Title: PowerPointPrsentation
1Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena Institut für
Festkörpertheorie und -optik Roman Leitsmann,
W.G. Schmidt, P.H. Hahn and F. Bechstedt
Excitons in Second-Harmonic Generation (SHG)
2Structure of the Talk
- Motivation
- Theoretical Overview
- Results for the linear Response
- Results for the SHG-spectra
- Conclusion
What is SHG ?
1) SHG signal is due to symmetry reasons highly
surface specific (unusuall sensitive non-invasive
method to investigate surfaces / interfaces)
2) Different approaches yield formulas, which are
not easily be seen equivalent.
3) Calculated spectra differ appreciable from
each other and from the experimental data.
How can we explain this ?
5Theoretical Overview
Time dependent perturbation theory (interaction
picture) External Hamiltonian (minimum coupling
6Theoretical Overview
Induced current density operator - series in
the external potential - the expectation values
can be written as
7Theoretical Overview
Polarization and response of the system
We can write the response functions in the
following form
8Theoretical Overview
Level of (quasi)particle interactions -
independent (quasi)particle DFT-LDA (GW)
- Coulomb correlated (quasi)particle
DFT-LDA (GW) excitonic effects
local field effects
(single-particle states)
(two-particle states)
orthonormal complete
9Theoretical Overview
Bloch representation of the current operator
- so we have to evaluate terms like
- this can be done by using the Wicks theorem
10Theoretical Overview
Independent (quasi)particle
Independent (quasi)particle - dielectric
function (Bloch representation) - SHG
susceptibility (Bloch representation)
11Theoretical Overview
Coulomb correlated (quasi)particles - the time
evolution of ? ? ? is given by - the Exciton
Hamiltonian (Bloch represent.) is given by
12Theoretical Overview
Too hard to solve the eigenvalue problem (rank H
250000) ? change to initial value problem
- time evolution is calculated with finite time
steps of 0.02 eV-1
? dielectric function
13Theoretical Overview
? SHG susceptibility
14Results for the linear Response
- good agreement with experiment Phys.Rev.B 27,
985(1983) - quasiparticle effects are very important
- excitonic effects are less important, but still
improve the agreement
15Results for the SHG response
Exp.1 - Bergfeld/Daum PRL 90 (2003) 036801 Exp.2
- Bethune et al. PRB 11 (1975) 3867 Exp. 3 -
Chang et al. PRL 15 (1965) 415 Exp. 4 -
Parson/Chang Opt. Com. 3 (1971) 173
Major achievements
? showed the analytical equivalence of the
approaches from Sipe et al., Aspnes,
Adolph-Bechstedt and this work.
? explained the large discrepancy between
Adolph-Bechstedt and other theoretical works
? developed an approach to implement excitonic
and local field effects in the SHG spectra
? the calculated SHG response agrees well with
the experiment in the overall structure
Open questions
? still problems with the convergence for
excitonic SHG spectra
- large under estimation of the experimental SHG
signal at 1.5eV (--gt surface contribution ? )
? need more experimental data, especially for
higher energies
? surface calculations should be performed
complete work will be published in PRB (status
18Thank you for your attention.