Title: KLA Tencor Overview
1KLA Tencor Overview
2KLA-Tencor Corporate Overview
Wafer Inspection and Metrology Global Leader
Vision and Strategy Extend our leadership as the
worlds best Inspection Metrology company with
differentiated technical solutions and customer
experience. K
3Corporate Highlights
KLA-Tencor Markets
- Global leader in yield acceleration since 1976
- Installed base 20,000 tools
- gt 6200 employees
- gt 3,300 technical personnel in 18 countries
- Cumulative RD investments over 1.2 B over last
4 years - 2006 revenue gt2.0 B
4KLA-Tencor Market Leadership
Reticle inspection Finding the errors before
they print
Wafer inspection Finding the process defects
that kill yields
KLA 75-80
KLA 75-80
Metrology Finding the errors that decrease
device performance
Analysis software Turning data into actionable
KLA 75-80
KLA 40-45
5Innovation Driven by Heavy RD Investment
- KT Technical Leadership
- DUV, UV, and visible optics
- Electron optics
- Image sensors
- Illumination systems
- High speed data processing
- Advanced algorithms
- Precision motion control
Total Revenue Spent on RD
- High level of RD spending compared with
competitors - Consistent RD spending throughout market
fluctuations - Enables hiring and retention of world-class
development teams
6KLA Tencor Israel Highlights
- Established in 1986 in Migdal HaEmek
- gt 250 employees
- Business Division
- Overlay Metrology
- Engineering Development
- Overlay Metrology
- KT Common Platform
- Integrated Metrology
- Corporate SW
- Optical Film SW Development
- Operations
- Manufacturing services to multiple products
- Service Support
- www.kla-tencor.com/israel