Title: Empirical studies of competitive product/service positioning
1Empirical studies of competitive product/service
- Wind(1982) recommends to collect
- Brand-by-brand proximity judgments
- Brand-by-attribute ratings
- Consumer by brand preferences
- Relevant consumer characteristics
- Different models to analyze such datasets
Wind(1982) Product Policy Concepts, methods and
strategy, Addison-Wesley
2B1 B2 .. Bk
B1 B2 .. . Bk
B1 B2 .. Bk
B1 B2 .. . Bk
Symmetric, two way one mode
B1 B2 .. Bk
B1 B2 .. . Bk
B1 B2 .. Bk
I1 I2 I3 . . . In
Rectangular Two-way two mode
Three way, two mode
Ways Number of dimensions in a data set Mode
Number of sets of stimuli
3Two-way one modeMultidimensional scaling
4Overall purpose with MDS.
- To map a set of products (objects) in a
multidimensional space in such a way, that the
relative position of the products in the space
reflect the perceived (dis)similarity between the
5The overall idea in MDS.
Dataset in p-dimensions (5) mapped in
q-dimensions (2) (qltp)
7The perfect fit.
Metric MDS. - our data (proximities) are
considered to have interval/ratio scale
properties Criterion Non-metric MDS - our
data (proximities) are considered to have
ordinal properties. Criterion
8An example.
Proximities (sij) Distances (dij)
Perfect fit in non-metric MDS.
9The classical example metric MDS.
Distancetable ( in mm measured from a map of
Denmark ) Source Blunch Analyse af
markedsdata, Systime 1990
10How to read in a proximity matrix in SPSS
Matrix Data variableskbh aarhus aalborg odense
silkeb skagen svendb gillelej soenderb korsoer
/contentsprox. Begin Data 0 87 0 126 59 0
78 48 107 0 109 23 62 54 0 146
102 48 149 110 0 80 70 129 22 76 170 0 29 7
4 102 82 97 118 91 0 109 79 136 37 75 181 30 117
0 54 61 118 27 75 153 27 64 55 0 End Data.
11Estimation result from SPSS
Iteration history for the 2 dimensional
solution (in squared distances)
Young's S-stress formula 1 is used.
Iteration S-stress Improvement
1 ,00316
Iterations stopped because
S-stress is less than ,005000
Stress and squared correlation (RSQ) in
distances RSQ values are the proportion of
variance of the scaled data (disparities)
in the partition (row, matrix, or entire data)
which is accounted for by their
corresponding distances. Stress
values are Kruskal's stress formula 1.
For matrix Stress ,00287
RSQ ,99995
12 Configuration derived in 2 dimensions
Stimulus Coordinates
Dimension Stimulus Stimulus 1
2 Number Name 1 GILLELEJ
-,1555 -1,2630 2 KBH ,4638
-1,4145 3 KORSOER ,8989 -,2997
4 ODENSE ,7837 ,2997 5
SILKEB -,2684 ,9027 6 SKAGEN
-2,5145 -,0981 7 SOENDERB 1,4157
,8213 8 SVENDB 1,2645 ,1805 9
AALBORG -1,6016 ,4953 10 AARHUS
-,2865 ,3758
146 steps in multidimensional scaling
- Problem
- Data collection
- Choice of MDS procedure
- Determine number of dimensions
- Name dimensions and interpret structure
- Judge reliability and validity
- Purpose of investigation
- Choice of brands
- Number of brands (at least 8, less than 25) and
type determines the dimensions, that are the
result of the analysis
16Collection of proximity-data-similarity/dissimila
rity data
- Direct measure of proximity
- paired comparisons
- sorting
- conditional ranking
- Constructed measure of proximity (derived
approach) - ie. based on evaluations pr. attribute on a
Likert scale
17Data collectiondirect approach
- Sorting
- sorting of products in groups with respect to
similarity. if two produkter are in the same
group the pair will have a 1 in the matrix
otherwise 0. Summed across respondents - Paired comparisons (n(n-1)/2)
- all pairwise comparisons are presented. All pairs
are evaluated on a rating scale. Full matrix pr.
respondent - Conditional rankings
- Evaluation of products compared to a reference
product. All products become reference products.
Each row in the proximity matrix consist the
evaluation with the row product as a standard.
18Conditional data collection- asymmetric matrices
19Derived approach
20Euclidean distance measure.
Derived proximities
In the MDS procedure
21Choice of MDS procedure
- Non-metric MDS
- input data are on an ordinal scale
- ordinal correspondence between input and output
- Metric MDS
- input data on an interval scale
- Based on individual data or on aggregated data
22History of MDS
- Metric MDS
- Torgerson(1952) teh first well-known
MDS-proposal. Fits the Euclidean model - Non-metric MDS
- Kruskal(1964)
- Individual differences are taken into account
- CarrollChang(1970) introduces the INDSCAL
model - Consolidation
- Takane,YoungdeLeeuw(1977) ALSCAL combines
metric/non-metric scaling in one algorithm. - Ramsay(1977) MultiScale introduceres tests of
significance based on maximum-likelihood
23Torgersons contribution.
D (proximity-matrix) X matrix of coordinates
in the map. Number of dimensions in the map q
If X is known, it is straightforward to calculate
B and D . Torgersons contribution is to show,
that B and X can be found , if D is known.
24Torgersons contribution.
From the definition of B it follows
Hence D can be calculated from B and B can be
calculated from D
25Torgersons contribution.
D D2 B
Scalar- product matrix
26Torgersons contribution.
27Example continued.
28If B is not positive semi-definite.(if the
observed dissimilarity matrix is not Euclidean)
If many big negative eigenvalues, then the
classical MDS solution is not trustworthy.
- X is not a unique solution
- Rotation
- Reflection
- Move from one place to another
- Classical scaling is often called
- Principal coordinates analysis
30Non- metric scaling.
Optimal scaling The monotone transformation of
proximities leading
to the greatest possible correspondence
to the distances in the
map. Kruskals least squares monotonic
closest in a least-squares sense.
If metric then linear regression. If non-metric
then monotone regression
31Example Dillon p.132.
Iteration history for the 2 dimensional
solution (in squared distances)
Young's S-stress formula 1 is used.
Iteration S-stress Improvement
1 ,14147
2 ,10118 ,04029
3 ,08784 ,01334
4 ,07757 ,01026
5 ,06898
,00859 6 ,06263
,00635 7 ,05815
,00448 8
,05479 ,00336 9
,05204 ,00276 10
,04977 ,00227
11 ,04789 ,00188
12 ,04632 ,00157
13 ,04503 ,00128
14 ,04410 ,00094
Iterations stopped
because S-stress improvement is
less than ,001000
32(No Transcript)
33Shepard- diagram.
34(No Transcript)
35Example 2.
- Perceived similarity between 12 countries
36Syntax to SPSS
ALSCAL VARIABLES brazil congo cuba egypt
france india israel japan china ussr usa yugo
37 Young's S-stress formula 1 is used.
Iteration S-stress Improvement
1 ,28855
2 ,26085 ,02770
3 ,25752 ,00333
4 ,25648 ,00103
5 ,25618
,00030 Iterations
stopped because S-stress
improvement is less than ,001000
Stress and squared correlation (RSQ) in
distances RSQ values are the proportion of
variance of the scaled data (disparities)
in the partition (row, matrix, or entire data)
which is accounted for by their
corresponding distances. Stress
values are Kruskal's stress formula 1.
For matrix Stress ,20327
RSQ ,70335
38(No Transcript)
39The fundamental equation in least-squares
Simila- Disparity Distance
Error rity
- Different STRESS-values dependent upon program,
but often Kruskal STRESS1
Dillon p.129.
41Treatment of ties
- Primary approach
- Secondary approach
No restrictions on distances in map
If (dis)similarities are ranked then
Normally weak monotonicity and primary approach
to ties
43Size of STRESS1
Kruskals rule of thumb
Stress-value Goodness of fit 0,20
Poor 0,10
Fair 0,05
Good 0,025
Guttman lt0,15
44Number of dimensions
- Trade-off
- best fit in fewest possible dimensions
- lack of fit measure
- Apriori knowledge
- Interpretation of result
- Elbow criterion
- Fit regression
- Correspondence to evaluation of attributes
- The same with objective criteria
- Show the map to a person with intensive knowledge
about the market - Take your starting point in the most extreme
products in the map
46Reliability and validity
- Coefficient of determination(gt0,6)
- If aggregated solution then split and make
separate analyses - Drop one product and see what happens
- Add a stochastic element to the input