Title: An Introduction to Propositional Logic
1An Introduction to Propositional Logic
Translations Ordinary Language to Propositional
2What is a Proposition?
- Propositions are the meanings of statements.
- I have no money
- Ich habe kein geld.
- Meanings are the thoughts, concepts, ideas we
are trying to convey through speech and writing.
3Simple Propositions
- Fast foods tend to be unhealthy.
- Parakeets are colorful birds.
- (p. 290)
- Simple propositions are grammatically
independent expressions of information.
4Compound Propositions
- If fast foods tend to be unhealthy, then you
shouldnt eat them. - Parakeets are colorful birds, and colorful birds
are good to have at home.
- People are free, if and only if they can choose
their actions and there are no forces compelling
those actions.
5The Logic of Propositions
- To identify both simple and compound propositions
- To use this identification to
- Identify common patterns of thinking, and
- x
6The Focus of Propositional Logic
- Propositional truth is determined by consulting
typical sources of information. - Propositional logic is determined by examining
how various propositions are related.
7Types of relations between propositions
- 1 proposition is offered in support of another
(simple argument) - 1 proposition expressed the condition under which
a 2nd proposition is true (conditional statement) - 1 sentence offers two proposed alternatives, and
a 2nd proposition negates one of these
alternatives (disjunctive syllogism)
8Propositional Symbols
- Symbolizing propositions allows us to focus on
the relations between propositions (logic) rather
than the content of those propositions (truth).
9Module Objectives - 1
- Learn how to symbolize complex propositions
- Simple propositions, which express
grammatically independent units of information,
are easy to symbolize It is cold C
- Complex propositions are sentences which contain
2 or more simple propositions. These can be more
difficult to symbolize.
10Module Objectives - 2
- Learn how to determine the truth-value of complex
propositions - Remember, an argument can only establish the
truth of its conclusion if all its premises are
true (and its reasoning is valid)
- Fees are rising at UCLA is either true or
false - Either fees are rising or services are being
cut back could be true or false depending on
the actual situation regarding fees and services
at UCLA.
11Module Objectives - 3
- Create and interpret truth tables for both
propositions and arguments (series of
Truth tables allow us to see all possible
conditions under which a statement could be true
and could be false.
12Module Objectives 4 5
- Learn to recognize common argument forms, and
know when an argument form is valid or invalid - Prove that an argument is valid or invalid when
it doesnt fit a common argument form.
13Basics of Propositional Logic
All arguments are reducible to symbols, which
represent either
elements of an argument
or ways these elements are put together.
- All arguments contain statements, by definition.
Each statement is represented by a propositional
variable p, q, r, s
- All arguments also contain connections, or ways
in which individual propositions are related.
Each of these connections are represented by one
of five operators
Putting propositional variables together with
operators creates a statement form, or a
symbolic blueprint identifying typical structures
of English expressions.
14Propositional Operators
(tilde, negation)
Not, it is false that, conjunctions like dont
(dot, conjunction)
And, also, but, in addition, moreover
v (wedge, either-or)
Or, unless
gt (implication or conditional, if,then).
Is a sufficient (or necessary) condition of,
if-then, implies, given that, only if
? (biconditional, if and only if)
If and only if, is equivalent to, is a sufficient
and necessary condition of
15Note on the Tilde
1. All operators except the tilde must relate at
least two propositions.
2. The tilde negates either a proposition
directly, or an operator relating to propositions
(by standing directly before a parentheses/bracket
/etc.) .
16Examples of Tilde Functions
p not p p is not true, etc
p ? q p is false and q is false p and q
are both false
( p ? q ) not both p and q (maybe one is true
and one false)
17Rules for Operator Types - 1
If there is more than one operator (excluding
tildes), then some portion of the statement must
be included in parentheses/brackets/etc.
18Rules for Operator Types - 2
The tilde negates either a proposition directly,
or an operator relating to propositions (by
standing directly before a parentheses/bracket/etc
19Working with Propositional Symbols - 1
20Working with Propositional Symbols - 2
21Working with Propositional Symbols - 3
22Tips for Translation
- Use clue words
- If, then on the condition that gt
- Both and also etc ?
- Either, or or maybe both v
- If one, then the other if and only if always
occur together - Negation it is not true that, not