Title: Roman Empire Decline and Fall Legacy to Western Civilization
1Roman EmpireDecline and FallLegacy to Western
2Roman Empire 450 C.E.
3Overextension of the Administration
4Internal Domestic Conflict
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6Collapse of the Economy
7Middle Class Impoverished
8Military Defeat
9Roman Army Experiencing Defeat
10The Empire Ceased To Be Roman
11Failure of Leadership
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14Doubts Over Ideology
15Rise of Christianity
16New World View Spirituality More Important Than
The Empire
17Roman Culture Legacy to Western Civilization
18Empire Survives in the East
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20Republican Form of Government
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22Roman Citizenship
23Roman Culture Syncretism of Foreign Ideas and
24Cultural Syncretism Greek and Roman
25Legacy of Christianity Emperor Constantine
I (227-337 C.E.)
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28First Among Equals Christian Bishops Become a
Powerful Force in the West
29Christian Missionaries Literacy and
Education Impact on the Pagan World
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31The Church became the conduit of Roman law,
administration and culture, from the past through
the Medieval period and into the present
32Christianization Of German Tribes
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3410th Century Europe Priests and Monks in the
Service of German Nobles
35Monasteries Think Tanks Medieval Period
3614th Century European Culture Becomes The
Culture of the Roman Catholic Church
37Click Here For Home Page