?????O?
?a ?????f???a?? S?st?µata e??a? ? p?? d?aded?µ???
efa?µ??? t?? ?????f?????? st?? ?p??e???se?? ?a?
st? ???µ??a??a. ???????? e??a? ? ?????? e??as???
t?? ?.S. ?e????? a???µ?? eta??e??? ?????f??????
st??e?e? st?? a??pt???, eµp???a ?a? ?p?st?????
?.S. ?p?????? s?µa?t???? d??at?t?te? ap????f?s??
ap?f??t?? ?????f?????? se eta??e?e?/???a??sµ???
??p. s?et??? µe ?????f???a?? S?st?µata (a??pt???
? d?a?e???s? ?.S.)
3?µ?µa ?????f???????ate????s? ?????f???a???
G????? ?????S??S?
??????O???? ??T????? ?????T??S?S 5 ?????G?S ??S
?????T??S?S 10 (ap? pe??p?? 30
s???????) ??G?S????? ??? S?????????? - G?OSSO?
???G???????S??? ???????G??S ??G?S????? (PLASE
lab) - ???????G??S ??????G?S??S ???????O? -
?????O?, ?????????????S, ???????O??O?
4?µ?µa ?????f???????ate????s? ?????f???a???
??????O???? ??T????? ??S ?????T??S?S
5?µ?µa ?????f???????ate????s? ?????f???a???
??T????? ?????G?S ??S ?????T??S?S
6?µ?µa ?????f???????ate????s? ?????f???a???
?????S??S? ??????O???O? ??T????O? ?????T??S?S
- Te???a ?a? S?st?µata ????? ?p?fas??
- ???t??a ????? ?p?f?se??. ??µ? ?a? ???a?e?a. ????
ap?f?se?? ??t? ap? s?????e? ßeßa??t?ta?, ???d????
?a? aßeßa??t?ta?. ???d?a ap?f?se??.
???????t???a?? ?e??d?????a. ?s?fe?a. ?etat??p?
?ed?µ???? se G??s?. Te???a ?a??????. Markov
d?ad??as?e? ap?fas??. - ??t??e?µe??st?ef?? ?????s?
- Te???a ??t??e?µe??st??fe?a?, St???e?a
??t??e?µe??st?ef??? ?????s?? (?a??ta, ???se??,
??t??e?µe?a, S??se??, ????d??, ?a?a?t???st???),
??t??e?µe??st?ef?? ?????s? µe UML,
??t??e?µe??st?efe?? ?e??d?????e? ???pt????,
??t??e?µe??st?ef? ???t?pa. ?a?ade??µata ?a?
e??as?e? se ???ssa Java ?a? e??a?e?a UML.
7?µ?µa ?????f???????ate????s? ?????f???a???
?????S??S? ??????O???O? ??T????O? ?????T??S?S
- ???p???s? ??se?? ?ed?µ????
- ??sa???? st? f?s??? ??????s? e??? S???. ??sa
ap????e?s??. ???a??se?? ???e??? ?a? ?at??????.
?e?d????? ?at?????? ?a? a??e?a. ???te????
ta????µ?s?. ?pe?e??as?a ?a? ße?t?st?p???s?
e??t?se??. ?pe?e??as?a s??a??a??? ?a? te??????
ta?t??????sµ??. ?e?????? asfa?e?a? ?a?
e???s??d?t?s??. ??d??? ??µata (ß?se?? ded?µ????
st? d?ad??t??, e?????? ded?µ????, d?a?e???s?
?e???af???? ded?µ????). - ????t?s? ?????f???a?
- ???t??a µe??d?? a???t?s??, ???sse? e??t?se??.
??µ?? ?a? a??????µ?? a?a??t?s?? se ?e?µe??.
???es? a?fa???µ?t????, a???ß?? ta?t?s?,
p??se???st??? ta?t?s?. ????µes???? t?p??
ded?µ???? (????, e????a, ß??te?), e?a????
?a?a?t???st????, d?µ?? ??a p???µes??? ded?µ??a.
?a???sµ??? ?st??, ???sse? markup, ?µ?d?µ?µ??a
ded?µ??a, µ??a??? ?a? µetaµ??a??? a?a??t?s??,
µ???d?? ta????µ?s?? ?e?µ????.
8?µ?µa ?????f???????ate????s? ?????f???a???
?????S??S? ??????O???O? ??T????O? ?????T??S?S
- ?p??e???s?a?? ??e??a
- ?as???? ?????e? ?a? pa?ade??µata ??aµµ????
p????aµµat?sµ??. ? µ???d?? Simplex. ????? ?e???a.
?fa?µ???? t?? ??aµµ???? p????aµµat?sµ??. ??d????
pe??pt?se?? p??ß??µ?t?? ??aµµ????
p????aµµat?sµ??. ???s? Excel ?a? Matlab ??a t??
ep???s? p??ß??µ?t?? ??aµµ???? p????aµµat?sµ??.
??sa???? st? ?e???a t?? st??ast???? µe??d?? st??
ep??e???s?a?? ??e??a.
9?µ?µa ?????f???????ate????s? ?????f???a???
?????S??S? ??T????O? ?????G?S ?????T??S?S
- ??ad??t?a ?e???????a, ?p??es?e?, ?fa?µ????
- ?e???????a (?e?a???a p??t??????? t?? Internet,
??e????s??d?t?s?, ???t????a TCP/??, ???µ?????s?,
??p) - ???pt??? ?fa?µ???? (??a??????? ?????aµµat?sµ??
?a? Java, Web Servers, Multimedia Web,
??a?e???s?, Asf??e?a, ?µp????? ???s? t?? Web
????te?t????? CORBA, ???ssa XML,) - S?st?µata G??s??
- ??µ?. ?e?t?????a. ??µa?e?s? G??s??. ???a?e?a
???pt????. S??????st???? ???t????, ????t???,
?e??pt?se??. ?fa?µ???? ?at??????p???s?,
??aµ??f?s?, ??????s?. ?e??te? ?e??pt?se??. G??ssa
?a????? CLIPS. - Te???a G??f??
- ?as???? ?????e?, ???????µ??, Eulerian-Hamiltonian
???f??, ?s?µ??f?sµ??, ???µat?sµ?? ???f??, PERT,
?a?a?t???st??? p??ß??µata, ?? p??????µ???
10?µ?µa ?????f???????ate????s? ?????f???a???
?????S??S? ??T????O? ?????G?S ?????T??S?S
- ?????f???a?? S?st?µata ?p??e???se??
- ??p?? ?a? ????? t?? ?????f???a??? S?st?µ?t??
?p??e???se??, ?p??e???µat???? ??e??as?e?,
??as?ed?as? ep??e???µat???? d?e??as???, S?st?µata
ERP ?a? CRM, ???s? ????sµ???? a????t?? ??d??a
st?? ep??e???se?? - S?ed?as? ???pt??? ??ad??t?a??? ?fa?µ????
- S?ed?asµ?? ?a? ???p???s? efa?µ???? ??a t?
pe??ß????? t?? ??ad??t??? µe ???s? t?? Java
te???????a?. ?e?t?????e? d?a?e???s?? ?e????t??
?a? e?a???se?? µe Java. ??a?e???s? ?e????t?? ?at?
t? s?ed?asµ? d?as??des?? ???st??-GUI. S?st?µa
d?a?e???s?? ?/? e?e??e???. ???pt??? efa?µ???? µe
???s? ????? p??t?p?? (?p?? ? XML) ??a t??
a?ta??a?? ded?µ???? st? ??ad??t??, asf??e?a
p??sßas?? se ded?µ??a t?? ?a???sµ??? ?st??.
11?µ?µa ?????f???????ate????s? ?????f???a???
?????S??S? ??T????O? ?????G?S ?????T??S?S
- ??f?? ??t???µa S?st?µata
- T?µata ?a? ??????se?? ??t???µ?? S?st?µ?t??,
????te?t?????? ??µp?t, ????????? Teµe???s?.
S?ed?asµ?? ??e??e???, ???a???? ????s? sta ??µp?t.
Ge?et???? ???????µ??. ?saf?? ??????. ?ßeßa??t?ta.
??f?e?? ????t??e?, ??f??? ??as??des? µe
?e??ß????? - ?p?????st??? Ge?µet??a
- ??sa????, ??µ? e??????µµ?? tµ?µ?t??,
???????p???s? p????????, G?aµµ????
p????aµµat?sµ?? st? ?e?µet??a, ??a??t?s?
pe??????, ??t?p?sµ?? s?µe???, Ge?µet????? d?µ??,
???t? pe??ß??µa, ??ad???? ??????? d?aµe??se??,
?et?ad??? ???d?a ?a? R-d??d?a, G??f?? ??at?t?ta?.
???ast???? LEDA.
12?µ?µa ?????f???????ate????s? ?????f???a???
?????S??S? ??T????O? ?????G?S ?????T??S?S
- Te???t??? ?????f?????
- ?e???d??? epa?a?aµßa??µe?e? ?e?t?????e?,
?????aµµat?sµ??e? µ??a???, ?p?????s?µe?
?e?t?????e?, ????p????t?ta ?a? a??pt??? t??
st???e??d?? epa?a?aµßa??µe??? ?e?t???????, T?s?
t?? Church ?a? Turing - ?p?d?s? ?p?????st???? S?st?µ?t??
- ?a??????? ?a? ?ata?eµ?µ??? ?pe?e??as?a
13?µ?µa ?????f???????ate????s? ?????f???a???
??????S??S PLASE Lab
?a???????? ?/? (Sun Enterprise
3000) µe d?? epe?e??ast?? (Sun Ultra Sparc
1) ?a? d?aµ???a??µe?? µ??µ? 256MB.
S?µa?t???? a???µ?? sta?µ?? e??as?a? (Sun Sparc
Classic, Spark station, Ultra), µe?????
a???µ?? p??s?p???? ?p?????st??
(Pentium/Win'NT-Win'98 ?a? Macintosh) ??a
e?e???t???? e??as?e? ?a? ??a e?pa?de?t????
d?ast????t?te?. ?p?????st??? s?st?µa, µe
p??te epe?e??ast?? t?p?? transputer, µe
d??at?t?ta pa???????? e?t??es?? efa?µ????.
?e??fe?e?a?? ?p?????st???? s?st?µ?t??
(e?t?p?t??, sa??t??, µ???de? ap????e?s??
??p). ?????? p?????t?? ????sµ???? (s?ed??
??e? ?? ???sse? p????aµµat?sµ??, ?e??f?
eµpe???? s?st?µ?t??, e??a?e?a te???????a?
????sµ????, ?e?t???????? s?st?µ?t??, ??p).
14??G?S????? G?OSSO? ???G???????S??? ???????G??S
- ??t??e?µe?a ??e??a?
- ?p?????st??? ?a??µat???
- ???t?ste? ??se??. ???e??e?d? a?t?µata.
????µ?t???? ???s?µ???se??. ???pt???af?a. - ?e???????a ????sµ????
- ????????s?, ??st?????s?, ????t?ta, ?????t??
??d??a?, ??????te? ????d?? - ?e?t??????? S?st?µata ?a? Internet
- ??a?e???s? ded?µ???? t?? ?a???sµ???
?st??.Ap????e?s? p???µes???? XML ded?µ????. - S?st?µata ??????? ?????aµµat?sµ??
- ?a??????a S?st?µata. ?p?st????? ?e?????sµ??.
- ??f?? S?st?µata
- ??se?? G??s??. S?st?µata St?????? ?p?f?se??.
???es? G??s?? se ??se?? ?ed?µ????. - S?ed?asµ?? ??e??e???. ?µpe??a S?st?µata. ??f??
S?st?µata ??das?a??a?. - ??a?e???s? ?????p???? ?a? ?????? ?????.
??e?t?????? ?µp????. S?µas???????? ??ad??t??.
15??G?S????? G?OSSO? ???G???????S??? ???????G??S
??????µµata (??de??t???)
- ExperNet ?µpe??? S?st?µa ??a t? ??a?e???s? t??
E?????? ???t??? ?ed?µ???? t?? ????a??a? (E.E.) - EUROCITIZEN ??ad?ast???, d?ad??t?a?? pe??ß?????
???a????a? e?pa?de?s?? ßas?sµ??? se p???t??e?
(IST) - PaCoPlan Parallel constraint planner (Funded by
SUN) - ???t?? ???d?s?? ?a??µat???? st? ???µ??a??a
- ??f??? Ge???af??? S?st?µa ??a t?? a???????s?? t??
???s?? G?? - ???pt??? S???et?? ????????? ?e??ß?????t?? µe
???s? ????µ?s?? - CSPCONS ???pt??? ??atf??µa? ?ata?eµ?µ????
- ?fa?µ???? µe ?p?st????? ?e?????sµ?? (GG??)
- ESSE ???pt??? ?µpe???? S?st?µat?? ??a
- t?? ????????s? ????sµ???? (?????, GG??)
- ????G??OS?, ??a?e???s? G??s?? se ?????????
?p??e???se?? (GG??) - S??????a ?e?t??????? S?st?µata ?a? t? Internet
16??G?S????? G?OSSO? ???G???????S??? ???????G??S
- On-line ?µpe??? s?st?µa d?a?e???s?? t?? ???????
???t??? ?ed?µ???? t?? ????a??a? p?? ß???? t???
d?a?e???st?? d??t??? st? ???? ap?f?se?? ??a t??
a?t?µet?p?s? p??ß??µ?t?? - ???µat?d?t?s? ????pa??? ???s? (250,000 ECU)
17??G?S????? G?OSSO? ???G???????S??? ???????G??S
??f??? Ge???af??? S?st?µa ????????s?? ???s?? G??
??as??des? S?st?µat?? S?ed?asµ?? µe S?st?µata
Ge???af???? ?????f?????
18??G?S????? G?OSSO? ???G???????S??? ???????G??S
??t?µat? ?d???s? ???µ?t?? se ??a?µat??? ?????
???????? ???ast???? Te?µ?t?ta?-Te?µ?d??aµ????
19??G?S????? G?OSSO? ???G???????S??? ???????G??S
?µpe??? S?st?µa ?a????? ???t?? ????e???
??a??t?s? G??s?? se ?a?d???????? ?ed?µ??a
20??e???t???? ?e??????
- ????ta?????, ???????? ?a? ???????????? ??se??
?ed?µ???? - ????µes???? ??se?? ?ed?µ???? (µ??s???,
?????se????) - ??se?? ?ed?µ???? ?a???sµ??? ?st?? ?a? ?µ?d?µ?µ??a
?ed?µ??a - ???es? G??s?? se ??se?? ?ed?µ???? ?a? t??
?a???sµ?? ?st? - ??se?? ?ed?µ???? ??a ????t? ?e??ß?????ta
- ??se?? ?ed?µ???? ???? (data streams)
- ??se?? ?e?µ???? ?a? ????t?s? ?????f???a?
- ??t??e?µe??st?afe?? ??se?? ?ed?µ????
- ?????s? A??????µ??
- Kata?eµ?µ???? Epe?e??as?a?
- ?p?d?s? Efa?µ????
- Kata?eµ?µ???? Epe?e??as?a?
- ?e?????? ???s?µ???s?? S?st?µ?t??
21??e???t???/??apt???a?? ???a
- Chrorochronos (ESPRIT TMR framework)
- ??se?? ?ed?µ???? ???s???? (?????e?t?? - ????T)
- ???es? G??s?? ??a ??ape????? ?fa?µ????
(????-GG??) - ???pt??? Raster Ge???af???? S?st?µat??
?????f????? (????-GG??) - ???pt??? efa?µ???? t??e-ep?ß?e??? (s??e??as?a µe
???) - S?ed?as? ?a???????? ??se?? ?e?µ???? (GG??)
- ???te??p???s? ?a? ??a?e???s? ?µ?d?µ?µ????
?ed?µ???? ??a ???aµ???? ?fa?µ???? st? Web (INTAS
framework) - Benchmarking se ????ta????? ??se?? ?ed?µ????
(GG??) - ??????s? ?a? ?pe?e??as?a ??se?? ?ed?µ???? ???????
(?????-GG??) - ?????p??? ???t?? ??a Ge???af??? S?st?µata
?????f????? - ???pt??? S?st?µat?? St??e?µ???? ??af?µ?s?? µ?s?
Internet (?????-GG??) - S?ed?as? ?a? ???pt??? ?fa?µ???? ??ad??t??? ??a
t?? ??sa???? St???e??? se ??s? ?ed?µ???? t??
????t?p?? t?? ?es??e???
?a???e? S?s??t?s?? ?at??????p???s? ??a
ded?µ??a ap? t?ape????? efa?µ???? ???µat?d?t?s?
23Raster GIS
- ???pt??? Raster Ge???af???? S?st?µat??
?????f????? - ???µat?d?t?s? G.G.?.?.
24??a????sµ?? st? ??ad??t??
???????? ?a? ?e??d??? 1999 2000 (??a????sµ??
G??se?? ?a? ????af???? st? Internet) ???µat?d?t?s?
?p. ?a?ed-T?????
?e????a 2003 2004 (??a????sµ?? G??se?? ?a?
????af???? st? Internet ??a ta ??????p???a t??
??asp????) ???µat?d?t?s? ?p. ???te?????
17?? ?a?e??????? ??a????sµ?? ?????f??????
(2005) S??e??as?a µe ???????? ?ta??e?a
?p?st?µ???? ?/? ?a? ?????f?????? (???)
25??????s? S??ed????
- 8o ?a?e?????? S???d??? ?????f?????? 2001
(?e???s?a) - 6th East-European Conference on Advanced
Databases and Information Systems - ADBIS2002
(Bratislava) - 9o ?a?e?????? S???d??? ?????f?????? 2003
(Tessa??????) - 1o ?a??a???? S???d??? ?????f?????? 2003
(Tessa??????) - 5th Workshop on Distributed Data and Structures
(WDAS2003), (Thessaloniki) - 8th International Symposium on Spatial and
Temporal Databases SSTD2003 (Santotini) - 16th International Symposium on Scientific and
Statistical Database Management SSDBM2004
(Santorini) - 10th East-European Conference on Advanced
Databases and Information Systems - ADBIS2006
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Applications, Springer, 2005. - ?a????p????? G. ?a??µata Te???a? G??f??
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?., ???aµa? ?., ?a????p????? G. ?a? ????t?? ?.
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?e??ß?????, ?a?da?????? ??st?t??t?, ????a, 1999.
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27??ast????t?te? ???ast?????
- ?p?t??p?? t?? ??T
- ????, ??p
- ????????se
- 2? ?a?e?????? S???d??? ?e???t?? ???µ?s???? 2002
- 2o ??e???? Te???? S???e?? S?ed?asµ?? ?a?
?????p????aµµat?sµ?? ??e??e??? (AI Planning) - 1? ??e???? S???d??? ??a ?a??µat??? ?a?
?????f????? ??a t? ???µ??a??a, ???-2003,
28???st?t??e?? ?a?ep?st?µ?? Tessa???????S????
Tet???? ?p?st?µ???µ?µa ?????f??????
?ate????s? ?????f???a??? S?st?µ?t??