Title: Living locally: Learning globally
1Living locally Learning globally
Anderson High School School of Ambition
2Treasure within
Somehow educators have forgotten the important
connection between teachers and students. We
listen to outside experts to inform us, and,
consequently overlook the treasure in our very
own backyards the students. (Soo Hoo, 1993,
p. 389)
3Making the change Making the difference
Towards A Curriculum of Excellence gt Effective
contributors gt Confident individuals gt
Responsible citizens gt Successful learners
4The longest distance in the world is between an
official state curriculum policy and what goes on
in a childs mind Peter Schrag, 1988
- Developing AHS SoA projects
- Staff and students creating and producing
educational resources - Looking towards sustainability after School of
Ambition funding
5Promoting student leadership
Anderson High School School of Ambition
6Encouraging student leadership
Sharing Perspectives Biology Modern
Studies Global Images International Enterprise
Shetland Fishing Industry SRC Sharing
7- S4 Club xl will plan, prepare and undertake a
visit to Cape Town to share the caring with young
people in South Africa
Club xl
Sharing the caring
8Encouraging student leadership
- Students are included in the planning stages
- Students work on the learning and teaching
material - Student create learning resources
- Students evaluate important issues that should
be addressed
9Making the difference
- If you think youre too small to make a
difference, youve never been in bed with a