Title: Bank Recon
1Bank Recon
2When you enter the bank reconciliation screen,
you are presented with a list of all the bank
accounts and their summary information.
3You can choose to do a manual recon which
entails ticking off items from your bank
statement or the system recon, where you upload
the bank statement from your internet banking
site and have the system automatically match
whatever it can, while you reconcile only the
4Here I have chosen to do a manual recon of one of
my trust accounts. I will sit with my bank
statement and tick each transaction while the
totals run at the bottom.
5Once you click on this button and select the bank
statement you wish to reconcile, GhostPractice
will reconcile items where an amount/ reference
are an exact match, leaving you to reconcile only
the differences.
6Once the items from the bank statement are
entered, the system automatically compares these
items with the GhostPractice bank account you
have selected. Items with identical reference
numbers and amounts are matched automatically and
the remaining items need to be matched by the
- Please note This has been a highlighted
presentation of Bank Recon in GhostPractice. We
would welcome the opportunity to present and
discuss GhostPractice with your firm. - Please call Matthew Spagnoletti on 082 568 4738
to set up an obligation free demonstration of