Title: W and Z with 10 fb1 of data
1W and Z with 10 fb-1 of data
- Kamal Benslama
- Kevin Black
- Stephane Willocq
- Introduction Why Z/W
- What we know today
- Basic Theoretical Framework
- Current Bounds
- What we can hope to do in 10 fb-1 of data?
- Update of Z Rome Analysis
- Start of W Analysis
- Plans
3Introduction Why new Gauge Bosons?
- Standard model based on local gauge invariance
- SU(3)C x SU(2)Wx U(1)Y
- Natural to ask Are these all of the fundamental
interactions of nature? What are the limits on
more? - The Standard Model is an effective theory
likely to break down at the electroweak scale
natural to think that we might find evidence for
new gauge forces at this scale
4What kind?
- Three types
- Confined Perhaps some of the particles we see
today are composites bound by some new confined
force (eg, Top color) - Coulomb More forces that are so week we havent
seen them yet - Higgs type Heavier cousins of the W and Z
getting mass from some scaled up version of the
Higgs - Focus on new Gauge Bosons with Standard Model
like coupling - First worry about finding new physics, then
find out what it is
5Where could the Z/W come from?
- Many good reasons to look for new gauge bosons
(just as we look for new fermions) - Many theories argue for the existence of new
gauge bosons to shed light on mysteries of the SM - GUT with large gauge groups break down to SM
extra gauge bosons at lower energies - Extra Dimensions- Bulk has copies (KK modes) of
SM gauge bosons which are massive - TopColor-gtbreak electroweak symmetry breaking
- Little Higgs
- New SUSY theories
MW gt 842 GeV (205 pb-1) MZ gt 845 GeV(448
pb-1) ?Br lt 24 fb
- Note BF(g/Z/Z ? ??-) factored into the
calculation of the luminosity
- Samples Z ? ? ?- with SM-like
couplingsSamples generated and simulated at U.
MontrealPythia process 141 q q-bar ?
gamma/Z/Z ? ? ?-with low mass cutoff of 500
GeV for SSM 1000 SSM 2000
1000 GeV for SSM 3000 SSM 4000
1 TeV W-gtl nu with SM-like couplings
(Benslama/Black) 10.0.1 20 K events, W-gt?? (?BF
3312.6 fb) 4.8 fb-1
8Muon Perfomrance at very high Pt
Muon (AOD) efficiencies resolution (rel.10.0.4)
9Z-gt? ?
- Event Requirements
- Two Muons with opposite charge
- ??lt2.5
- pTgt 10 GeV
- less than 20 GeV of energy in cone of 0.4 around
muon - HighPt Algorithm only, both inner detector and
muon spectrometer track
10Invariant Mass Distributions (1 TeV)
Fit to Breit-Wigner 1st order polynomial
Fit to Gaussian 1st order polynomial
11At 2 TeV
Fit to Breit-Wigner 1st order polynomial
Fit to Gaussian 1st order polynomial
12At 3 TeV
Fit to Gaussian 1st order polynomial
13At 4 TeV
Not enough statistics for fit ? ignore
14Z Summary
Simple fit to a Gaussian 1st order polynomial?
anticipated number of observed Z ? ? ?- signal
15Z Backgrounds
16Background Distribution
Apply all cuts except dimuon charge, high-pT alg
and combined mu requirements
Plots normalized to 10 fb-1
17Background Distributions
Apply all cuts except dimuon charge, high-pT alg
and combined mu requirements
Plots normalized to 10 fb-1
18Background Distributions
Apply all cuts
19Background Distributions
Apply all cuts
20W Signal and Background
- Selection
- ET gt 100 GeV
- Muon
- Isolated,
- highPt Algorithm only
- both inner and muon detector track
(pT match within 20) - pT gt 75 GeV
22W Signal and Background
23W Summary
24Event Count
- For simple cuts, 3987 events for a 1 TeV W in 10
fb-1 of data - Most backgrounds are very small after cuts,
however in the far tails of the distribution need
more MC to extract meaningful numbers (study W-gtl
nu in fast MC to get a better estimate) , fakes
will take more work to get a reasonable handle on
25Conclusions and Plans
- As expected, backgrounds for both Z and W
appear very small (though long tail of Drell-Yan
needs to be very well understood) - Both should be easily observable up to a few
TeV with 10 fb-1 of data - Plans
- Continue to work on reconstruction performance
(wanted to use more recent version of
simulation/digitization/reconstruction but some
bugs) - November, trigger simulator should be in testing
stage (Black) has agreed to test muon trigger for
UTF. Use Z, W as test case. - Look at ?e, and ? channels