Lecture 1: Optimization Problem - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 1: Optimization Problem


... changes slightly, that is, what are the comparative statics properties? ... Comparative statics. What is the effect of a parameter change on the optimal choice? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lecture 1: Optimization Problem

Lecture 1 Optimization Problem
  • Mainstream economics is founded on optimization
  • The cornerstone of economic theory is rational
    utility maximization.
  • In order to say something about how we expect
    economic man to act in this or that situation we
    need to be able to solve the relevant
    optimization problem.

The Structure of an Optimization Problem
  • The basic elements of an optimization problem
  • the objective function, the available choices.
  • The questions here is
  • what do we want to accomplish?
  • what can we do about it? and
  • are there any restrictions on what we can do?

  • Typically we are interested in questions such as
  • Does a solution to the problem exist, i.e. is
    there a best course of action among the available
  • If a solution exists then what are its
    properties? Is it unique is it an interior
    solution or a corner solution etc?
  • How does the solution change if the environment
    changes slightly, that is, what are the
    comparative statics properties?

  • To be able to address these questions we need to
    look in depth on some mathematical properties of
    the objective function and the feasible set,
    i.e., the admissible set of actions or choices.
  • Suppose we wish to maximize (or minimize) a
    function f by choosing some action x in the set
    of feasible actions X.
  • Clearly, x maximizes f if f(x) f(x) for all

  • What are the properties of the objective function
    and the feasible set that are of relevance for
    the existence and uniqueness of solutions to
    optimization problems.

The objective function
  • Typical objective functions in economics are
    utility-, profit-, cost and welfare-functions.
  • Two properties of particular interest concerning
    the objective function is
  • continuity and
  • concavity, or quasi-concavity.
  • Continuity simply means that small changes in the
    arguments of the objective function should not
    lead to jumps in the value of the objective
    function. Specifically, we want to rule out ...
  • Graph

  • Concavity. A function f is said to be concave if,
  • f(tx (1 t)x) tf(x) (1- t)f(x)
  • Graph
  • Quasi-concavity. A function f(x) is quasi concave
  • f(x) f(x) ? f(tx) (1- t)f(x)
    f(x) 0 t 1
  • Graph

The feasible set
  • We are interested in the following properties
  • Non-emptiness If there are no admissible
    actions, e.g., due to mutually exclusive
    constraints, then a solution cannot exist.
  • Closedness If the set is open then the optimal
    solution could lie on the border of the set which
    is not included in the set. For any given point
    in the set there is then always another slightly
    better point.
  • Boundedness To ensure existence of a solution.
    For most economic problem this is a very natural
    restriction. A set that is closed and bounded is
    sometimes said to be compact.

  • Convexity A set X is convex if x, x'?X and x
    kx (1-k)x'?X, k?0,1.
  • It is strictly convex if a convex combination of
    boundary points, excluding the endpoints, lies in
    the interior of the set.
  • Graph
  • This affects whether solutions are local or
    global optima.

  • Even for problems that are not mathematically
    well behaved there may well exist solutions in
    specific cases. It is, however, useful to know
    under what general conditions we can ensure that
    there exist a solution to an optimization
  • A continuous objective function together with a
    feasible set that satisfies the first three
    properties, i.e., non-emptiness and
    compactness,is by Wierstrass theorem sufficient
    to ensure that a solution exists.

Local and global optima
  • Examples of local and global optima is contained
    in Graphs 2.8.
  • (a) Non-convex feasible set.
  • (b) Non-quasi-concave objective function.
  • Graph
  • A local maximum is always a global maximum if
  • the objective function is quasi-concave, and
  • the feasible set is convex.
  • The idea is that if x is a local maximum and
    there exists a global maximum x' then a convex
    combination x is always as good as, and at the
    point x' better than, x since f is quasi
    concave. Hence, x cannot be a local optimum.

  • If the feasible set is convex and the objective
    function is non-constant and quasi-concave then a
    solution is unique if
  • (a) the feasible set is strictly convex, or
  • (b) the objective function is strictly
    quasi-concave, or
  • (c) both
  • Suppose x and x' are both optimal and let x be a
    convex combination.
  • Since f is strictly quasi-concave this
    contradicts optimality. If the feasible set is
    strictly convex then x lies in the interior of
    the set.

Interior and boundary optima
  • If the optimal point is an interior point, a so
    called Bliss point, then the solution is not
    affected by marginal changes in the constraints
    determining the feasible set.
  • A relatively weak assumption ensuring that at
    least some constraint will bind is Local

  • This means that it is always possible to find a
    small change in some variable that increases the
    value of the objective function.

The envelope theorem
  • Consider a well behaved optimization problem
    where there exist a unique x that maximizes
    f(x,a) for any given value of the parameter a.
    The value of the optimal x typically depends on a
    and we can express this dependence as x(a).
  • The maximal value of the objective function for a
    given a is then M(a) f(x(a),a). The effect on f
    of a change in a is,

  • since the FOC for the choice of x requires that
  • Thus the only effect of a change in a on the
    maximized objective function is the direct

Comparative statics
  • What is the effect of a parameter change on the
    optimal choice? This can be derived from the FOC.
    Differentiating the FOC with respect to a yields,
  • Since the SOC requires the denominator in the
    last ratio to be negative the sign of dx(a)/da
    equal the sign of the cross derivative.

A few words on matrix algebra
  • Consider the following linear equation system
  • y 4 - 2/3 x
  • y -1 x
  • This can be rewritten as
  • 2x 3 y 12
  • -x y -1
  • Or written on matrix form as follows,

  • where the first factor is sometimes called a
    coefficient matrix.
  • NOTE A convenient way of solving for x and y is
    to use Cramers rule which says that x is the
    ratio of two determinants based on the
    coefficient matrix,
  • and

  • In the first matrix the first column of the
    coefficient matrix is replaced by the column
    vector on the right hand side of the matrix
  • The determinant of a 2x2 matrix is the product of
    the north-west and south-east elements minus the
    product of the north-east and south-east

  • Applying this to our problem yields,
  • To solve for y, we replace the second column by

  • Note for larger matrixes we can expand along a
    row or column keeping in mind that the sign
    alternates depending on the position of the aij
    element and is given by (-1)ij. Below a 3x3
    example where we expand along the first column,

Unconstrained optimization with more than one
choice variable
  • Consider the following maximization problem,
  • At a peak the surface should be flat so that a
    very small move in any direction should leave us
    at the same altitude, i.e.,

  • Thus the partial derivatives must all equal zero
    which means that the FOC is very similar to the
    one variable case. While the SOC looks different
    as compared to the one variable case the basic
    idea is the same.

  • If we move away from the peak the terrain should
    slope downward in every direction. Thus,
  • The reason that the condition is more complex is
    that it is not sufficient that 2nd derivatives
    with respect to each of the choice variables are

  • We also need to take the cross effects into
    account. Even if f11 lt 0 an increase in x1 may
    raise the marginal effects of other variables on
    f, e.g. f21 gt 0.
  • The above expression can be restated in matrix

  • It turns out that this condition holds if the
    matrix of 2nd derivatives, the Hessian, is
    negative semi-definite.
  • This can be determined by checking the sign of
    determinant and the principal minors of the

  • Using a 2-Variable Example.
  • The Hessian of f(x1, x2) is given by,
  • This is negative definite if
  • and

  • Intuitively, the first expression tells us that
    fs degree of concavity wrt x1.
  • Given that f11lt 0 the first term in the second
    expression can only be positive if f22lt 0.
    Moreover the product of these terms have to
    dominate the negative cross effect term (f12

  • Contour sets
  • These are particularly useful for illustrating 2
    variable problems. (Examples indifference and
    iso-profit and iso-cost curves). The contour set
    of a function f of two variables x1 and x2 is
    defined as

  • If the objective function is continuous then the
    contour set is also continuous. If f is
    differentiable then we can obtain the slope of
    the contour set can be obtained by
    differentiating f.
  • If both f1 and f2 are positive the contour sets
    are downward sloping.

  • The contour is said to be concave if
  • Graph
  • The definition of quasi concavity implies that
    quasi concave functions have concave contours.

Constrained optimization The Lagrange method.
  • Many maximization/minimization problems are
    trivial without constraints.
  • For instance,
  • Utility maximization without a budget constraint
    yields infinite consumption.
  • Cost minimization without a quantity target
    yields zero production.
  • Consider the following problem

  • Intuitively, we are looking for a tangency point
    between the boundary of the feasible set and the
    highest possible contour of the objective
  • Note that g(x1,x2) b defines a contour and that
    g1dx1 g2dx2 0.
  • Thus, the slope of the contour is,

  • Similarly, the slope of the contour of the
    objective function is
  • In an optimal point it must thus be true that (1)
  • (2)

  • We can express (1) as
  • where is simply the value of the ratio at the
    optimal point.
  • Now we can rewrite the optimum conditions (i) and
    (ii) as follows

  • These equations can be solved for the
  • variables

  • Note that the above conditions are the very same
    conditions that result if we maximize the
    Lagrange function

  • Interpretation of ?
  • The marginal burden on the constraint if we
    increase one variable is measured by the first
    derivative wrt that variable. The constraint may
    be expressed in different units than the
    objective function.
  • For example, a small change in consumption of a
    good has a monetary effect on the budget
    constraint but its effect on the objective
    function is measured in terms of utility.

  • Also, if increasing one variable has a greater
    effect on the constraint it must have a
    correspondingly greater effect on the objective
  • ? can be said to be the conversion factor that
    tells us how much effect we get per unit of the

The Envelope Theorem in a Lagrange Problem
  • s.t.
  • The Lagrange function is L

Let x be the optimal x and let v be defined by.
  • The envelope theorem then implies that
  • To see this we differentiate v totally
  • where the terms in brackets equal 0 by the FOC.

  • Example Consider the following maximization
  • s.t.

  • From the Langrage
  • (1)
  • (2)
  • (3)

  • From (1) and (2)
  • From (3)
  • Again, recall the maximized expression v and
    differentiate v totally

  • The Envelope Theorem
  • The envelop theorem says that the total effect on
    the optimized value of the objective function
    where a parameter changes ( and so, presumably,
    the whole problem must be reoptimized) can be
    deduced simply by taking the partial of the
    problems langragian with respect to the
    parameter and then evaluating that derivative at
    the original problems first order Kuhn-Turker

  • The theorem applies regardless of the number of
    constraints, with the usual proviso that there be
    fewer constraints than choice variables. Note the
    theorem is not so obviously true.
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