Title: December, 2001
1ICC Business Plan
2Table of Contents
- Environmental Scan
- Business Mission
- Services and Products
- Customers
- Organizational Chart
- Marketing Strategy
- Sustainability
3Environmental Scan
- ICC Business Plan Part One
4Environmental Scan
Over 200,000 people are without health insurance
and/or are medically indigent in the three county
area. A relatively small number of safety net
providers shoulder nearly all of the burden of
serving these people. As a result, their
resources are being stretched too thin, and their
survival is threatened. These providers do not
deliver care in a single health care system
they have separate identities and structures.
All serve clear market niches, and the survival
of all is critical to the safety net structure.
5ICC Business Mission
- ICC Business Plan Part Two
6Overall ICC Mission
- Affordable access to quality health care for
all residents of Williamson, Travis, and Hays
7ICC Business Mission
- To reduce costs to, and burden on, ICC member
providers for caring for the medically indigent,
through collaborative initiatives and ventures. - To support and help launch a funding initiative
for safety net health care providers by 2004 that
is comparable in scope to large scale,
comprehensive initiatives in Texas Hospital
Financing Districts and in other reference
counties across the country. - To generate annual core income of up to 1
million for ICC operations and initiatives by
8ICC Initiatives, Services and Products
- ICC Business Plan Part Three
9Features of Initiatives, Services and Product
- Development of and access to provider network
serving the uninsured. - Lower costs, better care management, more medical
homes, and improved patient and provider control
of care. - Voluntary participation no penalties for those
who do not participate, but incentives for those
who do. - Access to useful individual and aggregate health
information for better quality care.
10ICC Initiatives
- Expanding MAP, CHIP, SETON Care Plus
- Project Access (TCMS)
- Pharmacy Initiative
- Employer-based Insurance Expansion
- Call Center
- MH/Primary Care Pilot
- Oral Health
- Urgent Care
11ICC Services
- Development of system financing options.
- Research, consultation, and evaluation
- Discounted pharmacy program
- Discounted labs and specialty referrals
- Common provider training calendar
- Patient tracking
- Aggregate data reports
- Facilitation of collaborations and promotion of
new initiatives
12ICC Product
- Master Patient Index/Clinical Data Repository
(MPI/CDR) - The MPI/CDR will house in electronic form
demographic, encounter, pharmacy, and lab data
for uninsured adults. These data will be
available in individual and aggregate form to ICC
members and, under limited conditions, to outside
13Supporting and Launching a Funding Initiative
- Providing research and information to community
leaders about indigent health care - Working collaboratively to develop future system
structural and financing options - Developing communications strategies that inform
the general public
14ICC Customers
- ICC Business Plan Part Four
15Our Customers
- Primary Customers.
- (The people we serve.)
- Secondary Customers.
- (The people who support our work.)
16Two Sets of Primary Customers
- Indigent Patients
- Our patients are primarily uninsured, low income,
with multiple health/MH needs, disproportionately
Latino/Mexican American, with poorer than average
access to health care. They need, but do not
have, medical homes.
- Safety Net Providers
- Our safety net providers are primarily clinics
and hospitals that serve indigent populations,
with some involvement by private practice
physicians. They rely heavily on both grants and
public dollars to support indigent care.
17Risks/Responses to ICC Customers in Initiatives
and Product
- Risk
- Loss of brand identity
- Loss of control of patient data
- Loss of services
- Loss of revenue and market share in reorganized
system - Increase of market share without increased
revenues - Loss of values
- Response
- Current initiatives stay in place
- Formal confidentiality and consent agreements
- Improved coordination of existing services
- New revenues to be raised and shared among
partners - Partner agreements not to shift burden to others
Physician initiative - Consensus-driven mission
18Our Secondary Customers
- The tax-paying and voting public.
- Foundations.
- Government officials and leaders, including
elected officials. - Our donors and grantmakers.
- Third party payors.
- Potentially, researchers.
19ICC Organizational Chart
- ICC Business Plan Part Five
20ICC Organizational Chart
Updated as of November, 2001
21Organizations with ICC Board Representation
- City of Austin Primary Care Department
- SETON HC Network
- St Davids HC System
- Peoples Community Clinic
- Williamson County and Cities Health Dept.
- Austin Travis County Health and Human Services
- Austin Travis County MHMR Center
- El Buen Samaritano
- Volunteer HC Clinic
- Central Texas Medical Center
- Planned Parenthood of the Texas Capital Region
- Travis County Medical Society
22ICC Marketing Plan
- ICC Business Plan Part Six
23ICC Communications Strategies Marketing to
- Adoption of Communications Plan and Strategies
for reaching patients, providers, and public. - Development of ICC Logo, and ICCare program
aimed at patients. - Development of mass media messages for public.
- Implementation of Web-based communications
strategies for partners.
24The Marketing Plan
- Patients
- Voluntary Access to Network
- Reduced forms, fewer questions
- ID Card
- Discounts (future)
- Call Line
- More control over personal health data
- Providers
- Improved access to individual health data
- Improved referral system
- Better patient follow-up monitoring
- Increased dollars, reduced costs over time
- Help with HIPAA compliance
- ICC Business Plan Part Seven
26Three Year Development Phase Financing Plan
Projections current as of July, 2001
- Projected cost for ICC of through June, 2004
- Total committed by July, 2001 (62)
- Committed 7-01 thru 12-01 (20)
- To Be Raised by July 2004 (18)
- Core operations 850,000
- MPI/CDR/Project Access 3,200,000
- Total 4,050,000
- Core operations (RWJ) 700,000
- MPI/CDR/Project Access 1,800,000
- (HRSA,Ascension)
- Total 2,500,000
- MPI/CDR/Project Access
- (HRSA, TCMS) 830,000
- Core operations 150,000
- MPI/CDR/Project Access 570,000
- Total 720,000
27Future Costs of ICC Products and Services
- Ongoing projected annual cost of ICC operations
only for core operations - Ongoing projected annual cost of maintaining
current MPI/CDR product - Target annual revenue (including future research
and development costs)
- 300,000
- 500,000
- 1,000,000
28Plan for Ongoing Support
- Partner Contributions from Reduced Costs of Doing
Business. - Foundation Grants and Awards.
- Government Grants.
- HFD Funding (if approved by voters).
- Fees for Use of Services and Aggregate Databases.
- Self-sustaining MPI/CDR program through fees
and/or assessments.