Title: Blank Jeopardy
5 pt
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2Man that wrote Common Sense.
3Who was Thomas Paine ?
4The King of England
5Who is King George?
6The King of England.
7Who is King George?
8People that are English citizens, but born in
North America.
9Who are the Colonials?
10Slang term for a British solider.
11What is a Red Coat?
12A person that is considered property and is owned
by another person.
13What is a Slave?
14Started by Samuel Adams to protest the Stamp Act
15Who are the Sons of Liberty ?
16Fighters that could be ready at a moments notice.
17Who were the Minutemen ?
18Started to protest the Townshend Acts/ and to
boycott British goods.
19Who were the Daughters of Liberty ?
20A group of civilians trained to fight in
21Who were the Militia ?
22An organization that used meetings and pamphlets
to spread ideas through the colonies?
23Who were the Committees of Correspondence ?
24Tax on goods brought into the colonies.
25What is an Import Duty ?
26Tax taken on all goods leaving the colonies.
27What are Export Duties ?
28Incoming money from the sale of goods.
29What is Revenue ?
30To refuse to but items from a certain country.
31What is a boycott ?
32Will not import goods from other countries.
33What is a Non-importation agreement ?
34A formal request.
35What is a petition ?
36A formal Announcement.
37What is a Declaration?
38Means to cancel.
39What is a Repeal?
40A formal expression of opinion.
41What is a Resolution?
42Documents that let British officers search homes
for smuggled goods.
43What is Writs of Assistance?
44To close off a countries ports.
45What is a Blockade?
46Britain did not inforce any Acts until after the
French and Indian War.
47What is Salutary Neglect?
48A crime against ones own country.
49What is treason?
50Cruel or unjust government.
51What is Tyranny?
52BONUSColonist that favored British Rule.
53What is a Loyalist?