Title: Main Arguments Learning objects LOs and learning design LD
1Main ArgumentsLearning objects (LOs) and
learning design (LD)
- Useful for discovering, sharing and developing
pedagogic strategies and designs. - Introduction reveals existing pedagogic practice
and values. - Implicit model makes staff development almost
2About the L2L project
- Part of the JISC Exchange for Learning Programme
(X4L) - developing reusable learning objects to
support learning/study skills. - PEDAGOGIC FRAMEWORK
- Uses a pedagogic framework based on the work of
Tom Shuell and ideas presented in the JISC funded
report Effective Networked Learning in Higher
Education (2000).
3Capturing Pedagogy
- Aims to use a common vocabulary to describe
pedagogic strategies by an existing community of
practice - study skill tutors - Good target group - dedicated and educationally
4Reality Therapy.
- Its teaching Jim - but not as we know it
- Whos we?
- Where teachers are in reality
- Using our Pedagogic Framework - 3 problems
- Discussion not common - various reasons
- Terminology is rebarbative
- Coming from outside
5Shuells Pedagogic Framework Learning Functions
Every Learning Episode includes
- Define Learning Expectations
- Prior knowledge activation
- Motivation
- Combination, Integration Synthesis
- Attention
- Encoding
- Comparison
- Repetition
- Hypothesis Generation
Can be activated by Learner Teacher Resource
6Our Experience
- Better to work outwards from teachers existing
conceptions and terminologies - Example - back to
- Prepare
- Teach
- Review
7 8Building on Shuell
- A Bridge between Cog. Psy. and ID - important for
the UK - Possible lessons for uptake of Learning Design.
- Too abstract - for practitioners - but useful for
designers - Strongly implicit organisational model in LD
LOs - Industrial approach
- Division of Labour Team - Change of Roles
- Design Intensive - Share
- Design once run many
9What a Learning Design Technologist Sees
The Learning Design Continuum A
C LD Levels A - Basics and
Sequence B- Properties and Conditions C -
10What a Teacher Sees
Many Continuums
11Implications for the Future
- LD and LOs as Boundary Objects (Wenger) for CoPs.
- They Need to Carry some Context and offer
possible Generalisations (Toshiba Software
Factory, van Vliet) - Lessons from AI Knowledge Elicitation for LD?
12Getting from Here to ThereThe Bigger Picture
Where Teachers Are Operating at Levels 1, 2 3
of Ramsdens Model of HE teaching
Craft Style Communication with Artefacts and
Semi - Structured Narrative
LD Tools
Structured Narrative
A(1) B (2) C(2.5)
- That we develop only intra-disciplinary
libraries of learning objects is not a bad thing.
It is simply so much less than what could be. If
we do develop these boundary spanning resources
and strategies, there is a genuine opportunity
for a critical revolution in knowledge
production. - Anderson 2003
- End
- References follow
- Shuell, T. (1992) Designing Instructional
Computing Systems for meaningful Learning. P.
Winne M. Jones (eds) In Adaptive Learning
Environments Foundations and Frontiers, Springer
Verlag, New York. - Goodyear, p. et al (2001) Effective networked
learning in higher education notes and
guidelines Published by JISC-JCALT CSALT,
Lancaster University. Available at
- van Vliet, H. 1993. Chapter 16 Software
Reusability in Software Engineering, Chichester
John Wiley Sons - Wenger, E. 1998 Communities of Practice,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. - Ramsden, P., (2003 ) Learning to Teach in Higher
Education, RoutledgeFalmer,, ISBN 0415303451 - Anderson.