Title: OGP Standards Committee
1OGP Standards Committee
ISO/TC 67 N 729
- Presentation to ISO/TC67 plenary meeting
- 20-21 September 2000
- Paris, France
- by
- Alf Reidar Johansen, Chairman OGP Std Com
- Norsk Hydro ASA
2OGP Standards Committee members
Representative Company Country ISO TC67
CENTC12 Wilson Barbosa de Oliveira Petrobras Bra
zil Jim Heimer Exxon USA H Alf
Reidar Johansen (C) Norsk Hydro Norway
Alain Loppinet TotalFinaElf France M
C Anders Mjelde OLF Norway
Massimo Prazzoli ENI/Agip Italy H H Neil
Reeve Shell Netherlands M M Rolf Remer /
Gerhard Froelich BEB Germany M H Sjoerd
Schuyleman IP UK M M Mike Spanhel API USA
M Cheryl Stark BP Amoco USA C
C Chairman H
Head of delegation M Member of delegation
Corresponding members from BG,
Conoco, DONG, Mærsk New members
from OGP companies are welcome!
3Limited Interest Project (LIP)
- OGP LIP established for
financial support of editing of
ISO/TC67 standards - Thirteen participants (so far)
- API, Arco, BP Amoco, Chevron, ENI Agip, IP,
Mærsk, Phillips, Saga, Saudi Arabian Oil Co,
Shell, Texaco, US MMS - Steering Committee OGP Std Com Participants
- Total GBP 43.500
- Contract signed with two editors in UKUS
- Selected standards targeted for support
- 10414.2, 10426-2, 13679, 15156-2 15156-3 (so
4International Regulators Forum
- IRF includes Australia, Canada, Netherlands,
Norway, UK US. - OGP Std Com dialogue with IRF continues
- Harmonization of national and industry standards
in ISO (particularly TC67) and IEC - Work with IRF to avoid unnecessary national
differences in the regulations causing problems
for the international trade and movement of
equipment, drilling rigs, diving vessels, FPSOs
etc. - OGP invited to IRF meeting 2000-10-12
- US and Norwegian regulations in revision
5OGP Highlights
- Monthly publication circulated to key executives
of OGP worldwide member companies - Include pertinent information on
IEC, ISO, CEN and API standards development - Good vehicle to promote use of international
standards - Posted also on OGP web www.ogp.org.uk
6OGP Standard Committee plans
- Issue new International Standards Bulletin
- Revise and reconfirm OGP Position paper
- Continue support of ISO/TC67 standards work
- Presentation at OMC 2001, Ravenna, Italy, of
international standards work (Massimo Prazzoli
take lead) - Standards session at OTC 2001, Houston, Tx
(Cheryl Stark member of OTC Programme Committee) - Maintain Catalogue of international standards
- Poster sessions at OGP general meetings